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  • Pinsetter on Random Jobs That No Longer Exist

    (#2) Pinsetter

    The Job: After the bowling ball did its thing, they would have to set up the appropriate pins for the next frame.

    Who Did It: Usually young boys working for cheap.

    Why It Went Away: MACHINES! They're way cheaper, and way less creepy to see at the end of a lane.
  • Driver on Random Jobs That No Longer Exist

    (#5) Driver

    The Job: Someone who manually drives cattle or sheep. Yes, like a cowboy.

    Who Did It: Farmers. Children. Hugh Jackman in Australia.

    Why It Went Away: Trained animals, machines, and factory farms.  
  • Milkman on Random Jobs That No Longer Exist

    (#4) Milkman

    The Job: Before there were places to keep anything cold for any real length of time, especially for nights on end, there was the milkman to bring you daily (or every other day) milk, before it spoiled. Well, that and to be the blame for hundreds of illegitimate children across the country.

    Who Did It: Young, charming, seemingly always handsome, well-dressed men.

    Why It Went Away: Refrigerators and modern, processed, forever-lasting "milk."
  • Knocker-Upper on Random Jobs That No Longer Exist

    (#6) Knocker-Upper

    The Job: No, not THAT. They were hired to make sure others would wake up for their jobs, using long sticks, pebbles, and clubs to knock on windows.

    Who Did It: Anyone desperate enough.

    Why It Went Away: Alarm clocks.
  • Switchboard Operator on Random Jobs That No Longer Exist

    (#12) Switchboard Operator

    The Job: Back when phones were in their early years, an operator would have to manually switch calls using a pair of phone plugs inserted into the appropriate jacks for each end of the line.

    Who Did It: Usually young women, with great communication skills.

    Why It Went Away: Phone technology advanced to place calls directly, person to person.
  • Gandy Dancer on Random Jobs That No Longer Exist

    (#17) Gandy Dancer

    The Job: Slang for railroad worker. These were the guys responsible for laying and maintaining the track.

    Who Did It: Strong, young men.

    Why It Went Away: They just don't build railroads like they used to. Also, machines.

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About This Tool

With the rapid development of technology and the economy, there are many things that cannot stand the test of time, some specific jobs are no exception. Do you know which industries or jobs that were once active in history have disappeared? Any job should be iteratively upgraded with the change and development of society. 

The random tool lists 20 amazing jobs that no longer exist nowadays, some of which may make you find them very interesting, such as milkman, lector, rat catcher, etc. Most of these jobs have either been automated or outdated due to the fast development of technology.

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