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Random Schools In Jerseyreport

  • Grainville School

    (Non-fee paying secondary schools) (Secondary schools)

  • Le Rocquier School

    (Non-fee paying secondary schools) (Secondary schools)

  • Victoria College (for boys)

    (States' fee paying secondary schools) (Secondary schools)

  • St Mary's School

    (Non-fee paying primary schools) (Primary schools)

  • St George's Preparatory School

    (Private primary schools) (Primary schools)

  • De La Salle College

    (Private primary schools) (Primary schools)

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About This Tool

The island of British Crown dependency, 20 km off the coast of the Normandy Peninsula, is vast in size and population. This is one of the oldest cities in Britain, where the government has invested a lot of resources and money in education. So far, the random tool has compiled a list of 40 of the best known schools in the area, making it easy to check.

These schools cover primary, secondary, junior high, high school, college, private school, free school and many other levels. A detailed list of schools is also available in the generator. These schools target students of different ages and genders, and if parents have special needs, be sure to carefully read the school’s rules and requirements to avoid wasting time and energy on inappropriate schools.

Click the "Display All Items" button and you will get a list of schools in Jersey.

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