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  • (#1) Worse Than Ross And Rachel!

    From Redditor u/ThePeasantKingM:

    Oh I have a story about this.

    My friend A had been with his girlfriend B for years, so he decided he wanted to propose. What he didn't know, is that B was also thinking about proposing to him.

    A proposed first, and B freaked out because she had already set her proposal and bought a ring, so she said no. Over the next week, B freaked out more and more, and refused to answer A's calls and messages.

    A then decided to use the money he had saved up to buy a plane ticket to Europe. What was supposed to be a 3 month trip through western Europe turned out to be a year long trip around the world.

    One day, A says that he's coming back and B decides to go and wait for him at the airport and propose to him there. It turns out that while being in Peru, A met a girl and they fell in love almost immediately, and got married in Peru.

    Cue 5 years later, A and his Peruvian wife are still happily married and recently had a baby, while B hasn't still quite forgiven herself for ruining her relationship with A.

  • (#2) Ti Amo

    From Redditor u/PazzaCiccio:

    My mother told my father no three times. On the third time he got wasted at a local bar and basically started pouring his heart out to any one who’d listen. Mind you, it’s a very small village in the Italian alps and my father barely spoke Italian and no one in the village spoke English, including my mother. Word got back to my mom about this sad American at the bar so she went to find him and she told him she’d marry him.

    My parents celebrated their 44th anniversary last month.

  • (#3) The Biggest Regret

    From Redditor u/freetraveler11:

    I was the one who said no.

    We were high school sweethearts - had actually known each other since first grade and despite me moving to a different city, we reconnected in high school.

    I followed him out to college and realized there was a whole other world out there besides the small towns I grew up in.

    He already had our entire life planned out and it wasn’t until we had dated 3 1/2 years and he “surprised” me with a ring and a proposal that I realized he wasn’t what I wanted at all. He was lazy, never went to class, didn’t stand up for himself, and was codependent.

    I said no.

    He then proceeded to literally stalk me. We lived in the same apartment complex, but different units. He would knock on my door all hours of the day. I never answered. He would call and text constantly. This was before you could block numbers on an iPhone.

    He attempted to break in to my roommates window and was successful because she had left it unlocked. I wasn’t at the apartment and he told her, “I was just trying to get some stuff”.

    The very rare occasions I would open the door (very shortly after our break up), he would force his way in or stick his boot in between the door so I couldn’t close it.

    I called the cops numerous times but they never did anything.

    He would follow me if I left places.

    At one point, he somehow knew information that I knew he COULDNT have known and found out he had somehow installed a program onto my computer to track all my passwords and keystrokes and activity.

    That was when I decided to change my phone number.

    He would leave stuff on our balcony. Letters, gifts, random sh*t.

    He did not stop and would threaten me often by saying he would find out my new phone number.

    Eventually, it did get less and less, however TO THIS DAY, I still hear from him.

    I’m married now (for almost 4 years) and I’ve heard that he is also married and has a kid on the way.

    But a few months ago, he found my extremely obscure Facebook (it’s not even my full name. It’s half my first name and only my middle name. I have maybe 11 “friends” on there that he has no connection with. I really only use this fb to be in groups to discuss true crime) and asked me to meet up with him for lunch for closure. I blocked him, but I know I’ll hear from him again somehow in a few months.

    It’s ridiculous, honestly. I regret ever dating the guy.

  • (#4) Unhung Hero

    From Redditor u/ObscureCulturalMeme:

    So this actor, Patrick Moote, proposes to his girlfriend at a basketball game and gets turned down... while on the giant jumbotron. Clip goes on youtube, etc, etc.

    She tells him later that she turned him down because she thinks his d*** is too small. So he travels around the world, documenting what other cultures think about penis size and penis enlargement, and made a movie about it called Unhung Hero. I've never watched it, but the title alone makes me laugh.

