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  • (#1) He Followed Baristas Home

    From Redditor /u/Stephxieh:

    "We had one man that started coming just before close. My shift would have to ask him to leave so he would pace outside or walk down the street until we were locking up and then try to follow us home.

    We eventually had some of our police regulars come by every close and sometimes they would either wait for our buses with us or drive us home altogether. Pretty sure that guy isn't even allowed within blocks of that store to this day."

  • (#2) He Pleasured Himself At The Drive-Thru Window

    From Redditor /u/Megadeth619:

    "One time a guy came through our drive-thru, and when he got to the window, he pulled his pants down and started jerking off."

  • (#3) He Offered Creepy Cab Rides To All The Girls

    From Redditor /u/Mkeltie:

    "We have a regular customer who we call 'creepy cabbie' who used to wait around and offer the girls drives home around closing time but has stopped since this recently got him banned from another store.

    A few months ago I was heading back to my apartment after an evening with friends and couldn't catch a cab (like literally tried to hail about thirty) and decided to start walking. Maybe a block away from where I'd given up the creep pulls over next to me and says, 'Why walk when you can drive?' I just yelled, 'It's ok I'm almost home!' I took sides streets the rest of the way."

  • (#4) He Wouldn't Pay Until He Got A Hug

    From Redditor /u/Slippery_when_wet:

    "We had one customer who was about 70ish where I was on POS, and I took his order, but he refused to pay until I gave him a hug over the counter. It was seriously the most awkward five minutes ever while I just stared at him and he did the little finger bend for me to lean over and hug him. Eventually, he was fine just patting my arm. But still WTF?"

  • (#5) He Wrapped His Arms Around A Barista

    From Redditor /u/Mistergrieves1:

    "Once when I was on register, this middle-aged guy came BEHIND THE COUNTER, curled his arm around my waist, and whispered in my ear (face like 2 inches from mine) to ask me where the bathroom was. Our counter opens at an angle so that he came up behind me and I didn't see it coming. Then, five minutes later... MOTHER F*CKER DOES IT AGAIN to ask if his drink is ready!

    I was so shocked both times that I froze and couldn't even react beyond weakly answering his questions. I felt so uncomfortable for like an hour. [It] skeeves me out just remembering it."

  • (#6) He Flashed His Private Parts And Then Pleaded Insanity

    From Redditor /u/Shucksa1:

    "We had a guy come in every day in tiny biker shorts and let his penis hang out. He would move around the cafe depending on where the most attractive girl was sitting. We eventually got him arrested, and charges pressed, after three years and 15 incident reports filled through corporate. And he only got three weeks in jail because he pleaded insanity. Yep."

  • (#7) He Always Went Through The Drive-Thru With Stuffed Animals On HIs Lap

    From a former Redditor:

    "This creepy guy comes through the drive-thru at night with stuffed animals in his car. Sometimes he'll have one on his lap... I'm pretty sure he doesn't have kids either. Super weird..."

  • (#8) He Fetishized Girls With Ponytails

    From Redditor /u/Xylotophone:

    "We have a regular who has a fetish for girl's ponytails, and I'm like 80% convinced that's why he hangs out at Starbucks, because he doesn't actually order drinks from the bar, and, you know, long hair has to be up as part of the dress code. A big middle-aged balding guy who talks like he's constantly drunk.

    He once asked a then-17-year-old partner if he could pull her hair after work. We had a customer come up to us and complain that he had put his hands on her hair, once. But she didn't want to file a formal complaint about it. I watched him grossly hit on another young lady customer who had apologized for bumping into him. We're all waiting for a customer complaint that gives us a reason to kick him out for good."

  • (#9) He Took Photos Of Everyone

    From Redditor /u/YungB00mer:

    "There was a guy in my store before I worked there and he would take pictures of all the customers and baristas. The baristas felt uncomfortable but none of the higher up cared and the manager at the time said Starbucks wouldn't really do anything about it. Apparently, it went on for months until one barista just unleashed her wrath on him and he never came back. He goes to Tim Hortons now lol."

  • (#10) He Offered A Barista $300 To Spend Quality Time With Him

    From Redditor /u/Moca448:

    "I have an older... customer ask me daily if he can buy me a pastry, I always decline. Last week, right before I hand him his venti PSL, he says, 'Forgive me if I am rude, but you are just beautiful! Would you allow me to spend time with you for $300?'

    The hell? Dude, if I were into selling [sex], $300 ain't gonna cut it!!"

  • (#11) He Rubbed His Face On A Barista's Hand

    From Redditor /u/Monomie:

    "An old man took my hand from across the counter and stroked his face with it. I haven't made eye contact with him since."

