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  • (#1) Started As An Arrangement

    From Redditor u/Phobiculog:

    Kind of. We left our spouses around the same time (not for each other) and decided to share a house. We got to taking one night and decided we each had all the things the other was looking for, plus we got along really well. We were in our mid-thirties by then and sick of the dating scene, so we just laid it out like a business arrangement. What started off as an "arrangement" eventually evolved into something extremely serious and passionate. We've been together now for almost seven years and married for almost one. We are extremely in love and I have zero regrets.

  • (#2) Don't Let The Good Ones Get Away

    From Redditor u/Marilolli:

    We ended up getting married a lot sooner. He wasn't necessarily waiting around for me but I realized I'd be devastated if he ended up with someone else and no longer had him as a constant friend in my life. Don't let the good ones get away. We've been married 13 years now and never regretted a minute of it.

  • (#3) He Was Gutted

    From Redditor u/crazybuggirl:

    Family friends had this pact. We were at her 30th and her boyfriend at the time proposed. Her best friend (with whom she had the pact) was gutted. He too had had a ring in his pocket. We know because he showed my dad.

  • (#4) Unconventional But Still Amazing

    From Redditor u/Taciturntup:

    My partner and I were close friends for 12 years before we got married. Through many friendships and relationships with other people, including one of us following a former lover across the country and the other being briefly engaged, we stayed "just friends" for a very long time:

    On New Year's Eve in 2007-8, at the ripe old age of 23, we drunkenly made a pact to get married to each other if we weren't married by 30. Long story short, we didn't start dating until we both turned 30, but we got married pretty quickly after we started dating. Just celebrated 5 years of marriage, and we have a 2 year-old.

    It's unconventional, but so are we, and it's ours.

  • (#5) Life Is Good

    From Redditor u/ItsMeChara:

    My husband and I did this!

    We met at around age ten. I lived in a violent household and he lived in the trailer park near my house. I ran away one night, and he was sitting on the porch shuffling Yugioh cards silently. We both froze when we saw each other. He then asked if I wanted to play because he had an extra deck.

    We became quick friends. Whenever the violence got to be too much, I'd run to his house and we'd play. As we got older, we tried dating, but we were fairly innocent and messed it all up. Went back to being friends, but we swore to one another that we'd get married if we were single by age 30.

    I joined the military after high school and he decided to go to college. We stayed connected through social media. I got married and had a daughter, he found a girlfriend and had a son. We talked about our kids and how happy we were for each other, and even laughed about our 'silly' agreement.

    One day a few years later, after my then husband and I split amicably, he texted me out of the blue. We hadn't talked in months due to being adults now, and things got in the way. The text made me very nervous; it sounded more like a goodbye. His girlfriend had left him, and so much else was going on in his life that he just wanted to thank me for being his friend. I immediately called him and we talked for a long time, once again bringing up that we would never face the future alone because, if we didn't find our 'soulmates', we were going to get married at 30, grow old, and sit on our porch while I made tons of cookies. By the end of it, he was laughing and agreeing, and I felt like he was out of that dark hole.

    I moved back to my hometown a few years later. I was 29 and he was 30. I kind of forgot about the plan at this point due to some family members being very sick. We bumped into each other one day with our kids and he also had a guy friend in tow, and it was like we were teens again. We chatted a bit. He apparently hadn't dated much after his his first girlfriend left him. The friend spoke up and said I should totally double date with them, me being the date for my best friend.

    He casually mentioned we didn't need to date; he was 30, I was almost 30, and it had dawned on him that his soulmate was standing right in front of him. He refused to let me run away again and wanted to fulfill the contract. I swear my face couldn't have been redder nor could my heart have thumped any faster. It was the sweetest thing anyone had ever said to me, and I didn't expect it from him. And, honestly, I don't know why I never realized how much I really loved him also, from the moment we played Yugioh on his porch that fateful night.

    Fast forward to now and we are happily married with a beautiful 16 month old son. We still talk about our journey to each other. We still play Yugioh occasionally, and have taught our kids to play too. Life is good.

  • (#6) They Pranked Themselves

    From Redditor u/​​psycospaz:

    Obligatory not me but a friend, disclaimer. She married a college friend 3 years ago at the age of 33. Their bet was to get married if their both single at 33 and the intention was to basically prank their parents by going through with it. They intended to be married for several months and then just casually mention it, and later just get it annulled. So they went to the courthouse with a pair of friends, got married and then she moved into his apartment. Thing was they'd been friends with benefits for a years when they were both single, and living together was so nice that they just stayed together. Their expecting their first kid in a few months.

  • (#7) All That Matters Is They're Happy

    From Redditor u/billbapapa:

    "Weird" couple my wife knew had such a pact and followed through.

