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    Man of Miracles

    Man of Miracles

    [ranking: 32]
    First Appearance: Spawn #150
    The Man of Miracles is responsible for the creation of God and Satan in the Spawn Universe. He gave them Heaven and Hell to rule and is also well known in his human form as "Jesus Christ." Powers & Abilities: Omniscience, Shapeshifting, Immortality, Omnipresence



    [ranking: 44]

    Appears In: Teen Titans Go!



    [ranking: 56]

    Appears In: Batman: The Brave and the Bold, Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths, DC Universe

    Doctor Manhattan

    Doctor Manhattan

    [ranking: 11]

    Appears In: Watchmen, Watchmen

    Powers & Abilities: Flight, Precognition, Teleportation



    [ranking: 41]

    Appears In: Superman/Shazam!: The Return of Black Adam

    Powers & Abilities: Flight, Magic in Harry Potter, Telepathy, Superhuman speed

    The Presence

    The Presence

    [ranking: 24]
    First Appearance: More Fun Comics #52
    The Presence is the omnipotent omniscient, and omnipresent God and creator of the DC Universe. He appears very rarely, but in his first appearance, he was responsible for the creation of The Spectre. Appears In: DC Universe
    Powers & Abilities: Omniscience, Shapeshifting, Immortality, Omnipresence


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About Random Most Powerful Comic Book Characters Ever

It's an exciting tool for displaying random most powerful comic book characters ever. We collected a list of "Random Most Powerful Comic Book Characters Ever" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random most powerful comic book characters ever shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

The problem with ranking the most powerful characters in the history of comic books is that writers always want to top the top dog and add a more powerful character. Many of the characters on this list (and even some that aren't) have been called "the most powerful being in the galaxy."

Though new and more powerful characters are sure to be written in the future, as of writing, this list represents a ranking of the most powerful comic book characters ever. From the strongest DC characters to the mightiest of Marvel characters, this list has them all. 

These beings possess more than mere physical strength. Instead, they wield the broader ability to make, destroy or influence worlds. Many of them achieve their goals without lifting a finger and have never needed a weapon. Others excel at long-term planning or finding and wielding the strongest weapons. No matter how they achieved their power, each of them has earned a place on the list of the comic kingdom's most powerful players. Have a favorite character? Vote them up!

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