  • (#12) He Really Wanted His Tea Shaken

    From Redditor /u/Lachraug:

    "[I] haven't worked at Starbucks for a while but my worst was this rude guy who came in sometimes. One time I was working bar and about to start making his iced tea. As soon as I grab his cup to read the order, he leans far over the counter and loudly whispers, 'You're going to F*CKING shake that.' I stammered. I Had no idea how to respond at first then I said, 'Well of course!' I looked around for the shaker and didn't see it instantly. I later found it right by me, but I was just so startled I didn't notice it. Not thinking straight I stammered, 'Well I think it's being washed in the dishwasher.'

    He got furious but, not wanting to cause a scene said, 'F*cking get it.' Again, me just completely caught out of the blue I said the first thing I could think of, 'It locks for its five-minute cycle.' He was on the verge of throwing something at me at that point when I snapped to. 'I can just shake it between these two cups though,' I said.

    He instantly relaxed and smiled and said, 'Oh thank you so much! You know it tastes better when its shaken and sometimes they don't shake it.' I should have called him out, but instead, I said in my cheery, friendly customer voice, 'Oh it sure does sir. I wouldn't have it any other way.'

    Looking back on it 'you're going to f*cking shake that' sounds like a really cheesy yet extremely aggressive pop song line. If I hadn't been the one he was putting on the spot and cursing at I think I would have busted up laughing."

  • (#13) He Gave The Barista A Massage

    From Redditor /u/Lulzillar:

    "One of our older regulars comes in and chats with everyone normally in the evening. He's goofy and a bit annoying at times, but he was okay. One night he thought it would be okay to sneak up behind me and rub my back. I told him to please not touch me, and my shift stopped everything he was doing and gave him the stare down. I keep my distance."

  • (#14) She Left A Really Intense Message For The Customer Behind Her

    From Redditor /u/Haydenj96:

    "A lady in drive told me to pay for the person behind her. Okay, great, a nice person. She then leans over and says, 'Tell him that I paid for it and that he doesn't want to know what I'd do to that bald head!' And I was like, 'Uh, I don't know if I can do that!' And she was like, 'Oh sure you can. I know him!' (I had no way of knowing if this was true.)

    Of course, I didn't tell the dude that. I just told him that the lady in front of him paid for his beverage..."

  • (#15) He Told The Barista He Was Into Choking

    From Redditor /u/Idontknowflycasual

    "I have a semi-regular who comes in once in a while whom I like to joke around with. Today, he came in as I was filling up the RTD&E case and tried to peek in the back room and said, 'Oh what have you got back there?' So I, joking, said, 'I'd tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.'

    Here's where the weirdness comes in. His response to my little joke was this: 'How would you do it? You have to be careful, if you slowly choke me I might like it.' This made me so uncomfortable... I hid in the back until he left. I feel like I need a shower."

  • (#16) He Tried To Pinch The Barista

    From Redditor /u/toot_toot_tootsie:

    "I once had an older gentleman customer go way over the line. Asked me to lift my sweater so he could pinch me, then actually cornered me in the bathroom hallway."

  • (#17) She Was Obsessed With A Barista

    From Redditor /u/perpetualwanderlust:

    "She would stalk and harass a coworker of mine. This lady was seriously obsessed with her, would try to follow her to her car. It was really scary. Glad she finally got a restraining order."

  • (#18) He Brought In A Fake Gun And Smeared Trash Over The Windows

    From Redditor /u/petrichoralpink:

    "There was a... man who took out a gun (that turned out to be fake) and PLACED IT ON THE TABLE in our lobby. We called the cops, and he was taken away, but he came back. A few days later, he threatened one of my coworkers and said he had friends with guns in a really bad part of town who would come get us.

    He trashed the outside of our store that night after closing, smearing trash all over the windows.

    He never came back."

  • (#19) One Customer FB-Stalked A Barista

    From Redditor /u/SharkyTendencies:

    "My FB profile is set to uber-private, so you can't find me in search results. I don't connect with customers over FB and don't give out personal info. One day I get a friend request from a customer, who had apparently managed to scroll back far enough on another employee's wall to find something I had posted."

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About This Tool

A Starbucks employee complained on Twitter that customers had too many orders and made him want to resign. The post triggered hot discussions on the Internet, and he was fired by Starbucks. The employee explained that this order is not the most difficult one he has made during his work at Starbucks. One customer once ordered 26 kinds of drinks, and at least half of them required crazy customization requirements.

The random tool shares 19 stories of creepiest customers that Starbucks employees have got through. It is true that the employees closest to the customer have to deal with the most crap and crazy demands.

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