    Girl was a really introverted, quiet, homely type. Sweetest girl. But she never had a boyfriend as far as I knew. And we saw her off and on for six or seven years.

    Then suddenly out of nowhere she invited us to her wedding.

    Anyways, it was to a guy we had met a couple of times who was one of her friends who seemed very much like her. My wife teased her that "more must have been going on all that time." but she was straight up about it, and said no, they just decided it was time.

    Conversation was something like, "yeah, you know how people have pacts to get married if neither of them are till they hit ___, well, we just decided it really wasn't going to happen for either of us, and to cut that short."

    Basically we were just like, "cool?" and then left it at that.

    Anyways, she married him, they looked happy. The speeches were a bit odd, they didn't really talk about love but a lot about how they were marrying their best friend.

    They are still together, it's gotta be at least 5 years, and they have a little kid. Last we saw them they looked happy and that's all that matters really.

  • (#8) They Met When They Were Five

    From Redditor u/IllustriousDate2:

    Throwaway and doubt anyone will see this but something I actually can respond to.

    My girlfriend and I are planning for an engagement after we reunite in the same city after covid settles.

    We met when we were 5 in korea. I left for Canada when I was 8. I was born in the early 90s when social media was nonexistent.

    I came back to korea on a vacation when I was 13, and reconnected with her as a friend but in our few times we met up our chemistry was so strong. When I returned back to Canada I told my friends lightly I found my future wife.

    I came back when I was 17 for a funeral and also saw her there with her family during the service. Despite only being in korea for two days seeing her rekindled my attraction to her.

    As social media became more apparent so did our communication. I came back to Korea again in 2017 to tell her that after all these years I still liked her. She tells me she’s liked me as well despite our distance but unfortunately she rejected me at the time as she had just gone through a breakup and needed time alone but I asked her that when I turn 30, I’d like to marry her.

    Fast forward to now. We are 30. We started dating last year and I’ve never been happier. I visited korea before the covid outbreak and it was the best couple weeks of my life. Our conversations are endless. We really understand each other, and I think I found my life partner even though I don’t really belheve in all that. I don’t believe in fate but this feels pretty damn close.

    A childhood friend who is now my girlfriend soon to be wife. I feel like this is a fairy tale. After covid settles we’ll move to the same country and seal the deal.

  • (#9) Aunt Kathy Called It

    From Redditor u/Barbaric_and_Manly:

    I made this pact with my best friend Kyle. We were about 21/22, at that point we'd already been friends for a good 8 years. He has always been my favorite person. The one guy I knew that I never had to be fake around, I could trust him with my life. I loved him, we loved each other but only as friends.

    Everyone tried their hardest to push us together, but we maintained that we were forever friends. Boyfriend's/girlfriends all completely jealous of the bond we had, but we refused to let that stop our friendship. Our significant others just had to deal with it or move on. And let me add that no one was more persistent than his Aunt Kathy. She used to beg me to date him but I'd always tell her no and I'd always be his friend and be there for him.

    Fast forward to us being 26, he's moved across the country and engaged to someone else. We still talked all the time and made sure we stayed in touch. About a year later Kyle came back home for a visit. This visit changed my entire life! I hadn't seen him since before he left. We visited his aunt, made dinner and just shared stories. During this small get together, I realized that I was completely in love with my best friend. But why and what was I supposed to do, he was engaged to someone else. I had to just deal and be his friend.

    About 8 months later, his wonderful adorable aunt passed away. It was very tragic and sad. Kyle came home and I spent every single waking hour with him and his family for the next few weeks.

    Over the next year it was a bumpy ride for Kyle. He missed his aunt, broke up with his fiance and moved back home. We became closer and closer in the middle of all the saddness. By the end of that year we started dating, the year after engaged, and the year after that married. I can honestly say that I married my best friend. And sometimes I feel very strange about it because if his aunt hadn't passed away he would be married to someone else right now and we'd be living very different lives. All her life all she wanted was for us to be together and she is the only reason we are. love you Aunt kathy

  • (#10) Couldn't Wait Ten Years

    From Redditor u/mamamoonzz:

    I did. But we got married 10 years earlier. We met at an inkmaster finale. We immediately connected. He lived in New York, I, Florida. I went back home and we Kept in touch. Made a promise if by the time we were 35 we'd marry eachother. I was 25 at the time. Things intensified so much we truly believed we were meant for eachother. I moved to Illinois to take care of my sick grandma. 3 months after meeting he flew there to visit and we got married. After a few more visits he moved there too. 4 years later and we have 2 kids.

