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  • (#15) Satanists Do Not Sacrifice Animals

    From user: Satans_Secretary

    First and foremost, we do NOT do that "sacrifice humans/animals" sh*t. Satan says that people who do this are "lunatics" and "not his children."

    Demons are not "evil monsters." They're actually the gods of humanity.
    For example, my guardian is goetic demon named Haagenti; more well-known as Bastet, the Egyptian Goddess of cats. 
    Her presence smells like honey.

    Satan is a kind and loving person and looks fairly human; he is not an "evil red goat man who hates humanity."

    Satanism's goal is basically finishing what he started; giving us the ability to reach godhood.
    Related, Satanism is actually against the use of drugs/smokes/drinking since it is detrimental to the path of godhood.

    Satan is older than Christianity (he was once known as Enki), and even modern civilization (500k years.) Christianity and the like were/are actually reactions to Satanism.”

  • (#11) Satanism Places Strong Emphasis On Holding Yourself Accountable

    From user: Gingor

    It's a way that emphasizes the strength of the individual.
    It places a strong emphasis on being responsible for one's actions, not depending on others, and not teaching others to depend on you either.
    It makes you strong, although many would argue selfish.

    It's only "dark" from the standpoint of Christianity, which was aimed at keeping people stupid and weak for centuries (not making a comment on the current situation with this, btw, talking about medieval times.)"

  • (#10) Satanism Promotes Self Improvement And Learning

    From user: chtulhu_dinosaur

    It's very similar to the story of Prometheus bringing fire to mankind. Satanists, in my understanding, simply believe in a no bullsh*t, knowledgeable approach to things. There's an emphasis on self-improvement and learning which I believe is a very noble thing to encourage in people.

    Satanism gets a lot of bad press but people often fail to mention that most (atheistic) Satanists simply are living by some very positive and agreeable rules. I could get behind atheistic Satanism but the theistic group are a bit odd”

  • (#9) Satan Is Actually The Voice Of Reason

    From user: PM_ME_YOUR_C*OTERS

    Satanist use the symbol of Satan. It was Satan who made Eve eat the fruit and thus man gained knowledge. Satanists like the idea of Satan being the voice of reason.

  • (#2) Satanism Was Created To Point Out The Flaws In The Church

    From user: notsostandardtoaster

    I'm somewhat of a LaVey satanist, but I usually don't identify as any religion simply because I'm too lazy to keep up with any rituals/traditions.

    I'd say the biggest misconception about satanism is that it involves worshipping a deity. It is (for the most part) atheistic, and Satan represents the part of yourself that you find strength in. Of course, there are a few satanists who really do believe in a higher being, but for the most part people usually don't.

    Another thing that you might not know about satanism is that it was created as a response to Christianity. It's basically a more hardcore/serious version of Pastafarianism. You can see that their 11 rules are like upgraded versions of the 10 commandments. A lot of the religion was made by one-upping Christianity, and yes, it seems really childish. But at the end of the day, satanism was created to point out the flaws in the Church, and that's going to seem childish no matter how you put it.”

  • (#7) Satanism Isn't Based On Evil, But Mutual Respect

    From user: Dark0mega

    It isn't actually really evil or something. They are against rape, are against killing animals (apart from food), allow all sexualities, are respectful to children, respect other people's opinions and they respect other people's property.

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About This Tool

Satanism has a long history. It is generally believed that it originated from the European Enlightenment. It was only registered as a religion in modern times. There have been many groups that believed in Satan before. The Church Of Satan was founded in the United States in 1966 by Anton Szandor LaVey. The teaching has grown from one place in San Francisco at the beginning of its establishment to all parts of the world today. 

The creed of Satanism is simple and easy to understand, but its values and behavior patterns have been misunderstood by the world. The random tool explained the17 biggest misconceptions about Satanism that most people have.

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