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  • (#13) Well, Now Your Family Knows

    From Redditor /u/Rafrocks:

    I was 12 years old and it was Thanksgiving. My family always has to say something that they're grateful for. When it was my turn my phone set off and it said, "I'm a badass mother f*cker!" My face froze in place, I couldn't move and I was so embarrassed.

  • (#4) You're No Longer Excused

    From Redditor /u/SirFuzzyLogik666:

    The most awkward family dinner that I've ever had was two years ago at my grandpa's house. It was a nice Thanksgiving day and everyone was waiting for the food to be done. When the food was done, we all sat down and began our meal. I didn't really say anything for the most part. But for some reason I had this constant hard-on that I just couldn't get rid of. So I just stood up, took my phone from the middle of the table and took off for the bathroom. After I pleased myself... I returned to the kitchen.

    To my surprise, everyone was staring at me almost horror-like. I asked everyone what was up but no one said anything. No one talked the rest of the dinner. I kinda knew what happened. I found out later that I was making a little to much noise in the bathroom. I actually looked at my phone and realized the volume was up 65%! And to make thing worse... let's just say I didn't do too good of a job cleaning up.

  • (#18) Grandma Sprung Some News On Us

    From Redditor /u/easpangle:

    I learned that my 80-something-year-old Mennonite, ultra-conservative grandma named Polly took part in Rumspringa when she was an Amish 16 year old. I asked her if she partied and she said, "Yeah. It was FUN!"

  • (#20) Rolling Out The Welcome Mat

    From Redditor /u/Woofwoofrea:

    Last year on Thanksgiving I was given the job of setting the places for everyone. My older cousin Morgan was bringing her new boyfriend, Sam. I decided to put him at the head at the table. When he got there, he just sighed and sat down.

  • (#5) Cat's Out Of The Dryer

    From Redditor /u/PhoenixIce:

    After the grand meal, my mother was doing some laundry. When the dryer beeped after its full cycle, she went into the service porch and was greeted with a horrid smell, assuming it was the catbox (also in the service porch) she cleaned it out before finishing the laundry. When she opened the dryer she found her beloved cat, Mr. Nelson. No one saw him go in, he was a quick little bugger, a wonderful pet loved by everyone.

    Needless to say the day was pretty much ruined for everyone and my mother still hates herself.

  • (#7) The Relatives Have At It

    From Redditor /u/Rob722210:

    I think I might win the trailer park hero award... (Although this happens in a trailer, said trailer wasn't in a trailer park).

    Anyways, it was the Thanksgiving that my aunt (henceforth referred to as Jail Bird) just got out of jail for serious criminal offenses involving gun-trafficking. Her and my other aunt Moon Pie (her favorite snack)... got into an argument over who bought my sister a gift which she had had since she was four. Jail Bird was only 14 when the gift was given to my sister, making it impossible that it was her, and so after my grandma said enough is enough they moped around for a few hours, but peace was made... Or so we all believed.

    So, dinner arrives. It's going well until Moon Pie thought it'd be a good idea for her to carve the turkey - which my grandma, seeing no issue with that idea, let her do. Jail Bird was stabbed in the leg with the carving fork, and that was when all hell broke loose. My sister and I were told to go to our room (we were staying there for Thanksgiving weekend, so we occupied the guest bedroom). We left heard some screaming and some glass breaking, and when we came out to see what was happening... Well, it turned into an all-out brawl. My parents and the other aunts trying to keep JB and MP away from each other - and not having much success. Grandma was just sitting there drinking her boxed wine and smoking like nothing was happening while everything was happening.

    Anyhoo, long story short I called the cops and Jail Bird and Moon Pie now have both spent some time jail, and on Thanksgiving too!

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About This Tool

Thanksgiving day is coming soon. For most Americans, Thanksgiving is the second most important traditional holiday after Christmas. Many of them will reunite with their families on Thanksgiving and share a sumptuous dinner. To celebrate any festival, the most basic thing is to tell the children how this festival came into being. The history of Thanksgiving is very long, every family has its own celebration traditions.

The random tool tells 20 interesting Thanksgiving day family stories that you are sure to be interested in. Thanksgiving conversations are fun, and people happily recall the past while eating. Many traditional celebrations have continued to this day.

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