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  • (#1) Do What Makes You Happy, But Don't Be Rude

    From user:  domestic_omnom

    “I was a Satanist/Luciferian of the rare theistic variety for over 15 years.

    In Satanism you have the philosophical kind (Lavey, Church of Satan), who really just follow a life philosophy that can be summed up by "do what makes you happy, but don't be a d*ck."

    In the theistic kind, you have the ones that worship Satan/Lucifer as a being of knowledge and beauty. If you read the stories of the old testament, god is a bit of a tyrant. See the book of Job for more information. The devil's only crime is letting humanity know they have a choice, that they can think for themselves. Yes, you can eat of the tree of knowledge.

    As far as being "dark," no, it's not. Yeah most practice some form of ritual/magic/witchcraft whatever you want to call it. But ultimately, it’s about living life to the fullest.”

  • (#2) Satanism Was Created To Point Out The Flaws In The Church

    From user: notsostandardtoaster

    I'm somewhat of a LaVey satanist, but I usually don't identify as any religion simply because I'm too lazy to keep up with any rituals/traditions.

    I'd say the biggest misconception about satanism is that it involves worshipping a deity. It is (for the most part) atheistic, and Satan represents the part of yourself that you find strength in. Of course, there are a few satanists who really do believe in a higher being, but for the most part people usually don't.

    Another thing that you might not know about satanism is that it was created as a response to Christianity. It's basically a more hardcore/serious version of Pastafarianism. You can see that their 11 rules are like upgraded versions of the 10 commandments. A lot of the religion was made by one-upping Christianity, and yes, it seems really childish. But at the end of the day, satanism was created to point out the flaws in the Church, and that's going to seem childish no matter how you put it.”

  • (#3) Satan Doesn't Harm The Innocent, God Does

    From user: TheLolomancer

    As an atheist who has read the bible cover-to-cover, if I was ever confronted with concrete evidence that everything in the Bible was true, I would, without hesitation, pledge myself to Satan over God.

    God is jealous, vindictive, petty, and violent. Satan does not once harm an innocent, while God harms thousands in what one can only assume is collateral damage in pursuit of his "greater good." Lucifer's fall itself arose out of the fact that he questioned God's methods, which God brands as "prideful," and kicks him to the dirt. As the serpent in the Garden of Eden, he is once again an advocate of doubt and awareness, since an eternity of utopic, brainwashed slavery is still slavery. Even his name, Lucifer, means "bringer of Light," so it's pretty clear he's the one enlightening Adam & Eve with knowledge, and through that, the capacity to choose and experience freedom.

    From my reading of the Bible, Satan seems like the good guy, and between him and God, the only one of the two worthy of adoration."

  • (#4) There Are Successful and Unsuccessful Satanists

    From user: GOODahl

    "I know a very successful LaVeyan Satanist (healthy family, lots of friends, makes over $100K a year, beautiful house.) I've also met "Satanists" who are living in mom's basement, are chronically unemployed, and saddled with constant drama due to self- directed f*cking up (arrests, addiction issues, trying to steal sh*t when they haven't realize they are going to get caught easily.)

    My point in sharing this is - some people gravitate towards Satanism b/c of the "self-worship" aspect... however if your Self is sh*tty, has no self-control, is lazy and stupid... your life will be a testament to all your faults & NOT your potential as a glorious human animal.

    Just saying. I HATE HATE HATE seeing un-successful Satanists. It's not that hard to be a successful Satanist if you are intelligent...

    (btw I am a Satanist.)"

  • (#5) You Aren't Really Defined As A Satanist

    From user: ivene-adlev

    We don't actually believe in Satan (most of us. There are theistic satanists but most are atheists.) Instead, Satanism at its core is literally an antithesis of Christianity. Where Christianity promotes denial of pleasurable things (sex, some hobbies, being gay) Satanism vouches for it. Where Christianity says 'turn the other cheek' Satanism says to f*ck that b*tch up as much as they did you. And maybe a little more, as a lesson. Where a lot of Christians will give their opinions on things that do not concern them at all, Satanists dislike this and try not to do so.

    And mostly, the religion is hardly that. There are no official church masses or anything. The only thing that really defines you as a Satanist is either saying 'Hey, I'm a Satanist' or buying a $200 card that says 'Hey, I'm a Satanist'. There are no special rituals you go through, and you are free to leave at any time, without requesting permission to officially leave from a Pope or anything stupid.”