  • (#11) Time Does Funny Things

    From Redditor u/MindTuna:

    Not married to her but I'll tell my story anyway. One of my best friends growing up was a girl. She was my neighbor and 2 years ahead of me in school. We used to spend the summers swimming, riding bikes, eating ice cream and laying in the grass at the park watching clouds. Typical American upbringing in the 80's-90's. As we got older we drifted apart as we were in different grades and hanging out with the neighbor kid who was two grades behind you wasn't cool. In highschool though we kind of started talking again and we'd hang out on my dock in the late evening talking about life. During one of said talks we made such a pact that of neither was married by our 30's (which seemed ages off at the time) we'd marry each other and have kids. We lost touch after she left for college and I went off to a different state as well 2 years after. I eventually married, found a job, had kids and whatnot. One night I was finished reading to my son and was sitting in his room waiting for him to drift off when I got a Facebook message. It was her. We chatted a bit and I accepted the friend request and was perusing through her profile. She was smoking hot!! The next day or so she sent me a message that she was bummed to find I was married and had kids, etc because of our pact. She sent a long message saying I had grown up to be quite attractive and successful and that my kids were beautiful and my wife was lucky. I couldn't help but feel anything but sorrow for her. Her life looked like she lived at bars on FB and had different boyfriend's every few months. She had a service industry job and something about it just seemed like it didn't fit as she was getting older. I had in fact been missing having a "life" and missed friendships and bars and adventures of my younger life but I suddenly realized how living the life of a 25 year old wasn't so great in your mind thirties and I gained a little appreciation for the suburban family life I was in. Time is a weird thing. I'm still friends with her on FB and I like her photos of her drinking shots in neon glow and she likes photos of my youngest in the bath.

  • (#12) Good For You, Mom

    From Redditor u/throwawayacc_cldy:

    Not me but my mom. My parents got divorced two years ago because both my parents were very unhappy with one another. My mom recently reconnected with her old boyfriend from highschool who, in his own words, would “never marry anyone else and would wait for her to be with him, and would have no one else.” Well he heard about my mom’s divorce (keep in mind my mom is 50) on Facebook and reached out to her and they have recently started dating again and are already madly in love. I’m really happy for her. My dad also found someone but that’s irrelevant to the question stated lol.

  • (#13) Reconnected As Adults

    From Redditor u/thegreatshepsky:

    My wife and I had a pact like that for if we were 26 and single. This pact was from middle school and we kinda went separate ways after high school and reconnected when we were almost 25. We both had feelings for each other and started to date and remembered our pact. But that's not what "made" us get married. We're extremely happy with each other and even work together every day. We can joke with each other and tell each other whatever is bothering us at that moment and work to figure out a solution. We are a pretty damn good team in life and at our job too!

  • (#14) Not Exactly The Plan

    From Redditor u/Itiswhatitis2005:

    My ex husband and I met because his wife and my husband were cheating on us with each other. We had some mutual friends and ended up at the same place at the same time crying in our beers. Started talking he said his wife left him for another man and I said my husband left me for another woman. After we talked a while, amazingly we realized that our spouses had left us for each other! The ex spouses had no idea that we had met or knew each other so we cooked up a plot to make them jealous in the hopes of getting them back but the scheme started with him taking me to a concert that he had bought tickets for for him and his ex. Then we both made it known that we were dating even though we really weren't we just wanted to make the jealous so they would come back to us. She had ended up leaving him with three kids that he didn't really know how to take care of properly didn't know how to keep house etc so I started going over just to help out I felt really bad for him and for the kids. Somehow I ended up living there and next thing I know things were starting to get serious between us. They ended up divorcing us both and we were kinda like hey this situation works for both of us let's just get married. So we did. I was under the impression that we were in love at least I loved him and I thought he loved me. Once the youngest child was about 16 and many many years later he confessed to me that he had never really loved me and that our marriage had been a marriage of convenience. We were together 7 years total living together and married. He was much older than me too I was 19 when we met he was 33. I wasted so many years of my life on something that just wasn't even real. I feel like I gave him the best years of my life raising his kids only to be told he never loved me. That was a kick in the gut but I'm OK now the divorce was 15 years ago I'm now married to a wonderful man. Sorry if this story doesn't fit here.

    TLDR: Married an older man as a marriage of convenience regretted it 7 years later when he told me he'd never loved me.

  • (#15) Sometimes It Works Out

    From Redditor u/Jungleg1337:

    I met my fiance studying abroad and we became very good friends. I would say best friends. We had a low-key relationship while we were there. We were young. We'd just make out and hold hands when our friends weren't around. We did it because both of us knew that when the program ended, we will go back to our home country and it wouldn't work if we dated. I would jokingly say when we are 30 and single, lets get married. We stayed friends over the years.

