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  •  Voldemort’s wand is made of yew. Yew is seen by some as having immense supernatural power and being a symbol of death and rebirth, the same immortality that Voldemort seeks. Historically, nearly all wizards have used a magical wand of some sort that channels a wizard’s power and acts as a symbol of authority (such as a shepherd’s staff).[Harry Potter]

  •  Rowling said if she could take Polyjuice Potion for an hour, she would become Prime Minister Tony Blair. She also said that she would be dreadful at playing Quidditch as she is “not sporty,” “not great with heights,” and is “clumsy.”[Harry Potter]

  •  Rowling discovered “witchy” sounding names such as toadflax, goutwort, grommel, and others in Culpeper’s Complete Herbal, a famous book of herbal lore from the 1600s.[Harry Potter]

  •  Natalie McDonald, who appeared in Harry Potter and Goblet of Fire, was based on a real girl Rowling knew who was dying of leukemia.[Harry Potter]

  •  To prevent Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows from being leaked, it was given codenames, such as Edinburgh Potmakers and The Life and Times of Clara Rose Lovett: An Epic Novel Covering Many Generations.[Harry Potter]

  •  Hermione's Patronus is an otter. Ron Weasley's Patronus is a Jack Russell Terrier, which is known for chasing otters.[Harry Potter]

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