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  • (#1) Her Abusive Father Threatened Her With A Weapon

    From illpetyourcat:

    "Sh*t, my time to shine. My dad was nice to me until I turned 8. It was 4th grade, I hated spelling because it was too easy and boring so I didn't do my homework. Grade 40 for homework, 95 for tests, averaged out to a D. He spanked me with a belt and grounded me from TV and having friends over or going anywhere until the next report card. anytime I brought home less than a b that happened. Eventually it was anything below a C, but I spent all of 7th grade grounded and not allowed to have TV and didn't see anyone outside of school. He began choking me that year, because I had started smarting off to him and resisting the spankings (begging him not to do it, running away).

    By the time I turn 15 I had learned how to hit him when he choked me. I split his lip once and left a footprint on his ribs another time. He was verbally abusive.

    I got a job and car when I turned 16. By age 17 the economy crashed, I wasn't making any money at my job (rural town, waitressing) and quit working. He flipped out. I joined the military and left him behind. Fast forward 6 years and my marriage had failed. My ex turned into an alcoholic due to PTSD, he also started becoming physically abusive. I wasn't safe anymore. I moved back in with my dad because I didn't have any other option. A year later he put a gun to my head.
    We haven't spoken since."


  • (#2) This Person Was Let Down By Three Sets Of Parents

    From number-47:

    "My biological dad is an addict who abused me, my mom, and my siblings. He managed to get everyone to believe that he was the victim and/or that he'd made a forgivable mistake. Also, since he didn't get what he wanted from my mother, he made me his wife. Yes, in all the aspects you'd imagine.

    My biological mom, well, she...it's a long story, but eventually I ended up having to leave my family because of ....[what] she enabled. We left my dad, and I thought everything would be okay. It wasn't. She herself is extremely unstable and emotionally abusive, and encouraged my brother to verbally abuse me. At one point, he was telling me to [end my life] and she said he was entitled to his opinion, but when I tried to say something she told me not to be rude. She also watched as my brother tried to strangle me, and did nothing.

    My foster parents...I don't even know. They took me in for over a year, and I really thought they'd end up being my family. But since I couldn't perform how they wanted me to and "overcome my mental illness," they made me leave soon after I turned 18. Then, my second foster mom convinced them that I was a selfish person who faked... They weren't as close to me as I first thought, and they haven't contacted me or responded to my contact since.

    My second foster family...they took me in as a rentee, kind of? My foster brother, whom I adore and consider to be my real brother, had no idea what was going on in his family. His mom at first said she'd be my mom and take care of me forever. She bought me things. Then, she [abused] me while "teaching me to take a bath." Then, I learned she'd been [doing the same thing to] my foster brother since he was a small child. And his father did nothing. She was abusive mentally, emotionally, even physically. I was kicked out for "turning her son against her," and now I live in a homeless youth shelter. She told me I'd never be successful. Joke's on her, I graduated two days ago and am moving into an apartment with my girlfriend on the 1st.

    ...three sets of parents. It's hard, honestly, sometimes I feel like I'm just not deserving of family. But my foster brother, my girlfriend, my high school staff and teachers, they've given me what I never thought I'd have. Maybe not family legally or [genetically], but family."

  • (#3) This Mom Had Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy

    From Blitizgiving:

    "Ever heard of Munchausen's by proxy? Basically my mother would purposely make me sick, or keep me sick to gain sympathy or attention from other people. She always would tell me it was my fault, or that if I told anyone I would have no where to live because my dad left when I was a baby (bc my mom way crazy) and the rest of my family lived far away.

    One of the worst instances that I can remember was we were swinging on the swing set and my mother pushed me off the swing. I had broken my arm, and knew it because the bone was sticking out. She wouldn't take me to the hospital for like two days, and when the doctor asked her what took so long, she claimed it was because I tried to hide it from her. She would constantly hit me[, or] put my arm on the table so she could hit it, so it wouldn't heal. A 6-7 week period that I was suppose to be in a cast took 15 weeks, including [the] doctors having to rebreak my arm.