  • (#6) We Treasure This Life Because We Don't Believe In The Afterlife

    From user: LordRuby

    “I've been a Satanist for over 15 years. I keep it totally secret from everyone except for my husband and my grade school friends. Since not many people know, it not that important to me what misconceptions people have. Mainly I worry about things like, what if the government started persecuting non-christians, we would be first because people think we sacrifice babies.

    Murder is against the beliefs of Satanists because Satanists don't believe in an afterlife, so if you kill an innocent person you took away the only life they will every have.

    I don't believe in the supernatural, but I think it's possible that there are things that we are so far from understanding scientifically that we might as well act like they are supernatural. So a curse probably has not effect, but if something bad happens to someone I cast one on it makes me feel like maybe some sort of weird physics thing we don't understand happened and it make me feel better if I pretend I caused it.

    The reason I worship myself is I don't think anything is spiritually superior to myself, I don't understand why there would be any hierarchy. I do eat animals even though I see them as equals because they are not humans so they are not part of human society.”

  • (#7) Satanism Isn't Based On Evil, But Mutual Respect

    From user: Dark0mega

    It isn't actually really evil or something. They are against rape, are against killing animals (apart from food), allow all sexualities, are respectful to children, respect other people's opinions and they respect other people's property.

  • (#8) The Basic Beliefs Are Positive

    From user: Yoinkie2013

    Satanism is built off almost entirely positive and non-bullsh*t beliefs. Here are the 9 basic Satanic beliefs, kind of like Christianities commandments:

    1) Stupid people do not get ahead in this world. Satanists strive to keep themselves informed and to not be fooled by others who seek to manipulate and use them.

    2) Taking pride in one’s achievements is encouraged in Satanism. However, one should only take credit for one’s own accomplishments. Making empty claims about yourself is not only obnoxious but also potentially dangerous, leading to sin No. 4, self-deceit.

    3) Solipism: Satanists use this term to refer to the presumption many people make that other people think, act and have the same desires as themselves. It’s important to remember that everyone is an individual with his own individual goals and plans. To expect someone to treat you as you treat him is foolish. Instead, Satanists encourages you to treat people as they treat you. You should always deal with the reality of the situation rather than expectations.

    4) Satanists deal with the world as it is. Convincing yourself of untruths because they are more comfortable is no less problematic than letting someone else deceive you.

    5) Satanism exalts the power of the individual. Western culture encourages people to go with the flow, and to believe and do things simply because the wider community is doing such. Satanists attempt to avoid such behavior, following the herd only if it makes logical sense and suits one’s own needs.

    6) Remain aware of both the big and small pictures, never sacrificing one for the other. Remember your own important place in things, and don’t be overwhelmed with the viewpoints of the herd. On the flipside, we do live in a world larger than ourselves. Always keep an eye on the big picture and how you can fit yourself into it.

    7) Society is constantly taking old ideas and repackaging them as new, original ideas. Do not be fooled by such offerings.

    8) If it works, use it. You should never be embarrassed of your own accomplishments. However, if pride is getting in the way of getting things done with other people, you should set it aside until such time as it becomes constructive again.

    9) Beauty and balance are two things Satanists strive for. This is particularly true in magical practices but can be extended to the rest of one’s life as well. Avoid following that which society dictates is beautiful and learn to identify true beauty, whether or not others recognize it.”

  • (#9) Satan Is Actually The Voice Of Reason

    From user: PM_ME_YOUR_C*OTERS

    Satanist use the symbol of Satan. It was Satan who made Eve eat the fruit and thus man gained knowledge. Satanists like the idea of Satan being the voice of reason.

  • (#10) Satanism Promotes Self Improvement And Learning

    From user: chtulhu_dinosaur

    It's very similar to the story of Prometheus bringing fire to mankind. Satanists, in my understanding, simply believe in a no bullsh*t, knowledgeable approach to things. There's an emphasis on self-improvement and learning which I believe is a very noble thing to encourage in people.

    Satanism gets a lot of bad press but people often fail to mention that most (atheistic) Satanists simply are living by some very positive and agreeable rules. I could get behind atheistic Satanism but the theistic group are a bit odd”

  • (#11) Satanism Places Strong Emphasis On Holding Yourself Accountable

    From user: Gingor

    It's a way that emphasizes the strength of the individual.
    It places a strong emphasis on being responsible for one's actions, not depending on others, and not teaching others to depend on you either.
    It makes you strong, although many would argue selfish.

