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  • Blanca Montano: Mom Turned Monster on Random Shockingly True Munchausen by Proxy Stories

    (#7) Blanca Montano: Mom Turned Monster

    Blanca Montano was only 21 when she was arrested for harming her two children. In February 2011, she had both kids admitted into an Arizona hospital. Soon, Montano’s son drastically improved and was released. Her newborn daughter, however, only became sicker over the course of her hospital stay. She was diagnosed with an array of rare conditions that worsened, nurses noticed, after time spent alone with Montano. 

    Police were alerted of the hospitals suspicions, and an investigation revealed that Montano had intentionally poisoned her daughter, causing the infections in order to garner attention and sympathy.

    Once Montano and her child were separated, the infant’s condition improved drastically. Montano was arrested for child abuse.

  • Leslie Wilfred and Her Endless Lies on Random Shockingly True Munchausen by Proxy Stories

    (#6) Leslie Wilfred and Her Endless Lies

    In 2008, Leslie Wilfred called her husband Chris from a Georgia hospital room with news that their twins were stillborn five months into Leslie's pregnancy. A service was held for the twins with photos of their ultrasounds and two matching teddy bear-shaped urns. Family and friends gathered to mourn and show their support.

    Leslie and Chris Wilfred had four children from previous relationships, all of whom suffered from a slew of psychological and medical conditions, according to their parents. Their drama-filled history raised suspicions with the authorities. It all came to a head after the babies' deaths and resulted in a full-blown investigation.

    While filing through her computer, police discovered Wilfred had ordered the urns five days before the “death” of her children. Investigators also discovered that Wilfred had her tubes tied before marrying Chris, she was never pregnant with twins, and her other claims made about her actual children's terminal health issues were not true. 

    Wilfred was sentenced to eight years in prison and 30 years of probation for child abuse.

  • Dee Dee Blanchard: A Munchausen Mother Murdered on Random Shockingly True Munchausen by Proxy Stories

    (#4) Dee Dee Blanchard: A Munchausen Mother Murdered

    Like the others on this list, Dee Dee Blanchard played the part of a sweet and devoted mother to her sickly teenage daughter, Gypsy. That is, until a status update appeared on Blanchard's Facebook page that read "That b*tch is dead!" and Blanchard was found murdered in her home. 

    It turned out her teenage daughter Gypsy was actually a healthy 23-year-old woman who said her mother had forced her to play ill. In 2015, Gypsy met a man online named Nick Godejohn who agreed to kill her mother. 

    Gypsy was convicted of murder and given the minimum sentence of 10 years.

  • Beverley Allitt: Notorious Night Nurse on Random Shockingly True Munchausen by Proxy Stories

    (#2) Beverley Allitt: Notorious Night Nurse

    Beverley Allitt, better known as the Angel of Death, is one of the most notorious female serial killers of all time.

    Allitt trained as a nurse in England where her reputation was less than pristine. She was frequently absent as a result of a string of “illnesses," and was once caught smearing feces on the walls of a nursing home. She later worked in the children’s ward at Grantham and Kesteven Hospital in Lincolnshire. It was during this time Allitt began abusing her patients.

    Once her killing spree began she took the lives of three patients in only a month, including seven-month-old Liam Taylor and 11-year old Timothy Hardwick, a cerebral palsy patient. Allitt was overlooked until two more children were murdered and another nine abused under her watch.

    Allitt was found guilty of murder and attempted murder. She is serving 13 life sentences - the most severe sentence ever given to a woman.

  • Cancer, Unborn Twins, And Cystic Fibrosis: Hope Ybarra's Hopeless Lies on Random Shockingly True Munchausen by Proxy Stories

    (#8) Cancer, Unborn Twins, And Cystic Fibrosis: Hope Ybarra's Hopeless Lies

    Hope Ybarra, a former chemist, was a mother of three suffering from her third bout with cancer. She blogged about her illness as well as her daughter's terminal cystic fibrosis. So when Ybarra became pregnant with twins and subsequently lost them 5 months into the pregnancy, the family and their community were absolutely wrought with grief.

    It wasn’t until the police got involved that the truth began spilling out in massive, sadistic waves: Hope was clear of any and all cancer, her daughter did not suffer from cystic fibrosis, and there was never a pregnancy with twins. Ybarra had poisoned her child with pathogens, tampered with sweat tests to ensure the medical results she wanted, and even periodically drained the child’s blood. This last step caused the most bodily harm and, on one occasion, caused her daughter to go into anaphylactic shock.

    Hope was tried and convicted of child abuse and sentenced to ten years in prison. 

  • Sandy Gregory-Parocai: Mommy Mislabeled as a Monster? on Random Shockingly True Munchausen by Proxy Stories

    (#11) Sandy Gregory-Parocai: Mommy Mislabeled as a Monster?

    Julie Gregory, the daughter of Sandy Gregory-Parocai, wrote the book Sickened: The True Story of a Lost Childhood where she depicts horrible stories of psychological and physical abuse inflicted upon her by her mother. She details memories of digging through her mother's purse looking for her special "suckers" which turn out to be a pack of matches she is encouraged to eat.

    Police and psychiatric professionals investigated Gregory's parents and their adopted children to follow up on claims made in the book. Nothing was proven. Instead, Gregory-Parocai gave her own account of Gregory's childhood where her daughter claimed child abuse to receive lesser punishment for an offense she committed. 

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