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  • (#1) That's Snot Fun

    From User OrangeJuicestice:

    Currently working with a person who has had a sinus infection since November 2016. That's right: wet, chunky coughs, 9 hours a day, 5 days a week, for going on 10 months.

    No she does not leave the team area for coughing attacks, she just retches up whatever it is and gulps it back down. 10 months of that in a quiet office.

  • (#2) Nothing Worse Than Unsavy Tech Bosses

    From User izwald88:

    My bosses, which are all related to one another, being a family owned business, have no clue about technology. The VP is the worst. They are all decent people, but he gets angry when technology does not work for him. In this case, he got upset that his tiny netbook with 4GB of memory was slow. Upon inspection, he had 5+ tabs open, along with various Office apps and a music player. I found it very hard to explain that the little device just wasn't built for that kind of load.

  • (#3) iPad Thief

    From User Kelslaw:

    "Worked at Best Buy for a couple of years in college. One guy was on a lot of drugs and was nuts. We had a theft problem with iPads. He was being watched, but they couldn't catch him. There were days where he would be yelling and shouting across the department. It was scary a few times since he would be yelling and cussing at me. I was put on final warning for the register being $100 off. My GM and managers knew it wasn't me, but they had to do it since I was logged into that register that day. He stopped showing up at some point fortunately. I was told that he and the Apple rep were the ones stealing the iPads to get money for their drug habits."

  • (#4) Not A Dog Person

    From Reddit user /u/neverbelieveagain:

    I work in a dog grooming salon. My coworker "A" is a self-professed "cat person". She doesn't like our customers, she doesn't like most dogs. She complains if she's booked dogs, she complains if she isn't booked dogs. She somehow never managed to commission, and complains about that too.

    She never helps clean, and when I close with her she will disappear because at 8:30pm apparently she has to take a twenty minute poop in the bathroom.

    She claims to be allergic to most foods but still eats McDonalds and Burger King. She allegedly has Celiac's disease but has never been tested. She also is allergic to cats, flowers, latex, almost anything. Despite claiming to be an avid Gardner the one time a coworker got flowers she insisted they be removed from our work area because she was allergic. Same when another coworker received balloons.

    She has said on more than one occasion she likes to find out people's weaknesses and pick at them. One of my coworker's lives with her in-laws as both of them have student debt they are very close to paying off. A will constantly add small digs at her like "Not that you would know, it's not like you have to pay rent or a mortgage like real adults."

    Everyone complains about her but our one manager has worked with her since the beginning and clearly doesn't feel comfortable talking to her, and our other manager is bffs with her husband.

    She is good at her job, and even deals with difficult dogs well. She just has such a shit personality and is so negative about everything.

  • (#5) Points Out Everyone's Mistake

    From Reddit user /u/gt35r:

    Currently still a nightmare, CC's the entire office including multiple owners of the company when she corrects something I've done. My office is about 10ft from hers. Every time she does it I just think why cant you walk 10ft and come tell me or address the issue with me. Usually it's something small or extremely irrelevant. But now I just correct her or show her that it's not wrong at all and press "reply all" so they can see it.

  • (#6) Cleaning House

    From Reddit user /u/RealFunnyTalk:

    Here's a story of 4 people being fired in one day for different reasons, a 5th unknown stealing money, and my 17 year old self wondering how did I get myself here?

    Worked at a family owned fast food Italian place. Nice job, easy work, free food, decent hours, not bad for 17 year old high schooler.

    I check the schedule forwho I'm working with tomorrow and its Manager A and co-worker A that then switch shifts (I was across two shifts, after lunch and closing) with Manager B and Co-worker B. They're all decent I suppose, though one blatantly did hour fraud (came in at 830, entered time as 8).

    Shift goes to switch so and the Bs and As brief each other on what's happening. Owner and Manager C (who's the best one, no illegal stuff) come in and tell them all to pack up and leave. Turns The As were in a relationship and were stealing money to fuel her pill addiction. The Bs were caught fucking in the office (manager was married) plus Bs hour fraud and were also fired. This all happens as I'm cleaning a table bewildered.