    It's only "dark" from the standpoint of Christianity, which was aimed at keeping people stupid and weak for centuries (not making a comment on the current situation with this, btw, talking about medieval times.)"

  • (#12) You Are The Master Of Your Own Destiny

    From user: Scrappy_Larue

    There is no being named Satan. Satanists are pure atheists. There are no supreme beings. Nature is indifferent to us. The closest thing to a god in our universe is ourselves. You are at the center of your own universe, and you have the power to change it.

  • (#13) Theistic Satanists Are Different Than LaVeyan Church Of Satan

    From user: AngelicasPromise

    1) The most important and obvious difference between us is we believe Satan is real and we worship him in his whole rather than using him as a philosophical mascot. We believe he is greater than us and we credit him so.

    2) He is the Blasphemer. He is the Deceiver. He is the Corrupt. He turned his back on his children, he named himself "God", he made himself the all-powerful, he planted his seed of corruption, blinding us, and turning us against one another. He makes us kill each other for his favor and then he tells us he loves us? His greatest crime: he led his children from the path to enlightenment.

    3) We see Satan as something higher than he sees himself. While Satan remains humble, we see him as something far greater. The most common trait associated with him being wise, as he is the last guide for mortals to the path to enlightenment.

    4) As we do not associate ourselves with the Satanic Church (We're members of the Black Church,) we do not follow the Satanic Bible, rather instead, we follow the Black Bible.”

  • (#14) Satanism Predated Christianity

    From user: MinorThreat83

    Not a satanist, but I've talked to some of the members of the Brotherhood of Satan. What I found interesting about their brand of Satanism is that they believe Satanism to have predated Christianity that it was pretty much the one true religion. At least that is what I'd gathered.

  • (#15) Satanists Do Not Sacrifice Animals

    From user: Satans_Secretary

    First and foremost, we do NOT do that "sacrifice humans/animals" sh*t. Satan says that people who do this are "lunatics" and "not his children."

    Demons are not "evil monsters." They're actually the gods of humanity.
    For example, my guardian is goetic demon named Haagenti; more well-known as Bastet, the Egyptian Goddess of cats. 
    Her presence smells like honey.

    Satan is a kind and loving person and looks fairly human; he is not an "evil red goat man who hates humanity."

    Satanism's goal is basically finishing what he started; giving us the ability to reach godhood.
    Related, Satanism is actually against the use of drugs/smokes/drinking since it is detrimental to the path of godhood.

    Satan is older than Christianity (he was once known as Enki), and even modern civilization (500k years.) Christianity and the like were/are actually reactions to Satanism.”

  • (#16) Satanists Believe You Should Do You

    From user: TabularBeast

    Satanism teaches that the Satanist should do whatever makes them happy. If wearing all black with piercings is what makes you happy, then by all means, do it. If you want to wear floral, do it. If you want to be nude, in an appropriate place at the appropriate time, mind you, you are free to do so.

  • (#17) Don't Sacrifice Yourself For Others, As No One Will Sacrifice For You

    From user: Anonnymush

    LaVeyan Satanism is also a reaction to Christianity's edicts of false kindness to the other which lead to cruelty toward the self. Allowing someone to come into your home, your only place of solace and protection, and be cruel to you there, just because you feel obligated to be polite and loving even in the face of abuse is cruelty. To counter that urge which at the time everyone in Europe had been taught, we are instructed to be cruel and merciless to such people. As you see an innocent victim as a person deserving your protection, you must also see yourself as a person deserving your protection, because you cannot rely on anyone else to do so. Not a god, not a father, not a stranger. It is your job.

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About This Tool

Satanism has a long history. It is generally believed that it originated from the European Enlightenment. It was only registered as a religion in modern times. There have been many groups that believed in Satan before. The Church Of Satan was founded in the United States in 1966 by Anton Szandor LaVey. The teaching has grown from one place in San Francisco at the beginning of its establishment to all parts of the world today. 

The creed of Satanism is simple and easy to understand, but its values and behavior patterns have been misunderstood by the world. The random tool explained the17 biggest misconceptions about Satanism that most people have.

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