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  • (#1) He Likes Snails; He's A Keeper

    From Redditor /u/LittleMissEmmet

    My 4yo daughter introduced me to the 5yo neighbour kid as a bf, she told me he's really good at running fast and he appreciates snails as much as she does. Needless to say, this is a keeper.

  • (#2) Went Car Shopping With Him

    From Redditor /u/annnabear

    I come from a middle class Indian immigrant family and my parents were never cool with us kids having boyfriends. So when at the age of 25 I brought my boyfriend home, they were a bit hesitant and took a long time to open up to him. My mom went all mother-in-law mode and felt she had to keep up appearances (if he came over and she was laying on the couch, she would get up and act all formal). The first day he met my dad, I asked my dad afterwards what he thinks of my boyfriend, his response was "don't lose him, that's all".

    Now he comes over and hangs out with them without an ounce of formality. They all have little inside jokes with him, my siblings included. My parents went car shopping and I didn't get to go so my dad asked if the boyfriend and I would go take a look at the car one day after work. They just really wanted him to check it out too, which felt so special to me because they value his opinion and he's part of the family now.

    I never would have imagined that my family would welcome him like this. Melts my heart

  • (#3) Whatever You Do To My Daughter, I Will Do To You

    From Redditor /u/KevineCove

    I said, "Whatever you do to my daughter, I will do to you."

    I've been stuck giving him emotional support and validation for three years. That f*cking b*stard.

  • (#4) He Got Animated

    From Redditor /u/tossitafterwank

    When my oldest daughter introduced her first serious boyfriend, he was an awkward kind of guy, was pretty unremarkable, but he got super animated about topics that interested him. I had a chat with him about my daughter... he got animated. They've been married for 9 years. Good guy, works hard, is a staunch advocate for his wife, and I love his smile when he looks at their kids.

  • (#5) Same Brand Of Weird

    From Redditor /u/EmptyBobbin

    My eldest is 15, and boys in high school can be....gross. The way they speak to girls (and girls to boys) is just so far out of line it makes me ill. But her boyfriend is respectful to her and her family. Most importantly they're the same brand of weird. They facetime 19 hours a day I swear, but yesterday they had an entire conversation about penguins both using the same weird fake Russian type accent. He's her safe place and without very good cause, I'd never get in the way of that.

  • (#6) Let The Dog Decide

    From Redditor /u/emmitt_fitzhume

    We have an usual method - We let the dog decide. Seriously.

    We have two small dogs, a boy and a girl. Our kids are of the age where they have a lot of friends over including boyfriends/girlfriends. A lot of these are new friends are ones we are meeting for the first as the kids are entering into different groups/teams/social circles. The girl pup insists on being the center of attention and greets every visitor with unabandoned glee - jumping, licking, tail wagging - you get it.

    On rare occasions, we noticed her behavior with a new visitor would be drastically different: after a brief initial greeting, she will back up a few feet, appear hyper alert and bark continuously in a much higher tone like a high, panicky shrill. She avoids all contact with this person. We used to shrug/laugh off these interactions off as a "one off" but when she reacted the same way over and over with the same few visitors, we started to take notice. Over time, every one of those friend visitors turned out to not be "friend worthy" by our kids in one way or another within a few months.

    So now, we don't worry about it. Maybe we've got a bad case of correlation bias but for now, we let the dog decide and she's never been wrong.

  • (#7) Helped With Her Little Sister's Homework

    From Redditor /u/Love3748

    When they interact and help out the rest of the family. When my daughter didn’t understand her homework and then her sisters boyfriend helped her it showed how much he actually cared.

  • (#8) Stuck His Ground

    From Redditor /u/teksti-tv666

    My step daughters boyfriend came into MY house and we were talking about computer games and he had the audacity to tell me why red dead 2 was better than god of war. IN MY HOUSE!! But respect to the lad for that, he stuck to his principals and a year later still argues with me about gaming stuff.

  • (#9) Super Nerdy Boy

    From Redditor /u/ConvincinglyBearded

    My parents both instantly liked the first super nerdy boy I brought home. He didn't even have to talk before my dad was beaming at him. It was weird tbh.

    I married the nerdy guy, so their instincts were good, so idk.

  • (#10) He Always Buys Me A Coffee

    From Redditor /u/smcsleazy

    ok. so as someone who's been the boyfriend made to meet parents. there is one meeting i always loved.

    the dad is sitting in the living room with me while his daughter is getting ready. dude seems very approachable. he asks me about football, which where i live, is a big deal. i tell him that i'm not into football and i would rather see the money go back into the community like the arts or social help. he looks at me and says "that's what i wanted to hear" then he points me to his record collection and says "pick something good while charlotte gets ready" so i'm looking through his record collection and there is a lot of stuff in there that i was already into (lot's of 80's/90's alternative rock) i notice he has signals, calls and marches - mission of burma and stick that on. he asks me why i picked something like that over a safe choice like nevermind - nirvana or led zepplin 4. i just tell him "because this is the album that got me into post-punk"

    tbh my relationship with his daughter ended but every time i seen him around town, he would always buy me a coffee and we'd talk about the best scottish bands ever.

  • (#11) Tried To Be Cordial

    From Redditor /u/littlecakebaker

    My daughter(13) wanted me to meet her first "real" boyfriend. I was nice and pleasant, but I knew it wouldn't last cause he was all looks and no brains. Of course, as jr high relationships go, it was about a 2 month ordeal. I think all parents should try and be cordial, unless the person feels like a serial killer or something.

