Random Human Body Facts | Best Random Tools

  •  Buddha described the mind as being filled with drunken monkeys who jumped, screeched, and chatted endlessly. Fear, according to Buddha, was an especially loud monkey. Buddha taught meditation as a way to tame the “drunken monkeys” in the mind.[Human Mind]

  •  The mind is typically defined as the organized totality or system of all mental processes or psychic activities of an individual.[Human Mind]

  •  An Egyptian papyri from around 1400 B.C.E. gives an account of one of the first recorded medical writing about breasts in discussing how to stimulate milk flow during lactation.  It recommended that the mother rub warm fish bones on her back or sit cross-legged and rub poppy plant on her breasts while she ate sour bread.[Breast]

  •  If a dreamer is awakened directly from REM sleep, he or she is more likely to remember the dream than if awoken during another stage of sleep or after a complete night’s sleep.[Dreams]

  •  Low-fat peanut butter actually has the same amount of calories as the full-fat version; manufacturers have to add several additional ingredients to make up for the missing fat, which contributes to the overall calorie count.[peanut butter]

  •  The FDA approved the first version of the Pill for contraceptive use on June 23, 1960.[Birth Control]

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