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  • (#8) Snipers Who Point Their Barrels Out Windows

    From Redditor /u/ThaGerm1158:

    Snipers don't stick the barrel... out the damn window. Hollywood does it so they can see and film them in a dramatic fashion.

    Exactly the opposite thing you want in actual combat.

  • (#19) When A Subordinate Talks Back To A High-Ranking Officer

    From Redditor /u/barajaj:

    Hate it when a subordinate, usually enlisted, talks back to a high-ranking officer and makes him/her do something out of the ordinary because it will save the mission.

    That sh*t rarely happens. We usually just shut the f*ck up and follow instructions. Sure, if something is dangerous we speak up, but always respectfully.

  • (#2) Everything About 'The Hurt Locker’

    From Redditor /u/Outlaw0311:

    The entire movie that is The Hurt Locker. I don't have enough time in my day to explain that giant pile of steaming horsesh*t.

    Language. NCOs aren't called "Sir." A female officer isn't called "Sir."... The list goes on and on.

    Saluting without a cover on, indoors.

    Uniforms. Jesus f*ck, look at Google for 10 minutes...

    The Michael Bay Fireball Explosion when a hand grenade detonates - it doesn't look like that.

    From Redditor /u/Full_metal_pants077:

    Everything between the credits of The Hurt Locker.

  • (#22) When People Are On Patrol, They Walk Too Closely Together

    From Redditor /u/Steam-Crow:

    Every movie when they are patrolling or walking somewhere, they are way too close to each other, and having a goddamn [loud] conversation.

    Shut the f*ck up and spread out.

  • (#18) Scenes Around Atomic Reactors Where No One Gets Radiation Sickness

    From Redditor /u/sixft7in:

    Former Navy nuclear reactor operator here. One doesn't have a fight scene next to/atop a reactor and expect to avoid [perishing] by radiation sickness...

    From Redditor /u/sicvita07:

    Current Navy nuclear operator... literally anything to do with nuclear power or naval combat. Regardless of what's going on... we're still just taking logs.

  • (#17) Nearly 'Anything Involving Fixed-Wing Aircraft'

    From Redditor /u/just_dave:

    Pretty much anything involving fixed-wing aircraft: how they fly, capabilities, tactics, [tools] used against them, etc. Absolutely f*cking absurd.

    Case in point: Behind Enemy Lines. That scene when Owen Wilson is flying a hornet and gets [fired] at by a [surface-to-air projectile]... [T]he thing is f*cking chasing him around for five minutes doing loops and flying through tunnels and sh*t. Not a f*cking chance. Those missiles are going supersonic, and while they can pull more G's than a fighter jet, at that speed it looks like more of a gradual curve. If it misses the first time, it's gone...

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No one will understand those classic historical military movies better than veterans, and perhaps what the movies show is their real-life while serving. The stories of the soldiers are always fascinating, from classic war movies to contemporary action-adventure movies and military movies, these movies demonstrate true military power. Military movies with war as the background occupy a place in the movie industry.

Do you want to know which military movies are worth watching? Take a look at the views of those veterans. We collected random 29 thoughts from veterans who shared their most appreciated military movies. Wish you will like these movies as well.

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