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    A Morbid MP3 Selection Arrived On This Worker's iPod

    A Morbid MP3 Selection Arrived On This Worker's iPod

    [ranking: 13]
    From Redditor /u/Cloverleaf66:
    Worked alone evenings cleaning in a building by myself. Had been there about three years by this time...
    I had on my headphones in the elevator and the song I was listening to abruptly stopped partway through, then "Stairway to Heaven" started to play. I didn??t even have "Stairway to Heaven on my MP3 player. It had never been on my MP3 player.

    A College Student Was Freaked Out By An Isolated Computer Lab

    A College Student Was Freaked Out By An Isolated Computer Lab

    [ranking: 4]
    From Redditor /u/Wess_is_Bestin:
    So my major has a computer lab that is two stories underground. I have spent countless hours using these computers and I have spent nights down in what us students call "the dungeon." One night, around 2 AM, I went down the hall to go get some water. The lights use motion sensors.
    As I was filling my water bottle, the last light turned on at the end of the hall. So there was this dark gap between me and this last light way down the hall. I was mildly creeped out, but then I saw something move in the darkness between me and the light. I proceeded to nope my way home promptly.

    A Real Estate Photographer Found A Horrifying Scene

    A Real Estate Photographer Found A Horrifying Scene

    [ranking: 6]
    From Redditor /u/LifeWithAdd:
    I don??t work in extreme seclusion but I can go days without seeing anyone. I do real estate photography so I'm going in and out of strange houses all day, almost always vacant. I??ve had a ton of weird experiences and encounters with squatters, but the creepiest was a badly fire-damaged house I shot.
    The owner was a flipper and asked me to go get before photos. Before he hung up he mentioned the previous owner killed herself in the house during the fire. I got there and the house was severely burned and has no electricity, so the only light was my flashlight. I walked into the bathroom and immediately knew where and how this woman killed herself.
    Here are the photos of what I saw.

    An Overnight Worker Heard Disembodied Singing

    An Overnight Worker Heard Disembodied Singing

    [ranking: 11]
    From Redditor /u/bananabugs:
    Worked overnights at two different 24-hr residential treatment centers for teens. AKA: poltergeist soup.
    We (staff and clients) would see and hear things/people during the middle of the night, almost every night. I remember when I worked at a drug and alcohol rehab facility; it used to be a nunnery attached to a church. I used to hear women singing through our speaker that communicated with our doorbell for visiting hours. I could see through the window of the door from where I would be sitting, and there was never anything there.
    I have a bunch more, those places were full of weird sh*t.

    A Movie Theater Night Janitor Felt Like He Was Being Watched

    A Movie Theater Night Janitor Felt Like He Was Being Watched

    [ranking: 5]
    From Redditor /u/nasdarovye:
    Used to be a night janitor in a movie theater. We would go in at 4 AM and clean until the doors opened at 11 AM. To save time (and our jobs) we would sometimes come in around the time the last movies were finishing and just sleep in one of the empty theaters, making sure we would be there when the shift started.
    Our basic MO was to use electric leaf blowers up and down the aisles of each theater, blowing popcorn and trash all the way to the bottom, then cleaning the seats up manually for anything gross or larger debris. This was expedient, but it was very loud, so it was easy to lose yourself in the work.
    Of course, the lights were on in the theaters to better assist in the cleaning, and usually, we were the only ones there at the time, so whenever something strange happened we would chalk it up to the other guy.
    There was one "standing rule" though, that we all followed to the letter: No one in the projection booth. There was no reason to go up there - we didn't clean it, all our supplies were downstairs, and most of all, it was haunted.
    There is a phenomenon that happens with theaters and projection booths, no matter what, you always feel like you're being watched.
    When you're walking around deaf (from the sound of the blowers) in an empty movie theater, and you happen to glance up at the booth, and there is unmistakably someone standing there watching you, you will sh*t your pants. Especially when you go out into the hallway and find the other guy in his theater working. Especially when you both go to either end of the building to the two exits of the booth, and "trap" whoever it was up there and there is no one there.
    We just chose not to f*ck with it.

    A Rogue Pager Went Off Repeatedly Despite Being Unplugged

    A Rogue Pager Went Off Repeatedly Despite Being Unplugged

    [ranking: 17]
    From Redditor /u/anewatcher:
    I work nights in a large warehouse-like store. It's just me and two others in the store at any given time. We used to have buttons all over the store that would page for help for our customers. I've been working at this location for five years and the supervisor for three of those years.
    Once a year we will have one go off, and these things are not plugged in at all. The owners removed from the system in my first three weeks. They still go off sometimes.


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About Random Creepiest Experiences People Who Work Alone Described On The Job

It's an exciting tool for displaying random creepiest experiences people who work alone described on the job. We collected a list of "Random Creepiest Experiences People Who Work Alone Described On The Job" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random creepiest experiences people who work alone described on the job shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

Few things freak people out as much as being alone - not necessarily in the relationship sense, but the actual deafening and eerie stillness of being isolated in a place where no one would know if something happened to you. When you get down to it, complete isolation sounds horrifying, but for people who work alone, it just becomes part of the process.

Scary stories from people who work alone reveal just how lucky you are to work in an office full of coworkers. Sure, they can get annoying, but at least you're among other warm bodies. Much like people who work graveyard shifts, people who work alone tend to become spooked once they realize they might not be alone, but rather, in the company of an unknown party. Redditors who work alone shared their most terrifying stories from being on the job, frightful moments that don't in any way sound worth the paycheck.

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