    Basically this didn't stop until[,] what started with a UTI turn into a dangerous kidney infection. At that point the doctor noticed my suspiciously long medical record and called a social worker. At 15 I was finally rehomed with my aunt halfway across the county and said a big f you my mom."

  • (#4) Her Mother Used Her Personal Tragedy To Gain Sympathy

    From derpyfinger:

    "My mother is a...possible [drug] user. I had an idea when I was in my pre-teens that something was wrong, but it never really clicked. We fought a lot when I met my boyfriend (now husband: together a total 10 years). She accused him of [assaulting] me because he's five years older, after I graduated I moved out and rarely spoke to her. Years later, after losing our firstborn child just hours after her birth, my mother refuses to leave my hospital room. Wailing about her loss, how her life has changed, how devastated she is. Even though I had just sent my daughter's [remains] to a crematorium. After our second child was born, I let her come by once. She showed up [intoxicated]. She was holding my 5lb premie... falling asleep standing up. When I confronted her she blamed my husband. Saying that he is turning me against her. I haven't talked to her since. Stories around town hint at theft, [other crimes]. She still talks [bad about] my husband, its a small town. I hear about it. There's more to her madness, but the narcissism after dealing with my daughter's [passing] is something I can never forgive."

  • (#5) These Parents Gave Their Child PTSD

    From Clockw0rk:

    "I had a breakthrough working on my lifelong depression a few years back. The anxiety attacks, flashbacks, suppressed memories, and recurring nightmares involving my childhood were actually symptomatic of PTSD, and my doctor suggested putting some space between myself and my parents until it was sorted out.

    The suggestion was simple. Explain I was seeking treatment for depression and that I was going to be out of contact for a bit. My mother responded by saying it was all a plot to blame everything on her. My father responded by saying it was selfish.

    I cut them both off, blocked them, and most of my symptoms went away within weeks. The depression remains, but the nightmares are thankfully gone. Child abuse is one of the worst things you can do.

    My parents are [gone] to me."

  • (#6) Dad Lost The College Fund And Lied About It

    From Douglerful:

    "My dad lost my college fund.

    This wouldn't be a huge deal if he hadn't tried to hide it from me. I took on student loan debt on the premise that my fund would be used to repay it. My best friend [passed away] about two [semesters] in, so i dropped out instead of facing academic suspension for my falling grades. He's since tried to convince me the entirety of the fund (somewhere north of 8 thousand Canadian ruples) was spent on that one [semester]. So now I'm stuck in debt, at a [horrible] job, with no University. 7k in the hole. 7k that I would not have taken out if I knew that the fund was gone. But he knew, and he let me do it. He'd rather hide the fact that he lost/spent my college fund than come clean and stopped me from taking on that debt. The money likely went to my stepmoms credit card issues, so yah my dad traded my future, for his wife's [mistakes]. And don't even respect his son enough to tell him.

    On top of all that, he's generally a [jerk] who cares more about if he feels like a good parent than actually being one. I've told him my issues before, and he straight up denied them, like he had any say in how I felt. The most willfully ignorant, spineless man I've ever met. I've tried to rebuild our relatives but he always drags up old fights and what not and can not admit fault.

    My mom is a naggy, micromanaging, controlling child. She means well though and is generally nicer [than dad], but it's getting there.

    Edit: my father contributed the least to my fund, so it's not like he lost [his] own money, it was my mom's, grand parents, and uncles."

  • (#7) Mom And Dad Were Financially Irresponsible, And They Blame The Children

    From Awsm_POE:

    "My mother and father lived life beyond their means.

    They spent money they didn't have, and got loans on top of loans so they can buy whatever they want when they want. They're both in their 50s and they have nothing in their name, and live with my grandparents in their basement.

