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Random Nicaraguan Filmsreport

  • Se le movió el piso: A portrait of Managua (1996) (S)

  • The Ghost of War (El Espectro de la guerra, 1988) (G)

  • Cinema Alcázar (1997) (C)

  • No todos los sueños han sido soñados (1995) (N)

  • La Llamada de la muerte (1960) (L)

  • Sandino (1990) (S)

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About This Tool

Nicaragua was an economically backward agricultural country with a high rate of unemployment and a population living in poverty. Because of the colonial rule of Nicaragua in the early days, the anti-colonial mood of the people was high, which gave birth to a lot of political color film, reflecting the People’s dissatisfaction with the rule and the hardship of life and so on.

If you want to learn more about Nicaragua, check out the 24 movies that the random tool generator has compiled, including documentaries, science fiction, and Romance, war Films, and the like reflect the lives and emotions of Nicaraguan people at different times, as well as the director’s complex and mixed feelings about the revelation of a realistic society. We can not know all of history, we can not know all of reality, but we can embrace truth, goodness and beauty, and reject violence and aggression.

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