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Random Whale Factsreport

  •  Because whales have so much blubber, they would easily float. To counteract this, their bones are extra heavy.[whale]

  •  During the 20th century, whalers killed nearly 3 million whales, and nearly wiped out 90% of all blue whales. Humpback and blue whales remain close to extinction.[whale]

  •  There are 78 species of whales on earth.[whale]

  •  Despite being so massive, this giant of the ocean feeds on some of the smallest marine life – tiny shrimp like animals called krill. A single adult blue whale can consume 36,000 kg of krill a day.[whale]

  •  When they sleep, sperm whales hang vertically in the water with their noses poking poking out of the water.[whale]

  •  The longest living whale is the Bowhead whale. They can live over 200 years, making them the oldest living mammals on earth.[whale]

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