Random Animal Facts | Best Random Tools

  •  The "Monkey Orchid" is a flower that has evolved to look like the grinning face of a monkey. Ironically, instead of smelling like bananas, it smells like a ripe orange.[monkey]

  •  Some researchers predict that the average lifespan of individuals in the United States will most likely drop soon, due to health problems caused by wide-spread obesity.[aging]

  •  The Magellanic Penguin (Spheniscus magellanicus) is named after Ferdinand Magellan, who first saw them in 1520. Oil spills kill approximately 20,000 adult and 22,000 juvenile Magellanic Penguins off the coast of Argentina every year.[penguin]

  •  The dinosaur with the longest claws was the Therizinosaurus (“reaping lizard”). Its claws were up to 3 feet (1 m) long.[dinosaur]

  •  Approximately 75% of wild birds live for less than a year. The larger the bird, the more likely it is to live longer. The large wandering albatross, for example, can live for up to 80 years.[colorful bird]

  •  In the U.S., over 9 billion farm animals were slaughtered in 2009. The largest number by far were chickens, at nearly 8.7 billion, followed by 245.8 million turkeys, 33.5 million adult cattle, 22.8 million ducks, 2.6 million sheep and lambs, and 980,000 calves. Worldwide, over 50 billion chickens are slaughtered each year.[animal cruelty]

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