    I managed to get my [life] together and bought a house, car, had some kids and a few toys by 25. Parents resent me for being somewhat successful, and I don't really know why.

    Anytime I visit them they remind us that they went in debt because of us. That we had to have everything (lol)

    After they racked up 100k in credit card debt and consolidation loans. I convinced them to declare bankruptcy and in two years they were debt free, up until the day after their bankruptcy term lifted.

    They financed two cars worth around 40k at 24% interest over nine years. I immediately said what the f*ck were you guys thinking?

    'We wouldn't be in this position if you didn't make us declare bankruptcy.'

    Scolded them softly about being immature and I haven't had a call in two years."

  • (#8) Mom Treats Her Nine-Year-Old Niece Like Garbage

    From Primus0788:

    "My niece was nine years old and both her and my sister were [living] with my dad. My niece would emulate my sister to a T. So when my sister would say dumb [stuff] like 'maybe I should just leave. Everyone would be happier if I was [deceased] anyway!' (My sister is very dramatic. She isn't [willing to take her life], she is just stupid when she doesn't get her way. She would usually say she was going to run away if she was told she needed to stay home and watch her daughter instead of going to hang out with her friends. Then she would go check herself into 72 hour psychiatric holds at the hospital. She has done that a lot.) Anyway, when she would say dumb [stuff] like that my niece would start saying similar things. So my sister [hears] her daughter saying that and decides to check her nine-year-old daughter into a 72-hour psychiatric ward because "something has to be wrong in her head." My dad, instead of telling her how stupid she is being, agrees because his wife agrees. He turns it into a family outing, grabs my step mom and they all drive to the hospital.

    72 hours later the doctors release her and tell us what we already know...she lacks attention from her care providers, my dad is never home, and they can conclude his wife [hates] my niece. This is a spot on evaluation. When my niece was born and my dad flew out to see them, the last thing his wife said to him was, 'don't you dare bring that...baby back here.'

    Anyway, I quit talking to him. This was just the last in a string of events that drove me away from him."

  • (#9) Dad Was A Dealer Who Refused To Help With School

    From onceuponamovie:

    "My dad chose to make a living selling drugs and he refused to loan me the 60$ I was [missing] to buy a university textbook I desperately needed. He told me to stop being lazy and quit school to work if I didn't have money. I've never asked him for anything and now he is [incarcerated], we haven't spoken in 6 years and all is right in the world.

    I've never been happier, with my degree, well paying job, fiance and we have a baby boy on the way. He doesn't get to know or be part of my happiness. I am self made and will always be proud of the day I cut ties with him."

  • (#10) This Person's Dad Tried To Take Someone Out

    From Kneesocks93:

    "Prison for [trying to take someone's life]. I'd rather not listen to him claim innocence when everyone knows he's guilty."

  • (#11) This Person's Parents Won't Stop Preaching Their Faith

    From GijaySorez:

    "I have minimal contact with them because they are Jehovah Witnesses, and it saddens me how in every conversation we have they try to preach something to me, even if it is something tiny. I wish I grew up in a...household where people TALK to each other like [other] human beings that have feelings, but nope that [group] took that away from me."

  • (#12) His Father Wouldn't Accept His Sexuality

    From AkirIkasu:

    "I came out to my family as bi. That was a lie; I already knew I was gay and in denial. But I was so afraid of being kicked out of the house. I was surprised when they were so accepting.

    My father, however, would always try to make me feel better when my relationships with men wouldn't pan out by telling me that it would have worked if I were with a woman. That hurt far more than the breakups ever did.

    That wasn't the reason why I don't talk to him now, though. He has a lot of problems, and I honestly don't think that anything good can happen from talking to him."

  • (#13) This Person's Mom Is The Queen Of Passive Aggressive Insults

    From Sebas223:

    "I'm not there yet but I'm really a scared for it. Every time I come home from college it's just filled with anxiety. Everything I do is wrong and all my reactions are over reactions.

