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  • (#12) His Father Wouldn't Accept His Sexuality

    From AkirIkasu:

    "I came out to my family as bi. That was a lie; I already knew I was gay and in denial. But I was so afraid of being kicked out of the house. I was surprised when they were so accepting.

    My father, however, would always try to make me feel better when my relationships with men wouldn't pan out by telling me that it would have worked if I were with a woman. That hurt far more than the breakups ever did.

    That wasn't the reason why I don't talk to him now, though. He has a lot of problems, and I honestly don't think that anything good can happen from talking to him."

  • (#1) Her Abusive Father Threatened Her With A Weapon

    From illpetyourcat:

    "Sh*t, my time to shine. My dad was nice to me until I turned 8. It was 4th grade, I hated spelling because it was too easy and boring so I didn't do my homework. Grade 40 for homework, 95 for tests, averaged out to a D. He spanked me with a belt and grounded me from TV and having friends over or going anywhere until the next report card. anytime I brought home less than a b that happened. Eventually it was anything below a C, but I spent all of 7th grade grounded and not allowed to have TV and didn't see anyone outside of school. He began choking me that year, because I had started smarting off to him and resisting the spankings (begging him not to do it, running away).

    By the time I turn 15 I had learned how to hit him when he choked me. I split his lip once and left a footprint on his ribs another time. He was verbally abusive.

    I got a job and car when I turned 16. By age 17 the economy crashed, I wasn't making any money at my job (rural town, waitressing) and quit working. He flipped out. I joined the military and left him behind. Fast forward 6 years and my marriage had failed. My ex turned into an alcoholic due to PTSD, he also started becoming physically abusive. I wasn't safe anymore. I moved back in with my dad because I didn't have any other option. A year later he put a gun to my head.
    We haven't spoken since."


  • (#8) Mom Treats Her Nine-Year-Old Niece Like Garbage

    From Primus0788:

    "My niece was nine years old and both her and my sister were [living] with my dad. My niece would emulate my sister to a T. So when my sister would say dumb [stuff] like 'maybe I should just leave. Everyone would be happier if I was [deceased] anyway!' (My sister is very dramatic. She isn't [willing to take her life], she is just stupid when she doesn't get her way. She would usually say she was going to run away if she was told she needed to stay home and watch her daughter instead of going to hang out with her friends. Then she would go check herself into 72 hour psychiatric holds at the hospital. She has done that a lot.) Anyway, when she would say dumb [stuff] like that my niece would start saying similar things. So my sister [hears] her daughter saying that and decides to check her nine-year-old daughter into a 72-hour psychiatric ward because "something has to be wrong in her head." My dad, instead of telling her how stupid she is being, agrees because his wife agrees. He turns it into a family outing, grabs my step mom and they all drive to the hospital.

    72 hours later the doctors release her and tell us what we already know...she lacks attention from her care providers, my dad is never home, and they can conclude his wife [hates] my niece. This is a spot on evaluation. When my niece was born and my dad flew out to see them, the last thing his wife said to him was, 'don't you dare bring that...baby back here.'

    Anyway, I quit talking to him. This was just the last in a string of events that drove me away from him."

  • (#10) This Person's Dad Tried To Take Someone Out

    From Kneesocks93:

    "Prison for [trying to take someone's life]. I'd rather not listen to him claim innocence when everyone knows he's guilty."

  • (#2) This Person Was Let Down By Three Sets Of Parents

    From number-47:

    "My biological dad is an addict who abused me, my mom, and my siblings. He managed to get everyone to believe that he was the victim and/or that he'd made a forgivable mistake. Also, since he didn't get what he wanted from my mother, he made me his wife. Yes, in all the aspects you'd imagine.

    My biological mom, well, she...it's a long story, but eventually I ended up having to leave my family because of ....[what] she enabled. We left my dad, and I thought everything would be okay. It wasn't. She herself is extremely unstable and emotionally abusive, and encouraged my brother to verbally abuse me. At one point, he was telling me to [end my life] and she said he was entitled to his opinion, but when I tried to say something she told me not to be rude. She also watched as my brother tried to strangle me, and did nothing.

    My foster parents...I don't even know. They took me in for over a year, and I really thought they'd end up being my family. But since I couldn't perform how they wanted me to and "overcome my mental illness," they made me leave soon after I turned 18. Then, my second foster mom convinced them that I was a selfish person who faked... They weren't as close to me as I first thought, and they haven't contacted me or responded to my contact since.

    My second foster family...they took me in as a rentee, kind of? My foster brother, whom I adore and consider to be my real brother, had no idea what was going on in his family. His mom at first said she'd be my mom and take care of me forever. She bought me things. Then, she [abused] me while "teaching me to take a bath." Then, I learned she'd been [doing the same thing to] my foster brother since he was a small child. And his father did nothing. She was abusive mentally, emotionally, even physically. I was kicked out for "turning her son against her," and now I live in a homeless youth shelter. She told me I'd never be successful. Joke's on her, I graduated two days ago and am moving into an apartment with my girlfriend on the 1st.

    ...three sets of parents. It's hard, honestly, sometimes I feel like I'm just not deserving of family. But my foster brother, my girlfriend, my high school staff and teachers, they've given me what I never thought I'd have. Maybe not family legally or [genetically], but family."

  • (#15) This Person Is Ashamed Of Their Own Decisions And Can't Face Their Dad

    From sindhichhokro:

    "Because I am ashamed of myself.

    I broke my father's heart by dropping out of college for a girl. He loves me and would do anything to make me feel better if i asked. But out of shame and guilt of breaking his heart without realizing it as a factor simply crashes me into tears and I can't face him. It's been few years since we had a real talk other than formal salutations."

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About This Tool

Long-term severance with family members or relatives is caused by serious family problems. However, there is very little research in this field, so it is difficult to know whether the phenomenon of family alienation is getting worse today. There is a charity in the United Kingdom called "Stand Alone", which provides support for people who have cut off contact with their parents. A survey shows that 10% of mothers are estranged from their adult children.

In recent years, people have found that cutting all contact with families is almost as common as divorce. The random tool explained 16 reasons why these people cut off contact with their parents for a long time.

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