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  • Blood Poisoning on Random Bizarre Old-Fashioned Medical Terms, From Miner's Anemia to Blackwater Fever:

    (#10) Blood Poisoning

    Now known as sepsis, "blood poisoning" is an incredibly serious condition that occurs when bacteria infect the bloodstream (actual poison has nothing to do with it). Sepsis induces a high fever, chills, and rapid heart rate in patients and is easily fatal if not treated quickly. It also makes your veins look hella gross. 

  • Podagra on Random Bizarre Old-Fashioned Medical Terms, From Miner's Anemia to Blackwater Fever:

    (#20) Podagra

    A Greek word which translates to “foot trap,” podagra is really just another word for gout. The disease affects the base of the big toe and is caused by too much uric acid in the blood, which crystallizes and embeds itself in joints. The joints then become inflamed, which makes mobility limited and painful. Formerly called "the disease of Kkings,"gout is often associated with obesity and the consumption of rich foods.

    Robert Baratheon from Game of Thrones, before he was boared to death, was probably well on his way to contracting gout.   

  • Catarrhus on Random Bizarre Old-Fashioned Medical Terms, From Miner's Anemia to Blackwater Fever:

    (#24) Catarrhus

    Basically, it’s an old-fashioned term for a head cold. It refers to the inflammation and mucous build up in your nasal passages that happens when you have a cold. The word derives from the Latin catarrh, which roughly translates to “inflammation.”

     Not to be confused with any life-changing revelations you might have while enjoying awesome articles like this one. That's "catharsis." 

  • Gravel on Random Bizarre Old-Fashioned Medical Terms, From Miner's Anemia to Blackwater Fever:

    (#22) Gravel

    Just another name for kidney stones, which develop when certain substances such as calcium and uric acid build up in the urine. These substances crystallize and gradually increase in size to form a kidney stone.

    “Gravel” was a name for smaller kidney stones that you’d pass. The imagery is so simple, so elegant, it really speaks for itself. Also, ouch! 

  • Morphew on Random Bizarre Old-Fashioned Medical Terms, From Miner's Anemia to Blackwater Fever:

    (#19) Morphew

    Scurvy is a disease often suffered by sailors due to their lack of eating fruit. A deficiency of vitamin C leads to bleeding mucous membranes, teeth falling out, and blisters on the skin. Those blisters were called “morphew.” 

  • Congestive Chills on Random Bizarre Old-Fashioned Medical Terms, From Miner's Anemia to Blackwater Fever:

    (#12) Congestive Chills

    Really just an old name for malaria, which induces intense fever and chills in its victims. The term has been seen written on old death certificates. 

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About This Tool

The development of medical science is of great significance. The quality and use of medical equipment are strictly supervised and managed worldwide, and the translation of medical terms requires professional knowledge. All doctors and medical practitioners understand the importance of the localization of medical terms in their work. When dealing with health care, medical equipment, clinical, and pharmaceutical documents, the importance of accurate medical terms is more prominent.

As early as in ancient Egypt and the Middle Ages, medicine had professional terms, and people often described diseases based on symptoms or the most obvious effects. The random tool introduced 24 old-fashioned medical terms in history.

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