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    Aphrodite Cursed Forced The Propoetides To Become Prostitutes

    Aphrodite Cursed Forced The Propoetides To Become Prostitutes

    [ranking: 11]
    Aphrodite cursed the women from the island of Cyprus, called the propoitides, to become prostitutes. What did they do to deserve such a punishment? They denied the love goddess??s divinity. Aphrodite dulled their hearts until they lost all sense of shame. Their hearts hardened into flint, and eventually, their whole bodies hardened too.

    Demeter Turned Minthe Into A Plant For Being Boastful

    Demeter Turned Minthe Into A Plant For Being Boastful

    [ranking: 15]
    Minthe lived in the underworld as Hades??s lover. However, the poor nymph was abandoned by the underworld god when he fell in love with the daughter of Zeus and Demeter, Persephone. Furious, Minthe boasted that she was more beautiful than Persephone and that she could win Hades back. Demeter was enraged by Minthe??s claims and turned her into a mint plant.

    Hades Used Snakes To Tie Theseus And Pirithous To A Chair In The Underworld

    Hades Used Snakes To Tie Theseus And Pirithous To A Chair In The Underworld

    [ranking: 17]
    On one occasion, the mortals Theseus and Pirithous traveled to the underworld to visit Hades, the god that ruled over the hellish place, and his bride, Persephone. Pirithous, who wanted the beautiful Persephone to be his wife, asked Theseus to help him abduct the god??s bride. Knowing of their ulterior motive, Hades feigned an act of hospitality and offered them a seat.
    When Theseus and Pirithous sat down, snakes coiled around their chairs, binding them to their seats. Luckily for Theseus, Heracles came and set him free. Pirithous, on the other hand, was left to sit there forever.

    Zeus Bound Ixion To An Eternally Burning Wheel

    Zeus Bound Ixion To An Eternally Burning Wheel

    [ranking: 2]
    One day, Zeus was kind enough to invite Ixion to Olympus as a guest. However, when the mortal saw Hera, Zeus??s wife, he was attracted to her and made his move to seduce her. Zeus decided to test Ixion??s loyalty and made a cloud copy of his wife. Ixion fell for it and somehow impregnated the cloud-Hera, who later bore the monster Centaurus.
    Zeus blasted Ixion with his powerful lightning bolt and bound him to a burning wheel that would spin forever. Ixion was forced to repeat the words "Repay your benefactor frequently with gentle favors in return" for eternity.

    Zeus Sent Tantalus To The Underworld And Restrained Him From Nearby Food And Drink

    Zeus Sent Tantalus To The Underworld And Restrained Him From Nearby Food And Drink

    [ranking: 8]
    Tantalus was the mortal son of Zeus. The gods often welcomed him in Olympus because of his bloodline, but he didn't do much to thank them for it. In fact, he once stole nectar and ambrosia from them. Even worse, though, was his brilliant idea for a sacrifice: he killed his own son, Pelops, and served him to the gods. They were furious and brought the boy back to life.
    The king was sent to the underworld, where he had to spend his afterlife standing in a pool of water with branches of a fruit tree hanging over his head. Whenever he tried to reach the branches for some fruits to eat, they would move just beyond his grasp. Likewise, the pool water would drain whenever he tried to bend down and drink. So he was left hungry and thirsty forever, tantalized by the fruit and water he would never be able to reach.

    Poseidon Cursed Pasiphae With Lust For A Bull

    Poseidon Cursed Pasiphae With Lust For A Bull

    [ranking: 9]
    Pasiphae, the daughter of the Sun god Helios, married Minos, the king of Crete. The king had a white bull that he treasured so much that he refused to offer it as a sacrifice to Poseidon, the god of the sea. Enraged, the god cursed Minos's wife, making her lust for the bull. The curse was so strong that Pasiphae did mate with the bull, causing her to bear a beastly offspring with the head of a bull and body of a man, called the Minotaur.


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About Random Most Brutal Punishments Doled Out by Mythological Gods

It's an exciting tool for displaying random most brutal punishments doled out by mythological gods. We collected a list of "Random Most Brutal Punishments Doled Out by Mythological Gods" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random most brutal punishments doled out by mythological gods shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

These horrible punishments in mythology will make you thankful to live in a modern world, where there is a legitimate legal system to determine the punishments people get for bad acts. However cruel or unfair you think your law system is, it’s really nothing compared to the most brutal punishments doled out by Greek and Roman gods.  

Some people believe that good deeds will bring us rewards and bad deeds will bring us punishment. Some call it karma, others call it cosmic retribution or even religious reckoning. However, no one punishes like the great Greek gods. Maybe it’s because their power is supreme and they can do just about anything, but these brutal punishments from the gods are cruel beyond common sense. 

What follows are some of the worst punishments in mythology. If you believe that karma’s a b*tch, well, then these gods are even b*tchier. Vote up the punishments you really, really wouldn't want to endure.

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