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  • King Tut Warns Archaeologists That 'Death Shall Come On Swift Wings' on Random Disturbing Instances Where Ancient Egyptian Curses Seemed To Come True

    (#1) King Tut Warns Archaeologists That 'Death Shall Come On Swift Wings'

    When King Tutankhamen’s tomb was found, journalists reported that the following inscription was near the door: "Death shall come on swift wings to him who disturbs the peace of the King.” In fact, there were several mysterious deaths surrounding the opening of Tut’s tomb. The first and most publicized death was that of the Egyptologist Lord Carnarvon. He and Howard Carter were the ones to open Tut’s tomb. Carnarvon died a few months after the discovery from an infected mosquito bite on his cheek. The death had an eerie tie to Tut: when an autopsy was performed on the pharaoh's body, a similar lesion was found on his cheek. Also, when Carnarvon died, all of the lights in his house were rumored to have suddenly blacked out with no explanation.

    Carnarvon wasn’t the only one to fall victim to Tut’s curse. Howard Carter gave his friend Sir Bruce Ingham a paperweight made of a mummified hand, with a bracelet with the following inscription: “Cursed be he who moves my body. To him shall come fire, water and pestilence." After Ingham received this gift, his house burned down. Once he had finally rebuilt it, it was hit by a flood.

    George Jay Gould, Aubrey Herbert, Hugh Evelyn-White, Aaron Ember, and Archibald Douglas Reid are also said to be victims of the curse. Like Carnarvon, they all died shortly after coming into contact with Tut’s mummy or artifacts within his tomb.

  • A Mummy Might Have Sunk The 'Titanic' on Random Disturbing Instances Where Ancient Egyptian Curses Seemed To Come True

    (#2) A Mummy Might Have Sunk The 'Titanic'

    “The Unlucky Mummy” isn’t a mummy at all, but a painted wooden mummy-board of an unidentified woman. This mummy-board is currently housed at the British Museum in London, but rumor had it, it got around in its day. Apparently, during its early time at the museum, the staff would hear loud banging coming from the artifact. One man took a photograph of the mummy-board and was horrified by the image that appeared once he developed the photograph.

    The eerie events continued until a museum guard died of suspicious circumstances. Believing the coffin was cursed, the museum, reportedly, wanted to get rid of it as quickly as possible. It was said to be sold to an American archaeologist who took the mummy-board with him on his America-bound ship, the Titanic. Some people speculate that the presence of the cursed mummy-board caused its disastrous sinking.

    It's a thrilling tale, but one without any evidence: in reality, the mummy-board resided at the British Museum the entire time.

  • The God Of Death Claims A Life on Random Disturbing Instances Where Ancient Egyptian Curses Seemed To Come True

    (#3) The God Of Death Claims A Life

    In 1971, during an excavation in Sakkara, Egyptologist Walter Brian Emery found a small statue of the Egyptian god of death, Osiris. At the end of the day, he and his assistant returned to the dig site’s office in a nearby village. Emery took the statue of Osiris with him. Once at his house, Emery went to the bathroom to shower. After a few moments, his assistant began to hear Emery wailing. He ran to the man and found him clutching the sink’s basin, clearly experiencing some kind of trauma. His assistant said that Emery “stood there as if paralyzed. I grabbed him by the shoulders and dragged him onto the couch. Then I ran for the telephone."

    Emery was diagnosed with paralysis of the right side of his body and was unable to speak. He died the following day.

  • A Stolen Relic Haunts Its Thief on Random Disturbing Instances Where Ancient Egyptian Curses Seemed To Come True

    (#4) A Stolen Relic Haunts Its Thief

    In 2004, a man visiting Egypt reportedly stole a relic from The Valley of the Kings, the same region that houses King Tut's tomb. When he returned home to Germany, he was overcome by a fever which progressed to paralysis. The man died shortly after.

    His stepson was convinced that the artifact was cursed and returned the relic to Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities in the hopes that his father’s soul would rest in peace.

  • King Tut's Curse Strikes Again on Random Disturbing Instances Where Ancient Egyptian Curses Seemed To Come True

    (#5) King Tut's Curse Strikes Again

    In 1972, King Tut’s curse seemingly returned with a vengeance. Some of the artifacts from King Tut’s tomb were sent to the British Museum to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the tomb's discovery. Dr. Gamal Mehrez, the director of antiquities at the museum in Cairo, died the night after he handled the artifacts that were to be sent to England.

    But the curse didn’t stop there. Many of the airmen who were aboard the aircraft that was carrying the artifacts to England fell victim as well. Three of the men on the aircraft suffered from heart attacks after coming into contact with the artifacts. One of the men had a heart attack at the same time every year - the same day he flew aboard the plane with King Tut’s relics - until one of the attacks killed him.  

  • These Mummies Double As Ghosts on Random Disturbing Instances Where Ancient Egyptian Curses Seemed To Come True

    (#6) These Mummies Double As Ghosts

    In 1699, Louis Penicher wrote of a mummy’s curse in his book Traite des Embaumemens (Treatise on Embalming). He recounted the story of a Polish man who had purchased two mummies from Alexandria, presumably to study them for medicinal purposes. As he was sailing home across the Mediterranean Sea, he began to be haunted by two ghosts who suddenly appeared on the boat.

    The man acted quickly, throwing the mummies overboard. His visions of spectral beings stopped as soon as the bodies were swallowed by the sea.

  • The Curse Of Kom Abu Billo Claimed One Victim Per Year on Random Disturbing Instances Where Ancient Egyptian Curses Seemed To Come True

    (#7) The Curse Of Kom Abu Billo Claimed One Victim Per Year

    Renowned Egyptologist Zahi Hawass recalls that one day, as he was transporting artifacts from the site Kom Abu Billo, his aunt died. One year later, on the same day, his uncle died, and a year after that, his favorite cousin.

    Newspapers reported that "the curse of the pharaohs" had claimed these members of Hawass's family. However, he disagrees, saying, "fortunately, there is really no such thing."

  • A Mummy Causes A Miracle on Random Disturbing Instances Where Ancient Egyptian Curses Seemed To Come True

    (#8) A Mummy Causes A Miracle

    A young boy was visiting the Egyptian Museum in Cairo when he became the target of not a curse, but a miracle. According to Egyptologist Zahi Hawass, the boy was extremely ill, but that changed after he looked into the eyes of the mummy of King Ahmose I. His illness was cured.

    Already a huge fan of ancient Egypt, the boy devoured everything he could find on the subject following the miracle.

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The curse of the ancient Egyptian pharaohs has always been mysterious and creepy. The most famous one is the tomb inscriptions found in the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun by archaeologists, which reminds people of the ancient Egyptian curse again. When the archaeologists opened Tutankhamun's tomb, they found that the coffin and walls were engraved with cursed inscriptions. When the door of the youngest pharaoh's tomb was opened, the curse came true and many people died in succession.

There are countless examples of bizarre deaths, but all those who have been in contact with Tutankhamun’s tomb died suddenly. What’s more mysterious is that they talked nonsense before they died, which fulfilled the ancient Egyptian curse. The random tool shares 8 instances of ancient Egyptian curses.

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