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    age 73

    Susan Sarandon

    [ranking: 72]
    age 73

    age 46

    Seth Meyers

    [ranking: 143]
    age 46

    age 58

    Eddie Murphy

    [ranking: 24]
    age 58

    age 36

    Jesse Eisenberg

    [ranking: 83]
    age 36

    age 49

    Melissa McCarthy

    [ranking: 176]
    age 49

    age 75

    Michael Douglas

    [ranking: 120]
    age 75


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About Random Most Annoying A-List Actors

It's an exciting tool for displaying random most annoying a-list actors. We collected a list of "Random Most Annoying A-List Actors" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random most annoying a-list actors shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

List of the most annoying A-list actors, as ranked by celebrity watchers and entertainment business fans. Actors and actresses are among the most worshiped people in our celebrity-obsessed culture. They’re on the covers of hundreds of magazines every week, the focus of many news cycles, and constantly getting praised and awarded for doing their jobs. It’s all part of the package of being a celebrity actor. However, a few A-List actors have moved past just being a part of the celebrity culture and become blowhards of the highest order. Some of today’s A-List actors act as if a good performance or a high-grossing film gives them the right to drone on and on about themselves, their families, their interests or their causes, in the most irritating way possible.

This list features the top actors and actresses of the day, who, in addition to being the most famous, are also the most aggravating. Some talk about their acting “craft” when they’ve given nothing but mediocre performances. A few actors on this list have been known to say they don’t care about accolades, but come award season, you can find them desperately campaigning.

Who are the most annoying A-List actors? Vote up the ones that never cease to bug you.

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