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  •  In Bellevue, Ohio, public and private wastes were dumped into sinkholes and wells beginning in 1872. Over 120 years later, those wastes still show up in drinking water. In some wells, raw sewage from that era, including un-decomposed toilet tissue, can still be found.[tap water]

  •  Ancient Hebrews are unique in that they did not believe dreams originated in the realm of the dead, but that they were prophetic messages from God. Therefore, and unlike their neighboring societies, they did not actively seek to induce dreams. An entire section of the Talmud is devoted to systematic analysis of dreams, nightmares, and visions.[Dreams]

  •  On a typical July 4th, approximately two out of five reported fires are caused by fireworks.[Fireworks]

  •  New carpets can be a source of chemical emissions. Customers should ask retailers about selecting lower-emitting carpet adhesive or about airing out the carpet before it is installed.[Carpet]

  •  A quake is considered major when it registers more than 7.0 on the moment magnitude scale. A magnitude of 3.0 or lower is nearly imperceptible.[Earthquakes]

  •  During the tragic 2019 Notre Dame fire, the cathedral's oak frame was destroyed. The oak beams were made from trees cut down between 1160 and 1170 AD and form one of the oldest parts of the cathedral. The cathedral's structure contained about 13,000 trees in total.[Oak Tree]

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