Random Octopus Facts | Best Random Tools

  •  The venom of a blue-ringed octopus can be fatal to humans.[octopus]

  •  Because the octopus's oxygen-carrying pigment (hemocyanin) isn't as efficient as hemoglobin, the octopus has evolved two accessory hearts.[octopus]

  •  An octopus named Otto threw rocks and sprayed water on a light above his aquarium in order to short-circuit it.[octopus]

  •  Like dolphins, crows, and chimpanzees, octopuses are part of a special class of animals that can use tools.[octopus]

  •  Octopuses have three hearts that pump blue, copper-based blood.[octopus]

  •  The mouth of an octopus is beneath its arms and has a sharp, hard beak.[octopus]

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