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    age 52   Donald Sutherland and Shirley Douglas

    Kiefer Sutherland

    [ranking: 74]
    age 52 Donald Sutherland and Shirley Douglas

    age 32   Lance Henriksen and Mary Jane Evans

    Alcamy Henriksen

    [ranking: 57]
    age 32 Lance Henriksen and Mary Jane Evans

    age 30   Bruce Willis and Demi Moore

    Rumer Willis

    [ranking: 39]
    age 30 Bruce Willis and Demi Moore

    age 26   Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick

    Sosie Bacon

    [ranking: 92]
    age 26 Kevin Bacon and Kyra Sedgwick

    age 49   Frank Zappa and Adelaide Gail Zappa (Born Donald Calvin Euclid Zappa)

    Dweezil Zappa

    [ranking: 13]
    age 49 Frank Zappa and Adelaide Gail Zappa (Born Donald Calvin Euclid Zappa)

    age 17   Toni Braxton and Keri Lewis

    Denim Cole Braxton-Lewis

    [ranking: 38]
    age 17 Toni Braxton and Keri Lewis


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About Random Craziest, Most Ridiculous Celebrity Baby Names

It's an exciting tool for displaying random craziest, most ridiculous celebrity baby names. We collected a list of "Random Craziest, Most Ridiculous Celebrity Baby Names" from ranker, which was screened by countless online votes. You can view random craziest, most ridiculous celebrity baby names shows from this page, click on "Show all by ranking" button to show the complete list, or visit the original page for a more detailed introduction.

A list of the worst celebrity baby names to ever be inked on legal birth certificates. Fame does strange things to people, and these weird celebrity baby names might be a sign that some of these actors, musicians, and socialites have let the money, popularity, and power go to their heads. Most are even repeat offenders, as those celebs who make name their kids dumb things often do it to all of their kids. Any publicity is good, right? Unfortunately for Rocket, Camera, Muziq, and Kal-El, the other kids in kindergarten aren't generally impressed by bad baby names.

What are the most ridiculous celebrity baby names? You may think Moxie, Zephyr, and Ocean are cool baby names, and that's fine, just vote DOWN the ones you like and vote UP the ones you think are bordering on child abuse. To keep track of other crazy, bizarre, dumbest celebrity kid names and celebrity baby news, keep an eye on this list of celebrity babies born in 2018.

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