    Thinking his stealing issues were over, owner leaves and Manager C calls employees to fill in for tomorrow's vacancies.

    Turns out, someone ELSE steals from the register the next day and we're all told to submit to a lie detector test. Manager C comes up to me and says "RealFunnyTalk, we're closing so you don't have to come in anymore." "But what about the lie detector test?" "Even if you told me you did it, I wouldn't believe you. You're fine." That last part was nice (I didn't steal it by the way).

    TL;DR second job ever and I see 4 people get fired at once for different stuff, a 5th also stealing.

  • (#7) Constant Ambulance Calls

    From Reddit user /u/maccathesaint:

    Work in an office. Have a colleague who is literally the world's worst diabetic. I'm fairly certain she has munchausens. Her eyes are going and she has problems with her feet.

    She makes a huge deal about making sure everyone sees her take her insulin and then eats a whole giant bag of haribo, 5 bags of crisps and half a cake (i really wish I was exaggerating).

    It's ridiculous, we keep having to ring ambulances for her because she's eaten too much sugar. She's nearly killed herself at least twice as a result.

    Oh and she's recently decided she's a super right wing Christian, that our gay colleague is going to hell and shouldn't be living with his boyfriend and that she is saving herself until her current partner and her get married, which they plan to do next year, even though they met in March (worth noting, she has banged her way around one of the other departments and is divorced).

    Shes a total fucking nut bar.

  • (#8) Department Sabotage

    From Reddit user /u/urgehal666:

    This lady in a different department has been here for 30 years and thinks the department I work in shouldn't exist. Thus, she makes it her life's mission to fuck up our work at every twist and turn.

    She has contact with many of our clients and will deliberately sabotage events we have planned for them. She refuses to do stuff that is part of her job description and forces us to do it. She gossips all the time and I've discovered on numerous occasions that I'm either gay, a fascist, a liar, a womanizer or just plain incompetent. For the record, I'm none of these things.

    The only reason she's still around is she's best friends with the boss, and so not only is her job protected but crossing her means a call into the bosses office. She's a nightmare and everyone but the boss wants her gone.

  • (#9) Deadly Pact

    From Reddit user /u/NonContextual_Text:

    I had a co-worker loose his marbles, started texting me all sorts of weird stuff and wanted to do some sort of murder suicide pact after he walked out in the middle of the day without saying a word. I was the only person on my team he did this to. Cops and corporate secuirty teams got involved. My team was told to leave the building and work from home for a while. I still work from home. I guess it worked out pretty well for me in the long run.

  • (#10) Misunderstood Perks

    From Reddit user /u/gargoyle_eva:

    Working in fast food, training a new guy. He got caught stealing drinks from the fridge, decided to defend himself by saying he saw me stealing cola and thought it was a job perk. (it was well known in the store i hate cola). Also he used to skip certain procedures which could result in food poisening, when i confronted him about it, he shoved me into a wall and threatened to punch me.

  • (#11) Dispensed Illegal Medical Supplies

    From Reddit user /u/thelittleblueones:

    This happened a few years back. I'm a pharmacist in a rural area. Being in a rural area, it is sometimes difficult to hire pharmacy technicians who are both good at the job and willing to work for what my company pays. This shallow applicant pool led us to hiring Sharon.