  • (#5) Bullet Dodged

    From Redditor u/Nemrodh:

    I was a young Marine. I was only home during the weekends. was dating this girl for about a year from my home town.

    When I asked she said yes.

    Her dad former Navy kept saying we should wait. We put it off for a bit longer.

    Fast forward another year. she dumped me. Father informs me she has been sleeping with A LOT of guys.. like more then 50 over the 2 yrs we dated. And was very happy i didn't marry her. and apologizes to me for her behavior.

    She then totally ghosting everyone including her family for about 6 months. Find out she moved 7 hrs away and was living under a house.. not a basement. under a house with her new bf... She calls her mom to come get her. Mother and father ask me to go get her and bring her home..

    Good times.. good times.

  • (#6) It Could Be Worse

    From Redditor u/yathisisafakeone:

    We were dating for a little over a year but I was so sure she was the one. I drove 2 hours to see her at her college and went on a beautiful winter night walk and proposed. She looks me right in the eyes and said, “Oh you thought this was serious? Well um I don’t know how to say this other than I have been seeing other people. Well actually I have been seeing other women.” I was stunned I got up put the ring in my pocket and walked to my car got in and drove away never looking back crying the whole time. Haven’t seen or spoken with her in 7 years even though she has tried countless times to reach out. Now it’s a story I tell friends who are nervous about asking their significant others to marry them. Reminding them that even if they say no it could be worse

  • (#7) Say Yup To The Pup

    From Redditor u/Tempest_Skies:

    My mom rejected my father the first TWO times, lol. There was no real hard feelings between them. I guess my mother was just not ready for marriage yet.

    She ended up proposing to him. My grandmother and mother sewed a suit for their dog to wear and attached a sign around his neck with a ring that read "will you marry me?" Then she sent the dog out into the kitchen to beg for scraps while my father was preparing dinner. The next thing she heard was a very concerned voice shouting

    "HONEY! The dog is asking me to marry him!"

    Cue absolute hysterics.

    My dad said yes to the proposal. My HUMAN dad and my HUMAN mom are still married two decades later (the fact that I even had to clarify this is severely disappointing. Tsk...tsk...tsk.)

  • (#8) Reality Hits Hard

    From Redditor u/shaka_sulu:

    Not sure if this count but I proposed, she said yes, but 1 month before the wedding she took it back. This is what happened immediately with my life.

    I personally lost about $3,000 worth of deposits. My parents and her parents lost about $4000 each on deposits. Me and my parents are working class so it took years for us to financially recovered from this.

    I spent $2,200 on a ring I didn't want. My biggest regret and will say this anyone who listens. The engagement ring chain I bought it from wouldn't take it back. I took it to pawn shops and they'd only offer a few hundred. This engagement ring store, bank on customers who wants the whole ring (stone, band, setting). If you're going to buy a ring JUST BUY THE STONE a gold band, setting you can get a better deal from a local jewelry store. Apparently my gem I bought was sh*t. Most of the cost of the ring was BS.

    Most of my family was from out of state and a lot of people were pissed because they canceled their flight.

    I had to go to the ER. So I didn't leave my room, I couldn't take any calls because everyone was pissed and I didn't want to hear it. I was depressed and just stayed in bed. One day my roommate grabbed me and took me to the ER where the doctor treated me for severe dehydration and an infection.

    What happened when I got over it? I became stronger for it. I didn't propose to anyone until a decade later - honestly there wasn't anyone that I didn't love deeply enough to be in a committed relationship. But when I proposed I was in my thirties our relationship was more mature than my first time I proposed. We're now married for 13 years. SHe's my best friend. When I have good news she the first person I want to tell it too... when I have bad news she's the first person I want to tell it too. I financially recovered as well.

    I learned my lesson about the engagement ring. Only paid $300 for it. She LOVED it and treasures it. After our 10 year miles stone we were doing so well, I told her to pick a wedding ring of any cost. She refused. She still wears that cheap $300 ring and loves it.

