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Random Songs About The Environmentreport

  • Bob Dylan - "License to Kill" (D)

  • Childish Gambino - "Feels Like Summer" (C)

  • Motion City Soundtrack - "Hello Helicopter" (M)

  • Led Zeppelin - "That's the Way" (L)

  • King Gizzard & the Lizard Wizard - "Planet B", "Melting", "Greenhouse Heat Death", "Plastic Boogie" (K)

  • Testament - "Green House Effect" (T)

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About This Tool

The random tool put together 321 songs related to nature, listening to the music of nature, the freshest clean music. They may be just a chirp of birds and insects captured from nature, or they may be an environmental song that inspires people to take an active role in protecting the environment. These sounds from nature are pure, unpolluted and captured by musicians for days and nights.

From the generator you can see that each song is context dependent. If you’re a fan of this type of music, the songs on this list are definitely your best bet. Feel the nature in the music, but also in life into environmental action, please protect the Blue Mountains and blue sky as you protect your eyes, please treat the ecological environment as you treat life. In fact, many musicians are aware of the impact of changes in the environment on human beings. They try to incorporate environmental elements into their music, using interesting or “Mind-blowing”works to make the rhythm jump through the trees and fly into the heart, to arouse the sense of responsibility and mission for protecting the environment and protecting the homeland.

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