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Random Lithuanian Gods And Mythological Figuresreport

  • Kauriraris (Chaurirari) – deity of war and warhorses. The name etymology is unclear. Vladimir Toporov suggested that it is derived from the Lithuanian word kaurai (fur), while Wilhelm Mannhardt argued it stems from karas (war).

    (Maciej Stryjkowski) (Names by written sources)

  • Kriukis (Krukis) – deity of pigs

    (Jan Łasicki) (Names by written sources)

  • Kerpyčius and Šilinytis (Kierpiczus and Siliniczus) – gods of forest, mosses and lichens

    (Jan Łasicki) (Names by written sources)

  • Laumė, a fairy-like female creature (pixies). Described as white and blue as the sky itself. Good spirit, very friendly with the Earth and Nature gods. However, if anyone tried to use them, the punishment was severe.

    (Various lower beings) (Names from folklore myths and legends)

  • Ligyčius (Ligiczus)

    (Jan Łasicki) (Names by written sources)

  • Žėlius (Zelus) – god of grass

    (Matthäus Prätorius) (Names by written sources)

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About This Tool

Lithuanian mythology has no first-hand historical data to back up its claims. The documents we see of the Lithuanian mythology were written by missionaries after the 15th century. Like the Aztec myths, the goal of the chronicler was to “criticize paganism” rather than to systematize the myths. The Lithuanian mythology also had the help of folk songs, poems, and legends, which were hard to spread among the people. Many Lithuanian deities, such as death, evolved into “demons” during the Christianization period. And the most important God, “Divas, ” became a nickname for the Christian apostles.

For Lithuanian mythological figures, this random tool generated a huge number of 210 items. And that includes Ašvienia, Pajauta, Kupolė, Upinis, etc.

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