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Random Bee Factsreport

  •  Beethoven was bedridden for months before he died. An autopsy revealed severe cirrhosis and dilatation of the auditory and other related nerves in the ear.[Beethoven]

  •  In addition to the basics—water, grain, hops, and malt—beer can be brewed with nearly any conceivable ingredient and can take on an incredible range of flavors, textures, and aromas.[Beer]

  •  Root beer and ginger beer are not, in fact, beer in any sense.[Beer]

  •  Beethoven wrote his famous Piano Sonata No. 14 in C sharp minor ("Moonlight Sonata") for 16-year-old Giuletta Guicciardi. When he asked her parents for her hand in marriage, they refused, and they married her to another man instead.[Beethoven]

  •  While most people believe beets are about the size of a baseball, beets can be as small as a marble. Beets can also be round, oval, tapered, long, or flat.[beet]

  •  French scientist Louis Pasteur wrote a book on the "diseases" of beer and the causes of its spoilage.[Beer]

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