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  • Ptycta lunulata New, 1972 c g (Ptycta species)

  • Ptycta kauaiensis (Perkins, 1899) c g (Ptycta species)

  • Ptycta cruciata Badonnel, 1979 c g (Ptycta species)

  • Ptycta sardjani Endang & Thornton, 1992 c g (Ptycta species)

  • Ptycta molokaiensis (Perkins, 1899) c g (Ptycta species)

  • Ptycta lugosensis Smithers, Courtenay & Thornton, 1990 c g (Ptycta species)

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About This Tool

The Ptycta Species is a tiny, fragile insect that resembles a fly. They have a soft body, a pair of large compound eyes, and a pair of thin wings. At rest, the wings rest on the back, like the roof of a house. Daily like living in the trunk or Deadwood, but also living in the indoor or animal nest. In add Ptycta Species is a tiny, fragile insect that resembles a fly. They have a soft body, a pair of large compound eyes, and a pair of thin wings. At rest, the wings rest on the back, like the roof of a house. Daily like living in the trunk or Deadwood, but also living in the indoor or animal nest. In addition to gnawing on books, grains, specimens of plants and animals, we sometimes find Ptycta Species in tree bark or leaf litter.

There are so many species in the genus that 157 species have been found by humans and recorded by this random tool, including the exact scientific name of the species, the discoverer and the corresponding time and year of discovery. This generator information will further help experts who want to study the Ptycta Species more specifically.

Data sources: i = ITIS, c = Catalogue of Life, g = GBIF, b = Bugguide.net  

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