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  • Malthinus seriepunctatus Kiesenwetter, 1852

  • Rhagonycha limbata C. G. Thomson, 1864

  • Rhagonycha lignosa (O. F. Müller, 1764)

  • Malthinus balteatus Suffrian, 1851

  • Malthodes fibulatus Kiesenwetter, 1852

  • Cantharis cryptica Ashe, 1947

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About This Tool

There are approximately 41 Species of Soldier Beetle Species found in the UK, and a detailed list of them is included in this random tool. If the beetle encounters another member of the same species, two soldier beetles will duel first. This is to increase the fighting power of the entire species, which in turn determines the habits of food and male preference. Britain has a warm and cold climate all year-round, which makes it a perfect place for the Species to breed and reproduce.

There are hundreds of Species known around the world as the Soldier Beetle Species, but only a few dozen of them have been found in the UK so far. If you’re interested in these beetles, check out this generator list, where you can find the full scientific names of each species, their discoverers, and when they were discovered by humans.

Click the "Display All Items" button and you will get a list of soldier beetle (Cantharidae) species recorded in Britain.

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