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  • Arizona on Random States Where You Are Most Likely to Be Abducted by an Alien

    (#1) Arizona

    • 1912-02-14

    One of the most famous alien abductions ever occurred on Nov 5, 1975, in Sitgreaves National Forest near Heber, AZ. Not only was Travis Walton abducted by aliens, but his entire crew of lumberjacks saw the abductee get blasted by a mysterious light. Despite the stigma that's placed on Walton for continuing to discuss his abduction, he still pounds the pavement to tell everyone within earshot about his experience with extraterrestrials. Besides Walton's experience, Arizona is a hotbed of UFO activity that averages about 10 sightings per year

  • Washington on Random States Where You Are Most Likely to Be Abducted by an Alien

    (#2) Washington

    • 1889-11-11

    Washington state has one of the highest concentrations of UFO activity in America, and the Tacoma area may be one of the best places to visit if you're trying to meet some little green men. According to one woman in the Spokane area, extraterrestrials are coming to Washington and performing tests on its citizens while they sleep. "I turned my head and noticed two [aliens] standing along the side of the bed behind my husband and he had an obviously disturbed look on his face almost as if he could tell they were there."

    And if that isn't enough to convince you to move to the grunge capital of the world, on June 21, 2016, two alleged UFOs were filmed flying over Seattle. Maybe they were just there to check out the fish market. 

  • New Jersey on Random States Where You Are Most Likely to Be Abducted by an Alien

    (#3) New Jersey

    • 1787-12-18

    For such a small state, there sure is a lot of extraterrestrial activity happening in New Jersey. Maybe it's because New Jersey is super weird. Or maybe aliens just like The Boss. Whatever the case, there have been substantial reports of UFOs in the skies over the garden state, ranging from NFL quarterbacks catching a glimpse of a ship to a mass abduction perpetrated by a group of telepathic aliens with a surplus of cold, metal beds. 

  • Illinois on Random States Where You Are Most Likely to Be Abducted by an Alien

    (#4) Illinois

    • 1818-08-26

    Some of the most corroborated UFO sightings and abductions have happened in the great state of Illinois. A father and son were hijacked outside of Peoria by a mismatched group of Greys. The aliens performed a series of gland tests on John Sr. and John Jr. before they "bonded" with their mysterious abductors. In less sexy extraterrestrial run-ins, multiple triangular UFOs have been sighted over Ferris Bueller's home state. They're probably just trying to figure out why Hot Doug's closed. 

  • Michigan on Random States Where You Are Most Likely to Be Abducted by an Alien

    (#5) Michigan

    • 1837-01-26

    When you think of Michigan, your thoughts likely go to the cemetery city of Detroit or undrinkable water, but the Great Lakes State has a rich history of being visited by our neighbors from outside the solar system. For instance, take the mini-wave of UFO sightings that happened in Michigan in 2009, a six-week period of near constant alien flybys. 

  • Missouri on Random States Where You Are Most Likely to Be Abducted by an Alien

    (#6) Missouri

    • 1821-08-10

    Missouri is just rural enough to have a large number of places where it's possible to have a mysterious occurrence without being able to absolutely pinpoint what caused the paranormal event. It makes corroborating the stories almost impossible, but it also makes for really interesting run-ins with everything from Momo the Monster to a series of ongoing alien abductions that began in 1989 and continued through 2008. And if that's not enough for all you UFO-heads out there, in 2015, a Missourian lost two hours after coming into contact with a triangular UFO outside of Union City. 

  • Minnesota on Random States Where You Are Most Likely to Be Abducted by an Alien

    (#7) Minnesota

    • 1817-12-10

    What is it about the Midwest that draws visitors from other planets? The food? The farms and their ample livestock? Whatever it is, in the '70s, it seemed like everyone and their dog was being abducted by aliens. In Minnesota, Marshall County sheriff’s deputy Val Johnson, encountered a ball of "focused energy" that conked him out and left him with red, puffy eyes and 14 minutes of missing time. The UFO sightings have continued throughout the 21st century, with at least 100 reports of extraterrestrial contact per year. 

