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    Batman and Iron Man

    Batman and Iron Man

    [ranking: 11]
    Similarities: Egotistical billionaires (one who's always, one who dons it as a facade) who use their wealth to build a suit and many toys to fight crime.
    Batman first appearance: Detective Comics #27 in May 1939Iron Man first appearance: Tales of Suspense #39 in March 1963

    Elongating Man and Mister Fantastic

    Elongating Man and Mister Fantastic

    [ranking: 4]
    Similarities: Stretchy, elastic-y super geniuses.
    Elongating Man first appearance: The Flash #112 in May 1960Mr. Fantastic first appearance: The Fantastic Four #1 in November 1961

    Solomon Grundy and Hulk

    Solomon Grundy and Hulk

    [ranking: 10]
    Similarities: Anti-heroes with super strength, healing factor, and virtually indestructible (and Hulk was originally gray).
    Solomon Grundy first appearance: All-American Comics #61 in October 1944Hulk first appearance: The Incredible Hulk #1 in May 1962

    Aquaman and Namor

    Aquaman and Namor

    [ranking: 2]
    Similarities: Arrogant, brash, not well liked, undersea titans who rule their own kingdom with smarm and charm.
    Aquaman first appearance: More Fun Comics #73 in November 1941Namor first appearance: Motion Picture Funnies Weekly in April 1939

    Catwoman and Black Cat

    Catwoman and Black Cat

    [ranking: 1]
    Similarities: Black latex clad cat-thieves who commonly gets romantically involved with their sometimes enemy/sometimes ally.
    Catwoman first appearance: Batman #1 in Spring 1940Black Cat first appearance: The Amazing Spider-Man #194 in July 1979

    Lobo and Wolverine

    Lobo and Wolverine

    [ranking: 8]
    Similarities: Short, hairy, foul mouthed fan favorite characters with a tendency to skewer (with a hook or claws) and chomp on cigars.
    Lobo first appearance: Omega Men #3 in June 1983Wolverine first appearance: The Incredible Hulk #180 in October 1974


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About Random Most Shameless Marvel/DC Counterparts & Analogs

It's an exciting tool for displaying random most shameless marvel/dc counterparts & analogs. We collected a list of "Random Most Shameless Marvel/DC Counterparts & Analogs" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random most shameless marvel/dc counterparts & analogs shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right? So, it's not a surprise when there are two main titans in the comic book industry that there be some... similarities.

Be it a broad generalization (team of gifted misfits fighting for those that hate them... Doom Patrol/X-Men) or... really specific, like cat burglars who don black spandex suits and team-up and occasionally sleep with their sometimes rival while walking the line between right and wrong (Catwoman/Black Cat).

Marvel and DC have even acknowledged these... coincidences at times, like the Amalgam universe where they met their alternate universe counterpart. We've decided to highlight just how bad it can get at times, these are the most shameless Marvel and DC analogs. 

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