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    Wrecking Ball Required

    Wrecking Ball Required

    [ranking: 9]
    From Redditor /u/DrMackDDS2014:
    "One [patient in dental school] was a 36-year-old female recovering meth addict. Her teeth were so badly decayed and covered in calculus that a 'calculus bridge' had formed on the tongue side of the lower anterior teeth, essentially gluing them together. My oral surgery instructors decided that before we pulled all her teeth, I needed to debride them so as to not have pieces of calculus fall into the sockets during extraction and lead to healing issues.
    When I signed in with my periodontal faculty to scale and debride her teeth, my faculty member actually told me she was jealous that I got to scrape and blast all of that sh*t off. It was like using a wrecking ball with so much junk coming off those teeth."

    Mouths And Bugs Don't Mix

    Mouths And Bugs Don't Mix

    [ranking: 2]
    From Redditor /u/WhatShouldIDoNoSleep:
    "[The dentist at my mom's office] was working on a patient who rarely came to the office, as in, they'd probably see her once every few years.
    I'm not even going to go into the details, but a live bug flew out of a socket in her gum, where a tooth had rotted out. A living bug. Why."

    Spontaneously Shedding Teeth

    Spontaneously Shedding Teeth

    [ranking: 10]
    From Redditor /u/Macrat:
    "An old depressed man once had so much calculi (is that the English term? The impacted hard-as-f*ck white stuff) that it covered his teeth entirely. Removing that caused two teeth to fall spontaneously because there was no more tissue to hold them."

    Tooth Tomato

    Tooth Tomato

    [ranking: 11]
    From Redditor /u/0arussell:
    "My mum said her boss found a tomato plant growing under a patients dentures that they never removed for three months..."

    Digging For Decay

    Digging For Decay

    [ranking: 5]
    From Redditor /u/Idontevenlikefish:
    "I had a patient whose insides of his mouth was covered in layers of multicolored calculus. Black, green and red. I had to ultrasonic scale each individual tooth for a good few minutes, unearthing layers upon layers of mineralized crap. The stench was also horrendous.
    At that point I wondered if I was a dentist or an archeologist."

    A Gigantic Booger

    A Gigantic Booger

    [ranking: 3]
    From Redditor /u/endo_ag:
    "I was in dental school doing a hospital rotation. We were asked to do a dental exam on an unconscious man who had been found unconscious while high on heroin. He was going to recover, but was sedated. He was septic with a bacteria commonly found orally, (Strep veridans, perhaps). On exam we saw some very poor quality... dentistry... but there was also a thick white crust covering his extremely dry mouth and tongue.
    We debated what it might be, with one guess being a severe Candida overgrowth. We cultured it and found no fungal growth under the microscope. He was brought to the dental clinic for debridement. When he came to our clinic and water was sprayed trying to clean him up, it became clear what it was. He had sinus drainage into his mouth that had dried and he essentially had a quarter inch thick layer of booger covering his mouth and throat."


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About Random Most Horrific Things They've Found In Patients' Mouths

It's an exciting tool for displaying random most horrific things they've found in patients' mouths. We collected a list of "Random Most Horrific Things They've Found In Patients' Mouths" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random most horrific things they've found in patients' mouths shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

Nobody loves the dentist. All of the machines in the procedure room are scary, that music they play in the waiting room is incredibly generic, and worst of all you never know if you're going to be receiving good news or bad. Dentists rarely pull punches, either, and they've been known to figure in more than a few hygiene-related horror stories. If you haven't been flossing, your dentist will know and call you out for it. They're not like those nice doctors you see on TV – they're merciless and unyielding.

Of course, dentists don't have it so easy, either. They've got to deal with squirmy kids and patients who never brush their tongues. In fact, dentists have seen some of the most horrific types of matter in their patients' mouths. You didn't think living organisms could sprout in someone's oral cavity? Well, they certainly can and do. The dentists of Reddit have shared their grisly stories, so read on – but maybe keep a bottle of mouthwash handy.

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