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  • Claribel Alegría (born 1924)

  • Rafael Góchez Sosa (1927-1986)

  • Alfredo Espino (1900-1928)

  • Edwin Ernesto Ayala (born 1966)

  • Miguel Ángel Espino (1903-1967)

  • Manlio Argueta (born 1935)

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Salvadoran literature began during the transition of Latin American literature from Neoclassicism to Romanticism. The earliest local romantic poet was Albares Miguel Castro. He became an important figure in Modernist poetry after the Modernist poetry movement began in Latin American literature. Since then, there has been a steady stream of literary writers who specialize in a variety of subjects, with a total of 38 names recorded in a random tool.

These writers came from different periods, but they all had a strong influence on the literature of the Salvadorans and later established a learning curve for the local literature. With the complete author information recorded by this generator, we can carefully examine the specific author’s name, date of birth, and time of death. If you are interested in their work, you can also search for their portfolio online.

Click the "Display All Items" button and you will get a list of Salvadoran writers.

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