  • (#12) We Want Our Kids To Trust Us

    From Redditor /u/donac

    My husband and I always "like" the person unless there's something terribly wrong with them. First of all, we want our kids to trust us and never to disregard our not liking a potential mate because "we never like anyone". Secondly, we would never want our kids to feel like they have to choose - it's their mate, not ours. Thirdly, most young people are fairly okay, so no point in acting like no one can be good enough for our precious babies.

  • (#13) Defended His Position

    From Redditor /u/iff_true

    I first met one of my kids' partners when they both joined us on a weekend away. We had a discussion on some general subject in which he disagreed with me. He defended his position rather than defer to me.

    Good chap.

  • (#14) Is Everything Gucci?

    From Redditor /u/raynbowz13

    My daughter just started dating. She was mortified when I picked them up and asked if everything was Gucci.

  • (#15) Reminded Him Of His Ex-Wife

    From Redditor /u/clittle24

    Not a parent but my parents have talked about my boyfriends. They liked most of them but my dad said there was one he specifically didn’t like right away. I dated that guy for over a year before he cheated on me with his ex and left me for her. My dad said he didn’t like that guy because he reminded him of his ex wife who did the same thing to him.

  • (#16) It's About Respect

    From Redditor /u/HippyKiller925

    It's about respect, if she treats him right, and compatibility.

    On the other end, not her dad, but my girlfriend's roommate is this old grizzled marine dude. She told me that he liked me because I didn't try to get him to like, which apparently most people do. I was just myself and acted naturally, which he appreciated. Just be yourself and the people that will like you will like you, and the people who won't won't. But always be respectful.

  • (#17) "She's The One"

    From Redditor /u/AquilaIsAnIdiot

    Not a mother but I'm a sister to a lovely brother. He had brought some girls in house in his teenage years, and instantly I would know if I liked them or not. The first one he brought, was super rude with me and my parents. She would eat alone in the bedroom when we are having dinner, force my brother to be mean to me, etc. Few months after the relationship ended in a really bad way. After that brought some girls, didn't talk so much with them but they were nice and sweet (didn't last long, less than two months). The last one he brought, when I talked to her, just one thought came to mind "she's the one". Five or six years later, here they are, living together.

  • (#18) Fears For Her Happy, Cheerful Spirit

    From Redditor /u/tossitafterwank

    My youngest daughter has introduced me to a girlfriend from her trade school recently. Pretty sure she has been dating her for a couple years. She's angry, contrary, and bitter. Under all that baggage it's hard to tell, but I'm hoping that my home can be a place where she can just let whatever angers her so much disappear for a while and I can find out who she actually is. I've asked a good friend of my daughter's if there's ever been any signs of violence, as that's my only real concern, but so far it seems fine on that front. My youngest has always been a bit more subdued and contemplative than my others, so I'm hoping that whatever bitterness is in her girlfriend's life doesn't hurt her. This relationship is the most concerning one to me, because my daughter is a very sensitive person, and I fear for her happy, cheerful spirit.

  • (#19) Time Will Tell

    From Redditor /u/Daisydumpling

    I feel excited for them, it’s that wonderful time at the start of a new relationship and it’s exciting to see them happy and enjoying this new experience. It’s still quite new for me (and them) so as a parent I’m still learning. I’ve been fine with all the people I’ve been introduced to so far, maybe as I know that the likelihood is these relationships won’t last so for me it’s not an issue if I don’t take to them. Time will tell once their relationships become more serious.

  • (#20) As Far As My Daughter Is Concerned, I'll Like Him

    From Redditor /u/dou8le8bu88le

    Met my daughters boyfriend the other day. First boyfriend. She’s 17. He’s 18. I must admit I was a bit nervous and I remember very well being 18 and what I was thinking/wanting, but had a word with my self to be welcoming and warm and to treat him as an equal, my daughter's friend and therefore my friend. Anyway, he’s a nice young man so it’s all good. But to answer your question, I guess if he’s nice I’ll like him. If he’s a dick, I won't.

    Either way as far as my daughter is concerned, I’ll like him.

  • (#21) Based On The Way He Treats Her

    From Redditor /u/smalldoggobigpupper

    Here's my dad's take. He liked my ex-BF at first because he was initially polite and friendly, and I was very happy with him. However, my dad started to notice red flags later on and his opinion of him changed. For example, when we came back to my place from a day trip, he had sulked because I didn't show the enthusiasm he wanted about his favorite landmark. My dad told him that he should forgive me, but he still would not stop whining. My dad later told me that his reaction was blown out of proportion. Basically my dad would decide whether or not to like any guy I bring home based on the way he treats me.

    Edit: I did not show zero interest in what my ex liked. I just wasn't as over the top excited as he wanted me to be.

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About This Tool

Selfless love for kids may make parents very sensitive to their children's relationships, because they are always thinking about how to protect their children, hoping that their future life will be safe and smooth, so they will strongly reject any possible foreign invasion. Introducing the partner to parents is always a tough and complicated thing for different families, parents may realize that a new person will soon join the family and become the most important person for their children.

It is always stressful to bring an important love home for the first time. We may think about what our parents would think, will they like it? Needless to say, parents are also always nervous and try their best to be friendly. The random tool tells 21 heartwarming stories about their children brings home a lover that shared by some parents.

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