    • Sharon was in her mid-40s, giving her about 20 years on me. She had a problem accepting my authority, reminding me almost daily how she had a daughter a year older than me. When I asked Sharon to do something she didn't want to do, she would become temporarily deaf and very engrossed in whatever activity she wanted to do. When I complained to the pharmacy manager he promised to talk to her every time... and then never did because he was a spineless, weasely thief severely lacking in testicular fortitude (and ended up getting fired for those reasons further down the line).
    • Sharon was also under 5 feet tall. To compensate for this, she brought a used, unwashed pair of grill tongs to use as a grabber for items she couldn't reach. She couldn't reach about half the items on the shelf. She filled about 15 prescriptions and got grease all over the stock bottles before I noticed and made her go wash the tongs.
    • Being a middle aged woman, she was prone to hot flashes. I am usually cold at room temperature and wear sweaters to work in summer to compensate for the AC. Sharon got the brilliant idea to heat a bag of rice in the microwave and put it on the thermostat to force the AC to come on, which I suspect was out of spite as much as for her comfort. One day, she set the timer to 10 minutes and fell asleep in the break room (more on that later). The entire store smelled like burnt rice for hours. The store manager went nuclear.
    • When I was working with Sharon, customers would often assume she was the pharmacist ask her questions that only a pharmacist could answer. She would attempt to perform patient consultations, which is illegal in my state, then wear her ass on her shoulders the rest of the day after I jumped in and corrected her.
    • On a few other occasions, she dispensed emergency supplies to patients under a floater pharmacist's login without asking him - also illegal. One of the emergency supplies was for a drug in an unbreakable package, which she broke, rendering it unsellable and damaging ~$400 of product.
    • She and her commonlaw husband would beat the shit out of each other and she would come in with bruises in conspicuous places. When they broke up, she closed out all his prescriptions in our computer system, which ended up being a pain in my ass more than his because I had to fix all of it.
    • Skimming over the rest of the petty bullshit, including multiple absences and tardies (only on days she worked with me), what finally ended her employment was smoking meth in her vehicle in the parking lot on her lunch break. We didn't catch her in the act, but she came back obviously high on something and unable to control her movements. Loss prevention got involved. Rather than terminating her employment, she was put on a program requiring her to check in to see if she had to be drug tested daily. Failure to do so meant automatic termination. Shortly after she was arrested for domestic violence with the commonlaw (ex?)husband, meaning she didn't check in the following day... Bye bye Sharon, and good fucking riddance.
  • (#12) Destroyed Keyboard After A Meeting

    From a deleted Reddit user:

    I have posted stories of Karen before, like the time the meeting didn't go her way so she smashed a keyboard across her desk and went home. Or how she would sit behind me disparaging me for being a "pathetic male". Or how she fucking stank of wet dog all the time. Or how she derailed a safety-critical update because nobody was allowed to criticise her code. Or how she demanded that I should be fired when I called her out for falsifying reports.

  • (#13) Hated Working With Others

    From Reddit user /u/SophiaTPetrillo:

    I worked with a middle aged woman who treated all her job duties as her personal fiefdom -- problem being, she sucked at her job and constantly needed help completing her assignments. Whenever I was assigned to assist her, she would get angry and possessive of her work, demanding that everything be done to her (sub) standards and refusing to relinquish tasks to the point that management was forced to intervene. I mostly laughed off her behavior. Eventually I was promoted -- upsetting her to no end -- and she accused my (male) boss of misogyny (ignoring the fact that this multi-million dollar firm was helmed by a woman) and implied that I didn't deserve the position, which pissed me off. Somehow, she kept her job. At this point our relationship had devolved into a slow simmering feud interspersed with occasional arguments -- me taking great pleasure in periodically finishing her work for her and her talking an insane amount of shit about me to my coworkers (which of course immediately got back to me).

    However, I eventually won the feud through the simple act of helping her carry a box of documents to her car. You see, she occasionally dropped the afternoon mailings off at the post office and for whatever reason that day there was a mountain of mail. Her being a bit long in the tooth, she asked me if I would carry the box to her car, which I of course did. When she popped open her car door, a huge waft of skunky-ass weed stank hit me. It smelled like she had at least an ounce of some dank shit in her glove box. I smoke a lot of weed but you couldn't really tell at the time because of my white collar facade (you can definitely tell these days because I look like the eponymous FLORIDA MAN, which is ok because I live in Florida), so when I looked this woman in the face and said "wow, don't get pulled over on the way home or I'll have to do all your work," her jaw literally dropped. Now, I would never have turned her in, but she didn't know that, so until I quit that job with malicious intent (another story for another thread), I didn't have any more problems with her.