    Fast forward to 2018, I got out of a relationship and she was healing from her last relationship. We get reconnected and talk more over a few weeks. I brought up the pact we made 7 years back. Now, we are engaged and soon to be married.

    If I could wish for a perfect woman, it would be her.

  • (#16) She Was And Still Is The One

    From Redditor u/Bullzy17:

    Our promise wasn’t for when we’re 35 but 30. We have been friends for years before we made the joke-promise and have been friends for 11 years (became friends when I was 17 she was 16) Through many friendships and relationships with other people, including one of us almost getting engaged to a former lover, we still remained friends.

    When I clocked 20 if I recall correctly, we jokingly promised to get married to each other if we weren't married by 30. Long story short, I’m 28 now and she’s 26. we didn't start dating until last year and are supposed to be getting married in June (if corona virus lock down let’s us). We went through a lot of maturity and personal changes in our early 20’s and it was so admirable watching how she grew and became “woke”. Over the course of 5 years watching her grow, I knew she was and still is the ONE. No regrets here.

  • (#17) Dodged A Bullet

    From Redditor u/CountZapolai:

    Yeah, that's not a good idea. I agreed this with someone when I was 21 for when we were both 30.

    Actually we ended up dating IRL for like a year at 25 and it was a complete and utter f***ing disaster after the first 3 months, turns out the reason she was still single was that she was that, while to everyone else she met, she was extremely sweet and caring, after 3 months into any relationship, she turned into a complete and utter neurotic psychopath- as in, probably diagnosably so- and relentlessly bullied everyone she had ever dated until either they dumped her or she dumped them- if she thought that would cause more emotional pain. It clicked when I got speaking to one of her exes who had had basically exactly the same experience.

    Was happily married since 29, so wouldn't have come up anyway, but f***ing hell, dodged a bullet there.

  • (#18) They Were Close But..

    From Redditor u/iwtmmhlbsocn:

    Aaah, I almost did. Had a pact with my best friend we would get married at 28. But then he realized he was gay. I am however a 'bridesmaid' at his wedding and I'll have one heck of a speech, haha

  • (#19) If You Don't Want That, Let Me Know

    From Redditor u/DippyNikki:

    I up front told my husband when we started dating "I will want to get married and have kids at some point if this works out. I'm being honest, if you don't want that, let me know now". He said "I'm ready to see where this goes and if we haven't killed each other in 3 years, let's do it".

    All the way through dating and our first 3 years he kept saying "let me know if I ever do anything that annoyed you. Don't keep it to yourself, ok?". So I kept waiting to find something. It never came. We never argued, never got bored and always looked forward to what the future held for us.

    Our 3rd year came around and we had already had little chat about if we wanted to get married. We had just moved into a new place so I proposed....with an omelet.

    About three months later I was pregnant (we were trying) and 6 months later we married.

    We just celebrated our 1 year anniversary with our 10month old daughter. Everything is amazing, we've never felt so complete.

    Still not argued, still excited about our future and still haven't found anything that annoys me about him.

  • (#20) He Said No.

    From Redditor u/sandolle:

    Not exactly the same but when I was 21 and he was 24 I said to my friend "if we're not married by the time you're 30 do you want to get married?" He said no.

    Well, we started actually dating a couple months after and this year he will be 30 in May and our wedding is planned for June* (pending covid19 let's us gather 30 people and travel within our country)

  • (#21) His Ex Won In The End

    From Redditor u/Manballoon:

    A coworker of mine up and left his girlfriend who was also working there, of 6 years to move from AK to FL to go through with the pact he made with the other girl in high school. I honestly dont know how they're doing. The ex how ever lost a 185pound stressor so I'm glad shes doing exceptionally well

  • (#22) Calling Jess F! Come In Jess F!

    From Redditor u/Berns429:

    I made this pact, and I’m not married yet, so Jess F if you’re still out there girl call me!! You know who this is.

  • (#23) Sometimes You Just Know

    From Redditor u/alibren:

    My husband and I met in high school, we promised each other if we weren't married by the time I turned 20 (I know kinda young) we would get married. We started dating right before I turned 21 and have been married for almost 6 years. We just knew we were right for each other.

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About This Tool

"If we are both still single when we are 35, we will get married." It sounds like the lines from old-fashioned TV drama, but what is unexpected is this romantic vow that someone really cherishes each other in real life. There are many people from all over the world discussing this topic on social media recently, and they have had similar experiences.

The random tool shares 23 true stories of people who finally got married on an "if we're both still single when we're 35 we'll get married" vow. Don't let the good ones get away and you deserve the best.

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