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  • (#9) Scary Smells 

    From Redditor /u/TheCaptainCog:

    Apparently it was this poor kid's first time on the highway. He was extremely nervous, but the instructor tried to keep him calm and say it would be fine. They go onto the highway and my instructor said she began to smell something really bad. She thought that maybe he had some nervous gas or something. No big deal.

    After a while the smell should have dissipated, but instead became stronger and more concentrated. She opened the window on the highway, trying not to gag the whole time. She couldn't figure out if it was sh*t or the car was broken or something, but the smell was hair-burning bad, she said.

    A bit after that, the smell did not go away, but she took the kid home. The smell was worse than ever, and she tried to figure out what it was. As the kid got out of the car, she noticed something on the back of his neck - poop. Liquid poop. And not only that, it was everywhere: on the seat, on his shirt, on the instructor's mat. Everywhere!

    It must have been some explosive sh*t, because it got onto his neck. His back was soaked from the poop and his pants looked like a kindergarten kid learning to paint. When he stood up, it pooled in the seat, in the mat, and it was bad. He asked if he could help, but she told him no, it was all right.

  • (#2) An Untimely Death

    From Redditor /u/rickthedairyman:

    My uncle frequently tells the story of the time his driving instructor died during his first lesson, and he was given some award from the town for driving the body to the hospital.

  • (#11) Bird Mishandling

    From Redditor /u/cb0159:

    When I went to take my test, the instructor got in and commented on the car being clean. She was quite happy, because earlier in the day she was giving a test and felt something odd on her arm. They had hit a bird on the way to the exam and stuffed it in the center console with feathers sticking out. She told the examiner they were keeping it for dinner.

  • (#6) Horse Crossing

    From Redditor /u/paipaicool:

    My driving instructor told me once he convinced a girl that at an equestrian crossing, the horse presses the button with its nose.

  • (#4) Veering Off Course

    From Redditor /u/frankoftank:

    She would just drive without correcting her steering at all, and would start to go off the street unless my mom reached over and corrected the wheel for her. No matter what my mom did or said, she would constantly just drift off the road. So my mom took her out to an old, wide-open dirt road where she could just let the lady drive and see how far off the road she would go before she realized what she was doing.

    The lady just drifted off the road a good 20 feet and would have kept going into the fields if my mom hadn't stopped the car and asked her, "Look where we are. Look where the road is. What the f*ck are you doing?"

    After that, my mom finally gave up on her and told her husband and son that she cannot drive a vehicle, and she cannot learn how to drive a vehicle. Only student my mom ever gave up on.

  • (#15) Asleep At The Wheel

    From Redditor /u/steerfromtherear:

    Not me personally, but a friend of mine is an instructor. As a rule you never take your eye off the pupil, but during a lesson something caught his eye on the side of the road. They were doing about 30 in a built-up area, and as he looked back at his pupil, she was completely asleep. Turned out she had narcolepsy and never told anyone. Lesson over.

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About This Tool

Learning to drive is sometimes full of fun, but sometimes also full of danger. Cars are huge machinery, once the car is out of control, you will not know what the result will be. It may look like the following, which looks strange and funny. The instructors who guide fledgling motorists through three-point turns and lane changes have lots of horror stories from the driving school. 

This random tool generates 16 items, including the worst and low-key hilarious student driver stories. You could check the information about the stories here. Welcome to leave a message and share your thoughts if you know other funny driving stories. 

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