  • (#14) Clipped Toe Nails

    From Reddit user /u/baitsshopboy:

    He'd clip his toe nails. Talk about buying prostitutes with food when he was in the service.

  • (#15) Refused To Let Anyone Talk At Work

    From Reddit user /u/K8doesKeto:

    My old boss was a nutcase. She removed her cubicle wall so she could watch us. No one was allowed to come talk to us about work or request anything from us without going through her first. If anyone came to our area to talk to us she would come stomping out of her cube and interrupt. She would follow us and eavesdrop on our conversations, but only hear parts of them and then get angry because she misunderstood what she heard. She required us to send our work to her, which she would then send to whomever it was we were supposed to be working with, but take all the credit. Except she didn't know anything so she would have to come back with a million questions about it if they had any questions. She would yell at us on the floor. Once she made a girl on my team cry and then followed her to the bathroom to yell at her some more; her manager had to be called in to separate them. She would wander around through other departments trying to enforce a dress code on them. And finally she told my coworker she got low scores on her reviews because she was pregnant. Even after all that it took more than a year of huge turnover and everyone on our team, plus countless people in other departments, making formal complaints about her, for HR to finally pull the trigger because she was buddies with the head of the HR department.

  • (#16) Attempt To Firing

    From Reddit user /u/vyktorbarker:

    I used to work in Finance a few years ago in a company where everyone was an evangelical christian. They found out I was an atheist through Orkut (an old social network where I was part of atheist online communities). This group of people started bullying me with religious stuff until they decided to get me fired somehow. Long story short, they made a new folder in our system with my name on it and put a lot of porn inside to get me fired. The funny part is that the guy that did that, actually forgot pictures of HIMSELF having sex with random people in this folder and in the end 3 people were fired because of that (I wasn't).

  • (#17) Drugs At Work

    From Reddit user /u/LiterallyWhiteBread:

    I had a coworker offer me cocaine while I was working with a costumer in the front of the shop.

    That same day, she threatened me with a knife for changing the radio station, and then immediately tried to sell me on marijuana as a "miracle cure-all".

    She then promptly quit in favor of a website that gave her gift cards in exchange for taking surveys.

    All in the same day.

  • (#18) Mommy's Little Boy

    From Reddit user /u/Poopy__McGee:

    I had a coworker that was a 21yo man. His mother was our manager. Every day around lunch he would shout, "Mooooooooom I'm hungry. Go fix my lunch" regardless of whether she was busy/with a customer. She would heat up his lunch and set it out for him. We ate lunch at a table on the sales floor(furniture store) and after he finished eating he would leave his mess there until his mom cleaned it up. One day when his mom had the day off, his lunch mess stayed there all day.

  • (#19) Their Way Or No Way

    From a deleted Reddit user:

    She was my boss and she is the most toxic employee I've ever witnessed. I think she's just kind of a terrible person in general actually, but she considers me her best friend. I am just so laid back, that I don't get visibly distressed over her bullshit, but I personally think she's manipulative, psychotic etc...

    She's been at the company for 24 years so she thinks she can get away with anything she does. She's walked out crying, come back and handed in her resignation multiple times, and the owner of the company always smoothes things over between her and the general manager (the person with whom she has the most conflict). Before he was hired, she thought she would have his job. When he first came, he made some mistakes and supposedly she was given a "directive" by the owner to "teach him (the GM) how to do his job" so she's taken that and run with it. She talks down to GM, calls him a son of a bitch, fights him on decisions, challenges his authority... you name it.

    Controlling isn't even the right word. Everything had to be done her way or no way. I had a meeting once on a project without her and she came in my office and absolutely blasted me for leaving her out of it and now I've "created confusion" and she loved to say either people included her in absolutely every step/decision on a project or she was "out of it". Basically, either she was in control or she wanted nothing to do with it. She had to be copied on every single email. Every decision had to be run by her first. Then she loved to complain that nothing got done without her, and why can't anyone just "take care of things" without having to interrupt her.