  • (#9) "That's A Great Idea"

    From Redditor u/grayputer:

    We were living together. I asked, she said "No, I love you but I need to think about it. I don't think I'm ready yet. Can you give me some time and ask later?". A few months go by, I ask again, same response. A few more months, same deal. A couple more weeks and then she says "hey, what do you think of us getting married?". I replied: That's an excellent idea, why didn't I think of that?

    Our 39th anniversary is next month.

  • (#10) Flipped The Script

    From Redditor u/notibutm:

    We actually got married, moved in together, 2 weeks later, she moves out, blocks me everywhere and never gave me a reason, shortly after I was served with papers, now I'm divorced, that was last summer and not sure where I am now, making work my main priority for now.

    I just want to know why for some closure, but that's too far gone now.

  • (#11) Stay Persistent

    From Redditor u/kje199:

    I was the person who said no.

    We had only known each other for 3 months and he was smitten, I was more cautious. I said no, I like you but it's way too soon. He asked when would be enough time, I said maybe a year.

    He proposed again at midnight, one year after we first met, I said yes and we have been together 8 years now.

  • (#12) Put Some Effort Into It

    From Redditor u/Exploding_Muffin:

    My husband asked 3 times in the span of a couple months. We had dated for 3 years. He was ready, i wanted to graduate college first.

    Also: dont "propose" by handing your SO a ring while you're both in the car on the way to Burger King. I'm low maintenance, but put some thought into it.

  • (#13) Not All No's Stay No

    From Redditor u/elubow:

    We met in her home country of Germany while I was traveling. I knew I was in love. We dated long distance for a while. Me flying to Europe. Her flying to the US. I suggested marriage so we could be together. She said no a few times. I didn't press. But I was patient and not being pushy. I knew she was worth the wait. Then it hit her that's how we could be together. If we got married, we could live in a country together. The difficulties of being born on a different patch of dirt. A few years later, I'm still married to my best friend and living with her in Germany. Not all no's stay no. Life goes on.

  • (#14) Not Like The Movies

    From Redditor u/shadeck:

    We received a letter from the immigration office saying that she was lacking some documents. At the moment we were stressed both of us with work and study and none of us were sufficiently fluent in German to decipher this kind of language. We went to the university office for foreign students. The lady in charge translated to us the letter badly, telling us that even presenting the documents 'they would proceed with the deportation process.

    We panicked. Looking for some more help we ended in the city Hall. With the adrenaline rush I proposed to her in quite a loud voice:

    ' If we get married, could we stop the deportation?' I asked to the poor poor guy in the information office.

    I can't remember if he gave us an answer

    'I want to marry her! Will you marry me?'

    She started laughing. I started laughing. The guy in the office gave us the telephone to the pertinent department and asked us to call.

    We went out of the city hall and we couldn't stop laughing. She said to me 'well, thank you, but let's wait a bit.

    After the weekend we went to immigration office and the people there explained which documents were missing, how to get them. She wasn't denied the visa and we kept living in the way we planned.

    It was intense and (in retrospective) really funny

  • (#15) Maybe, But Definitely Not

    From Redditor u/gardibolt:

    Dated a woman for over two years and popped the question. First time she said “I don’t know”. A couple months later I asked her again, she said “Maybe.” I was pretty bent out of shape. But then I found out she was sleeping with several of my friends so I dodged a bullet there really.

  • (#16) Google Ruined The Surprise

    From Reditor u/baltinerdist:

    In 2017, Google came up with this idea to allow you to make photo books out of your Google photos account. My girlfriend and I had been dating for almost 2 years and I knew she was the one I wanted to marry, so I created this wonderful photo book of all of our selfies together and ended it with a page made out of a photo I generated that said will you marry me. I then proceeded to put all these things into an album and build the photo book.

    What didn't occur to me at the time was that the album I put these in was a shared album and the other person gets a notification when you add new photos to it. And the other person that the album was shared with? My girlfriend.

