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  • The Book Of Revelation Only Made It Into The Bible Because It Was Politically Useful on Random Scariest Things In The Book Of Revelation

    (#12) The Book Of Revelation Only Made It Into The Bible Because It Was Politically Useful

    As the religious and political rhetoric emerges from the terrifying symbolism of the Book of Revelation, it becomes clear how and why the texts even made it into the New Testament in the first place. 

    Princeton professor of religion Elaine Pagels alludes to various points of conjecture surrounding the Book of Revelation in her book The Gnostic Gospels. First of all, it was written at a time when Jesus's legacy was highly debated. Second, the book's ridiculous amount of vivid symbology gives it leeway to be interpreted in a number of ways. Like many other scholars, Pagels also believes the book is largely anti-Roman propaganda.

    Ironically though, this symbolism to bring down the Roman Empire in favor of Christian rule was eventually flip-flopped and twisted to the Romans' advantage. The symbolism of the Book of Revelation was ultimately a helpful political tool, which is why many scholars believe it made it into the Bible. 

    Pagels notes that at the time and prior to the writing of Revelation, there were smaller, lesser-known mystics writing similarly strange and prophetic texts. However, their agenda wasn't fitting to the period's ruling powers, and history chose to leave them out.

  • An Angel Of Death Will Direct A Horde Of Freaky Locusts To Terrorize Any Man Lacking The Sign Of God on Random Scariest Things In The Book Of Revelation

    (#4) An Angel Of Death Will Direct A Horde Of Freaky Locusts To Terrorize Any Man Lacking The Sign Of God

    The plague of locusts comes on the sounding of the fifth trumpet. An angel with the key to the Abyss will fall to Earth. When the Abyss is opened, it will billow out enough smoke to blacken the sun and release a horde of locusts. It is believed it is Abaddon, or God's chosen Angel of Death, who releases the locusts.

    These aren't just any locusts, either. The Book recalls the author's vision, stating, "The locusts looked like horses prepared for battle. On their heads they wore something like crowns of gold, and their faces resembled human faces... Their hair was like women’s hair, and their teeth were like lions’s teeth." They aren't allowed to harm the earth, but they are instructed to torture people who don't have the sign of God on their foreheads for a quick five months.

  • The Author Warns The Seven Churches Of Asia To Get Back Onto Moral High Ground on Random Scariest Things In The Book Of Revelation

    (#9) The Author Warns The Seven Churches Of Asia To Get Back Onto Moral High Ground

    John of Patmos, the alleged martyr who wrote the Book of Revelation, starts out by addressing each of the largest Christian cities in Asia Minor at the time: Ephesus (2.1-7), Smyrna (2.9-11), Pergamon (2.12-17), Thyatira (2.18-29), Sardis (3.1-6), Philadelphia (3.7-13), and Laodicea (3.14-22).

    Basically, this is John telling these cities they need to get their sh*t together, religiously speaking. He scolds them for straying from piety and allowing sexual immoralities to go down. Overall, it's almost like a father lecturing their children for slacking on their prayers before bed, and it foreshadows a bit of the doom to come if they don't obey.

    While that seems kind of spooky, it's important to look at this in a historical context. These cities would become very strategic politically, as they would serve as strongholds when Christians began to revolt against the reigning power of the Roman Empire. Coincidence?

  • Seven Bowls That Look Like Offerings Will Actually Release Lethal Plagues on Random Scariest Things In The Book Of Revelation

    (#2) Seven Bowls That Look Like Offerings Will Actually Release Lethal Plagues

    If the seven trumpets were scary, then the seven bowls are even more terrifying. While the trumpets are seen as "warnings," or events from which one could recover through redemption, the seven bowls are more final in nature: There is no recovering from these horrifying incidents. 

    When angels pour seven bowls or vials on the earth, they won't be the offerings they appeared to be. Instead, they will be filled with plagues that destroy pretty much anything and anyone left after the first round of trumpet devastation. 

    The consequences include oozing sores appearing on those with the mark of the beast; the seas and remaining rivers turning to blood (and thus killing all sea life); and then a massive heatwave scorching the earth and causing people to combust on the spot. Next comes darkness and the Euphrates River drying up to allow kings of the world to cross and meet to battle. 

    Finally, the last bowl brings a massive earthquake (yes, another one), and as the Book says, "Then there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder and a severe earthquake. No earthquake like it has ever occurred since mankind has been on earth, so tremendous was the quake... The great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed. God remembered Babylon the Great and gave her the cup filled with the wine of the fury of his wrath."

    Historically, it's important to note that Babylon was commonly used as a symbol for Rome, and giving the city a God's cup of wrath and fury was a politically symbolic of the Christian church's struggle against the Roman Empire.

  • The False Prophet Will Arrive In The Form Of A Beast on Random Scariest Things In The Book Of Revelation

    (#7) The False Prophet Will Arrive In The Form Of A Beast

    There will be a beast that initially comes out of the sea to spread damnation, but it is this second monster that will spring from the land and demonstrate enough power to really frighten people into submission.

    This second beast is said to have two horns like a lamb, but it speaks with the voice of a dragon. It is this beast that is considered the False Prophet. He will order all people to worship the first beast from the sea, which will have been wounded after it emerges.

    As this wound heals, the second land beast will control mankind and force everyone to take what is known as, "the mark of the Beast," that is, the number 666.

  • The Author Was Most Likely A Christian Martyr, Which Makes His Account Biased on Random Scariest Things In The Book Of Revelation

    (#11) The Author Was Most Likely A Christian Martyr, Which Makes His Account Biased

    The identity of the author of the Book of Revelation has been highly debated throughout history, but the most popular theory seems to be it was a Christian from Ephesus known as either "John the Elder," "John the Apostle," or "John of Patmos."

    Patmos was a small island off of Greece, not too far from the coast of Asia Minor. Although accounts are somewhat hazy (as with many details from 96 CE or so, when the Book was believed to be written), it was believed John was living in exile on the island. 

    The Book itself explains he is on Patmos because, "of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus." Although some modern scholars say this could be a normal route of preaching, most agree this implies he was being exiled for his Christian faith; this was a time when the Roman Empire was persecuting Christians for not worshipping Roman emperors. 

    The Book of Revelation warns Christians and non-Christians they will experience the apocalypse due to their lack of devotion and piety. Or in other words, John gets exiled for religious faith and then uses religious faith as a front to threaten all of mankind. 

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About This Tool

The last prophecy in the Bible is called the Book of Revelations. Of all the prophecies, the Biblical Revelation may be the most accurate and detailed document about the last period of mankind. In fact, Christianity is developed by the constant fulfillment of the prophets' predictions and the testimony of miracles. What the Book of Revelations describes is a huge, costly, and extremely tragic human catastrophe.

People can learn a lot of horror and bloody stories in the Book of Revelation in the Bible. These stories herald and describe the arrival of the end of mankind. The random tool shares 12 scariest stories from the Book of Revelations.

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