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  • (#13) Sleeping In The Snow Was Better Than Sleeping In Bed At Home

    From Redditor /u/domestic_omnom

    When I realized I was happier sleeping in a sleeping bag in the snow on a military training exercise than I was sleeping in a bed at my house with my "wife."

  • (#11) Her Husband Was Unsympathetic When She Got Sick

    From Redditor /u/dizzytulip:

    This is not how I fell out of love so much as the straw that broke the camel's back and the event that really drove home to me what a total a**hole I was with. We were married and living outside our home country, no friends or family around. I was really sick with a sinus infection. Like just laying in the silent darkness because you can't sleep, but light and sound makes your head hurt worse. Like I could hardly stand up and walk around.

    He came in the room and said, "Are you going to make dinner?" I said no.

    He made himself some spaghetti and meat sauce and didn't offer to make me anything to eat, or even get me a glass of water.

    I got up a while later to get my own water from the kitchen, and saw the mess he had left for me to clean up. Meat all over the stove and even on the floor due to his negligent stirring. He had put a pound of ground beef in a pan that was too small for it, then stirred it around, f*cking oblivious. There were dirty pans stacked in the sink.

    If I had felt better I think I would have [ended] him.

  • (#16) He Relapsed After Rehab

    From Redditor /u/LovingDatDee

    When [my] addict husband several months out of rehab took my vehicle one morning and returned with [substances] he'd obtained from his secret post office box.

  • (#17) A Long-Distance Marriage Didn’t Work

    From Redditor /u/mrhoopers

    [My] wife and I had a long distance relationship due to work. [The] plan was that every three months we’d have a talk about fixing the distance (she was supposed to move to where I was). After a year she told me she’d resigned her lease on her apartment for another 13 months without talking to me about it. So she chose her new life without me. I didn’t stop loving her but I did stop liking her. Done and done.

  • (#12) He Wanted Children - With Someone Else

    From Redditor /u/ilulisaat

    He said, "I want children, just not with you." [We've been] married eight years and I don't know what to do. 

  • (#2) She Felt Like His Mother Because He Was Immature

    From Redditor /u/lemonf*cker007

    Most people would say that there isn't a distinct moment that it happens, but there can be if you've been on your way there for some time.

    My ex-husband and I had just gotten married and I was learning exactly how immature he really was. I felt like I was his mother and that the stability of our small, new household was contingent on me kicking his ass to help me pay bills, clean, etc. The exact moment that I decided, "I'm f*cking done with you" was when we were so poor that we had no food, we were behind on bills and we were one day away from losing our car insurance because we couldn't afford to pay it. Meanwhile, I'm looking through our bank statements trying to figure out where the f*ck all our money is going, and I find a $150 statement from Radioshack.

    He spent our very last money on a f*cking Bluetooth speaker while his wife was having broth for dinner and going to work hungry every morning. That's when I finally figured out that he wasn't on my team and he did not care about me. He liked the convenience of me.

    Jokes on him though because his last girlfriend spent all their rent money on a lizard.

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About This Tool

If love dies and people still have to live in marriage, then they feel like living in the tomb. Married eople who fell out of love can't catch people with their hands and yell only to hear their own echoes. Falling out of love is also not as uncommon as most people think. Lack of sexual attraction and emotional connectedness are two of the most common factors that lead to the loss of love in marriage.

A happy marriage is difficult to last forever, and it is difficult for couples to keep the level of excitement they had when they first met. The random tool shares 20 stories of married people who fell out of love.

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