    One time we were talking about school, which is not uncommon (she's getting her masters at the same time), and I told her my grades. She pointed out the hers were higher and said 'well I guess college is not for everyone.' Well when i called her out on the rude comment that I did not find funny, she began her thing of snowballing it into this whole thing where it's just a joke, that it's because I hate her, and it's not her fault because of XYZ. Then she starts crying and getting my dad involved. Then it evolves into how I'm a terrible person for doing this to her. She does this about work, school, our faith, family, almost every facet of my life is criticized and made to look like I'm failing, meanwhile she is here absolutely perfect.

    It's getting to the point where I don't want to come home and I never want to call just because I know its more stressful than actual school. I was talking to my older brother about it and she did the same thing to him as well that's why as soon as he got through college he bolted for some other state to get away from her. The only difference is that she is doing it to me more often. Every time I try to talk to her about it she just turns it around on me saying it's my fault that I'm so anxious all the time. Even though I only get anxiety when I'm talking to her. I know it's not as bad as some of the posts on here, but it feels good to vent."

  • (#14) This Mom Loves To Play Mind Games

    From Taco__Lips:

    "I believe my mother has borderline personality disorder or some other similar cluster B personality disorder.

    She was (and still is) completely unpredictable, causing me to walk on eggshells, she made me co-dependent and hated me having my own thoughts opinions and dreams... then would relish in putting me in situations where I was unprepared, and out of my depth for her to say 'I told you so!' to keep me on the leash and with low self esteem.

    She's incredibly petulant, discouraging, obsessive, irritable, no one is good enough, but she is perfect!. You never know what will set her off, or who. Making friends was hard because she always ended up hating my friends parents, or my friends themselves, pointing out every single flaw and showing how 'not good enough' they were. When I would dump them as friends, she had the nerve to ask Why I did that... despite her literally spieling on beforehand about how bad a 'friend' they were to me...

    Mind Games.

    It was a sick emotional rollercoaster and upbringing with her, and it's messed me up in a lot of ways, and I've tried hard with therapy and behavioural adjustment/cognitive therapy to help fix my thinking and help relate to people and not pick them apart the way she always did, but it's really f*cked me up, and I don't think I will ever have a true friend, or relationship. :("

  • (#15) This Person Is Ashamed Of Their Own Decisions And Can't Face Their Dad

    From sindhichhokro:

    "Because I am ashamed of myself.

    I broke my father's heart by dropping out of college for a girl. He loves me and would do anything to make me feel better if i asked. But out of shame and guilt of breaking his heart without realizing it as a factor simply crashes me into tears and I can't face him. It's been few years since we had a real talk other than formal salutations."

  • (#16) Her Parents Enable Her Sister's Horrendous Behavior

    From mandabeth5:

    "Because I'm tired of being hurt and I don't want my son growing up around my family thinking that's how normal people act.

    In a nutshell, I have a sister who has torn the family apart. She's manipulative, she's nasty. She stirs up SERIOUS drama. For instance, when I left my physically and verbally abusive husband, she started dating him. She screams and yells at everyone, from my parents to her kids.

    She's 32 years old, and my parents absolutely enable her. DUI? Buy her a new car. That's easier than listening to her scream and yell about needing a new car. (Nope, she doesn't work and just.. won't.)

    When I left Christmas with my family crying, for the second time, I was done. I told my parents I cannot be around them if she's around (she ALWAYS is.) My mom's response was 'well, she's my daughter.' Apparently I'm not....?"

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About This Tool

Long-term severance with family members or relatives is caused by serious family problems. However, there is very little research in this field, so it is difficult to know whether the phenomenon of family alienation is getting worse today. There is a charity in the United Kingdom called "Stand Alone", which provides support for people who have cut off contact with their parents. A survey shows that 10% of mothers are estranged from their adult children.

In recent years, people have found that cutting all contact with families is almost as common as divorce. The random tool explained 16 reasons why these people cut off contact with their parents for a long time.

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