  • Florida on Random States Where You Are Most Likely to Be Abducted by an Alien

    (#8) Florida

    • 1845-03-03

    Florida has the rare distinction of being the site of hundreds of legitimate (well, as legitimate as they can be) UFO sightings and abductions, as well as one of the most heinous and poorly constructed hoaxes ever to hit to UFO community. One of the strangest abduction stories comes from a man living near Cape Canaveral who lost two hours of time, a lot of water, and most of his electrolytes after walking into his backyard and seeing six squares glowing in the sky. 

  • South Carolina on Random States Where You Are Most Likely to Be Abducted by an Alien

    (#9) South Carolina

    • 1788-04-23

    Somehow, South Carolina became the low-key UFO hotspot of the Southeast. In May 2016, a woman living in Ladson, SC had multiple run-ins with a floating red orb that seemed obsessed with her property, and each time it left a silver burn mark in her back yard. 

  • North Carolina on Random States Where You Are Most Likely to Be Abducted by an Alien

    (#10) North Carolina

    • 1789-11-21

    There's a high possibility that aliens are big Dawson's Creek fans, because they love giving flybys to people in North Carolina. One of the strangest occurrences in North Carolina is the Brown Mountain Lights, balls of illumination that dance through the sky on a clear evening in Pisgah National Forest. While it's debatable that the lights are alien in nature, ETs apparently wanted a closer look in September 2013 when they chased after a couple that was observing the phenomenon. 

  • Connecticut on Random States Where You Are Most Likely to Be Abducted by an Alien

    (#11) Connecticut

    • 1788-01-09

    You don't think of the Northeast as being a haven for extraterrestrials, but there's a more concentrated collection of alien visitation stories in the original 13 colonies than there are in the rest of America. For instance, in 2015, a man from Wallingford, CT claimed that a family of extraterrestrials took over his property and pushed squatter's rights to the extremes. Maybe they're holdovers from the 45 UFO sightings that were reported in the state from 1947 to 1969. 

  • Delaware on Random States Where You Are Most Likely to Be Abducted by an Alien

    (#12) Delaware

    • 1787-12-07

    Extraterrestrials first started visiting Delaware in 1860 when an alleged 200-foot-long craft cruised across the sky and engulfed the night in a blue light. But that wasn't the last time that UFOs would check out the Diamond State; in 2015, a man near Dover saw a “large rectangular silhouette stationary with respect to the setting sun that was far too large to be an airplane or other conventional craft.” All respect to the setting sun, but that sounds pretty big. 

  • Maryland on Random States Where You Are Most Likely to Be Abducted by an Alien

    (#13) Maryland

    • 1788-04-25

    Maryland has played host to hoards of spooky things over the years: Edgar Allen Poe, a weather-predicting crab, and a lot of contact with extraterrestrials. One of the state's strangest run-ins with a UFO happened in 1969 when a man and his brother-in-law spotted a UFO flying near a farm as they were driving in rural Maryland, and even though the encounter only took about 90 seconds, they didn't continue their journey until much later that evening. Were they abducted? Or did they simply lose track of time on a lazy Maryland day?

  • California on Random States Where You Are Most Likely to Be Abducted by an Alien

    (#14) California

    • 1850-09-09

    The vast area of California allows for a large variety of UFO and extraterrestrial run-ins ranging from flybys to abductions and possible brain tinkering. One of the most famous UFO sightings in California happened in Los Angeles on November 8, 2015, and even though the US Navy has taken credit for this burst of light flying across the sky, we all know what really happened. Meanwhile, in Northern California, a white light was seen streaking across the sky in 2014, leading some to wonder if what they were seeing was man-made or something out of this world. 

