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Random Fun Factsreport

  •  A "glisk" is sunlight that is glimpsed through a break in the clouds, a fleeting glance at a glittering sight, a brief glow of warmth from a fire that's burned low. It can also mean a sudden flash of hope in the heart.[Fun]

  •  When humans take a breath, they replace only 15% of the air in their lungs with fresh air. When dolphins take a breath, they replace 90% of the air in their lungs with fresh air.[Fun]

  •  Riding or sitting on a sea turtle in the United States is a 3rd degree felony.[Fun]

  •  The bird on the Twitter logo is named "Larry." He was named after the basketball player Larry Bird, who played for the Boston Celtics.[Fun]

  •  The name "coronavirus" is derived from the Latin word "corona," meaning "crown" or "halo." This refers to the appearance of a crown or a solar corona around the virus particles.[Fun]

  •  A human loses about a million skin cells per 24 hours.[Fun]

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