    She didn't reward initiative at all. In fact if I did take initiative on things, she'd find a way to make it look like a mistake. "Well while you were busy doing that, this wasn't getting done". We had a pre-project meeting once where we setting out the beginning stages and I took the initiative to reach out to some vendors to let them know we'd started work on the project and could they go ahead and start pulling together X, Y, Z assets? When I went and told her I'd done it, she was completely nonplussed and then turned the conversation around into how nothing I do gets done fast enough and just the other week I spent 2 hours on something that should've taken 30 minutes (her bs opinion).

    She loved the idea of a "need-to-know" basis. I'd get emails forwarded that had information deleted out of them because I might get confused if I "knew too much". I also witnessed other people doing their jobs and coming to her with an anomaly, like a mystery account code, and her response was to say that nobody was told what it was for because they "didn't need to know". She believed job security was being the only person that knew how to perform certain functions in our system, and she refused to train anyone how to do anything that she didn't absolutely have to. To this day, I have no idea how to run the reports I need.

    She's very very manipulative & I've gotten to the point that I don't believe anything she says. One day I came in to work and she was in major bitch mode. Had a list of items that needed to be done by EOD, a list that included some very involved projects and a more realistic timeline for getting the work done was like 3 days. But I hammered it out and got it all done in one day, which made her really happy. Then she launches into a story about going to the humane society over the weekend and feeling "uncomfortable" with the questions they were asking about her home life, etc. Her son has downs syndrome and she said at a certain point he refused to pet the potential dog anymore because he felt uncomfortable. So for a week she's going back and forth with this lady from the humane society, throwing her job title and salary around using them as reasons her household is stable enough to adopt this dog. In the end they were denied and she blew like a geyser. She sent a particularly nasty email to the humane society volunteer about how she'd never consider adopting from them again and on and on, then went on social media and posted all over about the discrimination she witnessed because her son has downs syndrome and even got the national pet store involved. As a side note, I was reading some reviews of this particular humane society and lots of people had similar complaints about being denied animals; I guess they are very stringent in their vetting process. If I was trying to adopt an animal and had read those reviews in advance, I never would've even bothered. But anyway, I couldn't help but see the hypocrisy in her telling me nothing I did ever got done fast enough, yet she had time to email this lady about a dog multiple times and go online to post all over social media about it.

    She is incredible threatened by other women. She is the only female on the "directors" team and is very proud of that fact. About a year ago another female asked to join what was then the "leadership" team and when they met to consider adding this other female, my boss threw a fit. Wanted to know what purpose she would serve, and how much other work was now not going to get done because she would be spending her time in leadership meetings instead of leading her team and on and on. They ended up quietly adding the other female and included her name in the leadership email group. My boss would purposely address emails to the individual members of the leadership team and omit the newly added female employee. Then, she would "tattle" on the same employee and point out all the mistakes being made in her department to the GM. Eventually the "leadership" group became the "directors" team and guess which employee was not made a director?

    This has gotten long, but these are some of the highlights of working for this nutcase. I have been looking for a new job for 4 months, wish me luck, haha.

  • (#20) Drunk With A Gun

    From Reddit user /u/Hatter182:

    My time to shine! I was working as a security guard in a country where anyone can get the licence,as long as they dont have a criminal record. That night I was working with this older lady who just started couple of days before so no one actually knew her. She showed up pissed drunk,drank some more,started rolling on the floor and waving a gun around. I was scared shitless. That continued for couple of hours before she passed out from too much alcohol,I called my supervisor and explained the situation. I wouldnt rat out,but that shit was too crazy. She got fired the next day. Fuck that.

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About This Tool

So far, most people have talked about nightmare company cultures and nightmare bosses. What about nightmare coworkers? Colleagues have an important impact on work efficiency and mood. We need to work with these people every day and need their support and cooperation on certain tasks. Everyone hopes to have logical and perfect cooperation with coworkers but the works are not as smooth as imagined.

It is lucky to have a or several wise and clever coworkers at work. You will know that you are not alone, many idol coworkers are around us. The random tool collected 20 horror stories about their nightmare co-worker.

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