  • Oregon on Random States Where You Are Most Likely to Be Abducted by an Alien

    (#15) Oregon

    • 1859-02-14

    Does it surprise anyone that the home state of ya boy Sasquatch also plays host to a myriad of alien visitors? One Oregonian, Katharina Wilson, has been allegedly been visited by extraterrestrials all her life. According to Wilson, she's not only been taken to see human zoos by the aliens, but she's also given birth to human/alien hybrid babies. Other than that nightmare scenario, multiple UFOs have been documented across the Oregon horizon

  • Ohio on Random States Where You Are Most Likely to Be Abducted by an Alien

    (#16) Ohio

    • 1803-03-01

    When you think about it, Ohio really has it all. They've got their own Bigfoot, a lot of oil, and more UFO sightings than you can shake a copy of the Weekly World News at. One such UFO was captured on video near the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in 2016. Could it be a drone? A strange form of viral marketing? Or are alien visitors trying to get a plate of that famous Ohio chili?

  • Colorado on Random States Where You Are Most Likely to Be Abducted by an Alien

    (#17) Colorado

    • 1876-08-01

    If you've ever been to Colorado, then you know that the Centennial State is so full of hippy-dippy stuff that it's all but begging extraterrestrials to stop by and have a pot cookie. In one instance of abduction, a woman named Ann was picked up by a Nordic alien who maintains a close telekinetic relationship with her. Their relationship is so strong that Ann routinely disrupts electrical fields with her mind. Aside from Ann's new superpowers, the town of Hooper, CO consistently plays host to a variety of UFOs. Locals have even built a UFO dome where you can go watch the night sky, and they refer to State Highway 17 as "The Cosmic Highway." Groovy.

  • Georgia on Random States Where You Are Most Likely to Be Abducted by an Alien

    (#18) Georgia

    • 1788-01-02

    When you think of Georgia, UFOs don't necessarily come to mind, but in November 2013, a large rectangular ship allegedly floated over the city and blocked out the sky. The witness was pretty annoyed by the ship. "It did not make any sense that it could be moving. It looked heavy and not a way to stay in the air, no wings… no sound at all.” And then, of course, there's Jimmy Carter's famous UFO sighting in 1969 that led him to make promises of disclosure during his 1976 Presidential campaign (although President Carter would backtrack on his promises citing "defense implications").

  • New Hampshire on Random States Where You Are Most Likely to Be Abducted by an Alien

    (#19) New Hampshire

    • 1788-06-21

    One of the most famous UFO abduction cases took place in New Hampshire in 1961. Barney and Betty Hill were walking their dog after returning home from a vacation in Niagara Falls. While out on the road, a flying saucer flashing multi-colored lights chased down the couple and then the Hills experienced a "numbing sensation" and a sense of lost time. After undergoing hypnosis, the Hills were able to recount their time on the alien vessel. 

  • Texas on Random States Where You Are Most Likely to Be Abducted by an Alien

    (#20) Texas

    • 1845-12-29

    The great state of Texas is so big that, of course, it has more than a few UFO cases to sink your reptilian teeth into. One woman from Stephenville, TX recounts being taken hostage by some extraterrestrials using a large magnet. Despite the rough beginning to the abduction, the aliens were able to tell her about her impending divorce, so that's good. Meanwhile, in Killeen, aliens are running around East Texas trying to kidnap babies. Everything is weirder in Texas, but it's rarely corroborated, which is why it's low on the list. 

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About This Tool

Almost every country will have scientists studying the universe, space, and aliens. While people are still hesitating about the existence of aliens and whether they will visit the earth, many people claim that they have been harassed by aliens. In recent years, people have often mentioned aliens and UFOs. Some people even claim that they have been kidnapped by aliens. Those weird things can not have evidence and scientific explanation.

Do you believe in the existence of aliens? There are reports of alien kidnapping incidents in every US state. Here the random tool lists 20 states where you are most likely to be abducted by aliens. You could search for all the real cases of being kidnapped by aliens that you want to know here.

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