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  • Duality Is Rejected In Yazidism on Random People Are Satan’s Equivalents In Different World Religions

    (#4) Duality Is Rejected In Yazidism

    One of the oldest monotheistic religions in the world, Yazidi is a pre-Islamic religion that draws from Christianity and Judaism as well as Zoroastrianism. However, unlike Muslims and Christians, Yazidis reject duality, including the ideas of Hell, the devil, and even sin. They believe that all things that befall an individual, good and bad, are caused by divine beings.

    This rejection of duality has made the Yazidi targets of religious persecution for centuries under the Ottoman Empire, and more recently in 2007 during the US occupation in Iraq where more than 700 Yazidi were killed in four coordinated attacks carried out by insurgent groups.

    Some Muslims see the Yazidis’s reverence for an angel who defied God as akin to worshiping the devil.

  • Iblis Is A Fallen Angel In Islam Who Refused To Bow Before Man on Random People Are Satan’s Equivalents In Different World Religions

    (#14) Iblis Is A Fallen Angel In Islam Who Refused To Bow Before Man

    In Islam, Iblis is the name of the devil, but when portrayed in the Quran as a tempter, the term Shaytan or Shaitan is used. Much like the Christian Satan figure, Iblis refused to bow in obedience to Adam. Iblis thought he was more noble as he was made of fire, while Man was made of clay.

    God threw Iblis from Heaven for being prideful, but allowed him to tempt all humans (except the true believers) until Judgement day when his punishment will finally come to pass, eternal flames.

    Much like Christianity’s Satan in the form of a serpent, Iblis’s first act of evil was giving Eve fruit from the tree of immortality.

  • Ereshkigal Was The Babylonian Goddess In Charge Of Punishing Sinners In The Underworld on Random People Are Satan’s Equivalents In Different World Religions

    (#11) Ereshkigal Was The Babylonian Goddess In Charge Of Punishing Sinners In The Underworld

    The underworld as the Babylonians saw it was a dark, dusty, bitter place where spirits wore feathers to keep warm and the sister of Inanna (Ishtar) was named Ereshkigal, the goddess of the underworld. It is believed the well-being of a soul in the afterlife depended on how they expired, including how well the remains were buried and if the relatives provided sacrifices or offerings for the body.

    When a soul enters the underworld, Ereshkigal decides the sentence with the assistance of seven judges, including the scribe of the underworld, Geshtinanna, so their names could join the other dwellers of the underworld.

  • Erlik Khan Is The Tengri Ruler Of The Lower World on Random People Are Satan’s Equivalents In Different World Religions

    (#13) Erlik Khan Is The Tengri Ruler Of The Lower World

    King Erlik, or Erlik Khan, is the lord of the underworld, judger of spirits, and deity of Mongolian tribes and the Turkic people of Siberia.

    Erlik’s origin story is contested by different traditions, with some claiming he was originally a god before being demoted to secondary ruling under the supreme deity Ülgen, with whom he helped create the world.

    However, when Erlik attempts to make humans eat from the forbidden food of the first tree (much like Satan’s serpent from the Bible’s Old Testament) he is banished to the underworld where he, his family, and other spirits cause sickness and evil.

  • The Demon Māra Tried To Prevent Siddhartha Gautama From Achieving Enlightenment on Random People Are Satan’s Equivalents In Different World Religions

    (#1) The Demon Māra Tried To Prevent Siddhartha Gautama From Achieving Enlightenment

    The Buddhist “Lord of the Senses” Māra tempted Buddha on many occasions. When Siddhartha Gautama waited for Enlightenment beneath the Bo tree, Mara tried several times to distract and challenge Gautama, which would stop him from achieving Enlightenment.

    Māra told Gautama lies about his family, challenged him with armies of minions, and even sent his daughters representing thirst, desire, and delight to distract and tempt Gautama to no avail.

    Guatama achieved supreme Enlightenment, and despite Māra’s continued attempts to prevent him from preaching, Buddha preached the law.

  • Manichaeism’s Version Of Satan Is God's Equal As The Creator Of All Evil on Random People Are Satan’s Equivalents In Different World Religions

    (#6) Manichaeism’s Version Of Satan Is God's Equal As The Creator Of All Evil

    Founded by Mani, an Iranian prophet, Manichaeism was at one time the main rival to Christianity in terms of major world religions. Mani’s teachings focused on the inherent duality of evil, the good force being God, opposed to an entirely evil force, Satan.

    According to Manichaeism, in the beginning the world had good and evil entirely separate in their own realms. However, over time the King of Darkness became jealous of the World of Light.

    The Mother of Life sent her child, the Original Man, to take on the Darkness, but he was defeated. Two more creations followed the first, and ultimately Evil created Adam and Eve. The forces of good sent Jesus to teach Adam about the light within, but things did not go as planned. Adam and Eve procreated to birth the rest of humanity, and each human is now equipped with light in their bodies.

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About This Tool

Satan is a fallen angel in Christian culture. In the materialistic world view, Satan is regarded as a fictional devil in religious culture, but it does not exist. Idealists believe that the devil lies in their own hearts. All in all, demons are unanimously regarded as representatives of evil with supernatural powers. Nowadays, it is often portrayed by society in cultural works such as literature, film, and TV shows.

With the development of human history and civilization, religions have become increasingly diversified. People believe that good and evil are always opposed. There are good gods representing justice and evils. The random tool introduced 14 devils in different religions that are Satan’s equivalents.

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