Random Elephant Facts | Best Random Tools

  •  Elephants can make over 25 different sounds, and each sound has its own meaning.[elephant]

  •  Elephants use infrasonic sounds below the threshold of human hearing to communicate long distances.[elephant]

  •  Researchers have documented elephants displaying grief, compassion, and humor. They have been known to rescue trapped dogs or even bury a deceased human.[elephant]

  •  Elephants eat up to 300 pounds of roots, grasses, fruit, and bark a day. In human terms, that is akin to eating 1,200 hamburgers.[elephant]

  •  Elephants actually walk on their tip toes. Behind their toes is a mass of soft tissue called a digital pad that acts as a shock absorber.[elephant]

  •  Elephants have pacinian corpuscles in the soles of their feet that help them detect seismic vibrations of the earth. Scientists believe that this helped many elephants survive the 2004 Asian tsunami.[elephant]

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