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    Kim Thayil

    Kim Thayil

    [ranking: 212]

    Genres (Music): Grunge, Heavy metal, Alternative rock, Alternative metal

    Melissa Etheridge

    Melissa Etheridge

    [ranking: 493]

    Albums: Melissa Etheridge, Brave and Crazy, I'm the Only One, Lucky, Brother Bear 2, + more

    Genres (Music): Blues-rock, Heartland rock, Rock music, Folk rock



    [ranking: 158]

    Albums: Some Where Over The Slaughterhouse, Kevin's Noodle House, The Dragons of Eden, Intelligence Failure, Monsters and Robots, + more

    Genres (Music): Noise rock, Dark ambient, Space rock, Flamenco, Electronic dance music, + more

    Carl Perkins

    Carl Perkins

    [ranking: 92]

    Ram??n Montoya

    Ram??n Montoya

    [ranking: 600]

    Eddie Hazel

    Eddie Hazel

    [ranking: 242]

    Albums: Game, Dames and Guitar Thangs, Rest In P, Jams From The Heart

    Genres (Music): Psychedelic soul, Soul music, Psychedelic rock, Funk


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About Random Greatest Guitarists Of All Time

It's an exciting tool for displaying random greatest guitarists of all time. We collected a list of "Random Greatest Guitarists Of All Time" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random greatest guitarists of all time shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

The best guitarists of all time, voted on and ranked by many music fans, with photos and other info. With help from the wisdom of the crowd, you'll find a comprehensive ranking of the greatest guitar players in history. All the top guitarists are on this list - monster guitar heroes from rock, metal, blues, and alternative music. Are you on Team Eddie or Team Jimi? How about both!

Add your vote to this list of the top guitarists ever and help to pick the best guitar player in the history of music. These roock, jazz, blues guitarists have all had long careers filled with success and failure. Some are still jamming out today, which other rock stars died too young, before their talents could be fully appreciated. Now is your chance to give the best guitar players in the world some recognition.

Who is the best guitarist of all time? Add your vote to make sure your voice is heart!

To vote on more music lists, check out these lists of the Best Rock Vocalists and the Best Female Rock Vocalists of all time.

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