Random Verbs | Best Random Tools

Random Verbsreport

  • random verb 1


    verb (used with object), swathed, swath·ing.

    to wrap, bind, or swaddle with bands of some material; wrap up closely or fully.
    to bandage.
    to enfold or envelop, as wrappings do.
    to wrap (cloth, rope, etc.) around something.


    a band of linen or the like in which something is wrapped; wrapping; bandage.
  • random verb 2


    verb (used with or without object)

    to splash and scatter upon impact: The paint splattered when I dropped the bucket.


    an act or instance of splattering.
    the quantity splattered: to wipe up a splatter of ketchup on the rug.


    characterized by gory imagery: splatter films.
  • random verb 3


    verb (used without object), e·loped, e·lop·ing.

    to run off secretly to be married, usually without the consent or knowledge of one's parents.
    to run away with a lover.
    to leave without permission or notification; escape: At age 21, the apprentice eloped from his master.
    (of a person with a mental disorder or cognitive impairment) to leave or run away from a safe area or safe premises.
  • random verb 4


    verb (used with object), pre·pared, pre·par·ing.

    to put in proper condition or readiness: to prepare a patient for surgery.
    to get (a meal) ready for eating, as by proper assembling, cooking, etc.
    to manufacture, compound, or compose: to prepare a cough syrup.
    Music. to lead up to (a discord, an embellishment, etc.) by some preliminary tone or tones.

    verb (used without object), pre·pared, pre·par·ing.

    to put things or oneself in readiness; get ready: to prepare for war.
  • random verb 5


    verb (used without object), lev·i·tat·ed, lev·i·tat·ing.

    to rise or float in the air, especially as a result of a supernatural power that overcomes gravity.

    verb (used with object), lev·i·tat·ed, lev·i·tat·ing.

    to cause to rise or float in the air.
  • random verb 6



    Biology. an aggregate of similar cells and cell products forming a definite kind of structural material with a specific function, in a multicellular organism.
    tissue paper.
    any of several kinds of soft gauzy papers used for various purposes: cleansing tissue; toilet tissue.
    an interwoven or interconnected series or mass: a tissue of falsehoods.

    verb (used with object), tis·sued, tis·su·ing.

    to remove (a cosmetic or cream) with a facial tissue (often followed by off): Tissue all cosmetics off the face before going to bed.
    to weave, especially with threads of gold and silver.

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About Random Verbs Tool

Verb is a kind of part of speech, which is generally used to express the words of action or state. We collected more than 32000 verbs, which included all the verbs we would use.

This page generates 6 random verbs by default. You can see the very detailed definition of each verb. You can also generate certain types of verbs through the generator at the top of the page, such as verbs containing certain letters, verbs with specified length range, and verbs with specified initial letter and last letter.

This random verb tool can help you learn and review verbs. When you can't remember the meaning or usage of a verb, you just need to input the possible letters, or the first and last letters from memory, and you can quickly find the verb. Therefore, this tool can be used as a learning tool and a word game tool.

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