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  • The Dells -- Oh, What a Night Lyrics

    Do you recall the night, that very very special night
    Do you remember a girl, that very special girl
    Well to the old and to the new
    We rededicate this song to you
    Oh, what a night to love you dear
    Oh, what a night to hold you near
    Oh, what a night to squeeze you dear
    That's why I love you so
    Oh, what a night to love you dear
    Oh, what a night to want you dear
    Oh, what a night to kiss you dear
    That's why I love you so
    I won't forget all those things
    You have told to me
    The craze in my heart
    Won't let me forget your love
    Oh, what a night to love you dear
    Oh, what a night to want you dear
    Oh what a night to kiss you dear
    That's why I love you so
    Oh, what a night to love you dear
    Oh, what a night to want you dear
    Oh what a night to kiss you dear
    That's why I love you so
    No, no, no, no, no
    No, no, no, no, no
    One more night, I wanna hold you one more night
    I wanna make love to you one more night
    I want you baby, I want you baby
    I need you baby, I love you baby
    One more night

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About Random Lyrics Tool

Songs are part of our life, maybe you listen to music every day, but do you care about lyrics? You may remember your favorite song lyrics, but there are still many song lyrics better than the melody. Most of the time, we like a song because of its melody, but sometimes we pay attention to it because of its lyrics. We like a song, often attracted by the melody, but good lyrics will make you fall in love with it. We collected the top 634 highest rated song lyrics, this tool can help you choose songs, download lyrics and learn what kind of songs are perfect songs.

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