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  • (#2) Bumblebees Like Walmart Bargains, Too

    From Reddit user AquaaWaffle:

    "Walmart was my first job at 18, and as with most new employees, I got stuck with the crappy third shift for the first few months. As a cashier on third shift, my job was mostly to stay awake and zone my area. Staying awake was almost never an issue, though, because at precisely 1:30 am I would get 'The Bumblebee' as a visitor.

    "The Bumblebee was an old, old, old woman wearing a bee Halloween costume. Stinger, wings and everything. She was never outrageous in her behavior, she never purchased anything weird, she was just a bee and I never asked why."

  • (#7) There's A Bathroom A Few Feet Away, But Just Use The Floor

    From Reddit user blushberry4:

    "[One] time I was working the infants department and a mom let her kid take a sh*t on the floor in between two clothing displays. As the kid finished up, I came around the corner and saw them. She simply told the kid to hurry up as we locked eyes, and she nonchalantly walked away. The damn bathroom was less than 25 feet away."

  • (#3) Walmart's Return Policy Is Incredibly Forgiving

    From Reddit user sjwoah:

    "Former Walmart employee. I worked returns and refunds in a small town Walmart in the Bible Belt for three years. Oh, the stories I could tell.

    "My favorite refund story is a woman who returned a c*ck ring. A used c*ck ring. I didn't even know we sold those. Her reasoning? 'It wasn't worth the 20 minutes of my life I'll never get back.' She got her money back."

  • (#6) Greasy Fingers Make Touch Screens Fun For Everyone

    From Reddit user jasontheguitarist:

    "I worked in the electronics department for a while. I remember seeing a... guy eating chicken wings while using the touch screen photo center kiosk. He was then stacking the bones straight into the top of his shopping cart."

  • (#12) Pregnancy Tests Might Be The Only Thing You Can't Return

    From Reddit user 13thestrals:

    "I worked at Walmart for almost four years during college... My most appalling attempted return came from a young woman and her boyfriend asking to return a used pregnancy test because "it didn't work."

    "I don't know what that meant, but my manager did not approve that return. The extra hilarity was that I was working next to the one coworker who was a complete germaphobe, and the look on his face once he realized there was a pee-stick less than two feet from him was priceless."

  • (#1) Families Tear It Up At Walmart

    From Reddit user Pineapple_Pistol:

    "I was unloading a freight truck at the time and the woman that works at the fabric counter calls over the intercom for a manager. Then maybe two minutes go by and she yells for management on the intercom again, and it's clear by the tone of her voice that something is going down. Then maybe 20 seconds or so go by and all I hear over the intercom is, 'HELP!'

    "Some of us are about to go see whats going on but our manager says he'll take care of it. Turns out two sisters and their kids were tearing apart the store: the sisters were eating food right out of the bags, one of the kids was throwing jars of baby food at the wall, and the rest were opening items off the shelves. The yell for help came when the oldest kid proceeded to piss on the carpet in the clothing department and when the two sisters were confronted with this they just laughed and said it was our job to clean it up.

    "They got banned from the store, and I was told the police had to forcibly remove them... The two sisters were around 30-years-old and the oldest kid, the urinator, was in his early teens and the other children were under 10 from the looks of them. I only saw them for a bit while I was pulling pallets onto the sales floor. The assistant manager was politely telling them to GTFO, and they were screaming back at him. When I brought some more pallets out I saw the police, but I didn't see what happened after that."

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About This Tool

Wal-Mart has long been considered the worst place to shop. The staff cannot control their disgusting customers, those who change diapers on produce, defecate in public areas, carry methamphetamine in their backpacks, and put raw meat wherever they like. It is an exaggeration to say that every Wal-Mart employee is tortured by these crazy customers every Black Friday.

As one employee described, even the friendliest person, you never thought he would do outrageous things in me. The random tool shares 15 true stories of the worst customers Walmart employees faced, which are not positive at all.

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