    That evening, we had dinner and it all came out. She saw the photo, she wasn't ready, there were a few reasons why but they were good reasons and smart reasons mostly to do with timing, family, and finances. We weren't breaking up, we just weren't getting engaged at that time. A year later, we have fully discussed the concept of getting married, we went ring shopping, she picked her own ring, and by the time I actually did propose we both knew what her answer would be.

    We celebrated our first wedding anniversary in April. It seems to have worked out so far! And the photo book is on a shelf to my left as we speak.

  • (#17) Chose The Wrong Path

    From Redditor u/Dashu:

    Not my story but someone I'm friends with.

    They both had sh*tty homes and became a couple at 14. Somewhere around 20 he proposed to her. She said she wasn't ready to commit yet. After that he'd propose to her every year partially in hopes she would be ready but it was also kind of a ritual where he would show her that he's still serious. She would say no every time. In their late 20s he was done with his studies, she could see the finish line so she told him she's ready - meaning marriage and eventually children. That's when he gets seconds thoughts about marrying the only woman he ever had a relationship with and he wasn't sure if he was making a mistake. They went on a break, she went to the US (from Europe) to do her PhD at the MIT. They drifted apart more, she moved on and found a new long term relationship with a partner that's a lot better for her while he quickly regretted ending the relationship and started f***ing whoever he could find on Tinder without being able to form a meaningful relationship after.

  • (#18) After The Credits Roll

    From Redditor u/alocinapap:

    She said yes as I had a special occasion planned - one of those observation wheels and I proposed at the very top and we were in our way to a family event and I had a ring made and everything.

    Then a few days later she said no. Everything fell apart. I was distraught. We continued dating for a while but it was long distance - other side of the world. When I visited it would be super awkward. Eventually he dad kicked me out. Was flying standby and was stuck in an airport for 4 days. Took me years to recover.

    Now I am happily married and am glad it never worked out. I was not in a good place when I met her and her family were super controlling. It would never have worked.

    The woman I married is super cool and is my best friend. Turned out better then expected.

  • (#19) Poor Guy

    From Redditor u/Venoshi:

    Not me but a guy I knew, proposed to his then girlfriend in a restaurant, made sure to have a friend record it, she walked out when he popped the question and pretty much ghosted him. He started drinking, found a new "passion" in gambling and gambled all his savings away. He ended up living on money of the state, works a garbage picker job now and almost set his house on fire at least 4 times that i know of by making food and falling asleep drunk. He was an... Interesting guy, friendly to some but the state hes in is just sad. Hope at some point he picks up his life again. Haven't heard of him in years though so no idea where he is now

  • (#20) A Worse Kind Of Girl

    From Redditor u/discostud1515:

    My buddy proposed and she said

    "...ugh ok, well I don’t want to be the kind of girl that says no..."

    They’re divorced.

  • (#21) Just Wasn't Meant To Be

    From Redditor u/FeloniousFelon:

    She was an Art Major and I had just joined the Army. We had been lovers since high school. I asked, she said no. She wanted to get her Masters. We were friends for a while but we don’t talk anymore. She works as a bartender I think now.

    I ended up getting married to my best friend. We’ve been married for more than a decade and have a five year old son.

  • (#22) A Six Year Decision

    From Redditor u/h2f:

    We lived together for another six years until she changed her mind and told me that I should ask again. We were engaged for over a year and got married in 1991. We are still married, have three children, and are both still very much in love.

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About This Tool

The deepest impression of the beautiful fairy tale is the only answer to a marriage proposal is "yes". But sometimes, marriage is not a good choice. There are many good reasons for refusing to propose, such as: not sure whether she/he is the best partner, not knowing enough about each other, or doubting whether it is the right time to get married.

When facing a marriage proposal, if you should say "no", don't say "yes". Honest answers allow you and your partner to make the best decisions for the future. The random tool shares 22 fascinating stories of women who said no to proposals.

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