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Random Roman Tribunesreport

  • [Date (BC)]: 198
    [Name]: Marcus Fulvius Flaccus
    (List of Tribunes of the Plebs of the Roman Republic())

  • [Date (BC)]: 394
    [Name]: Titus Sicinius
    (List of Tribunes of the Plebs of the Roman Republic())

  • [Date (BC)]: 56
    [Name]: Aulus Plautius
    (List of Tribunes of the Plebs of the Roman Republic())

  • [Date (BC)]: 133
    [Name]: Rubrius
    (List of Tribunes of the Plebs of the Roman Republic())

  • [Date (BC)]: 216
    [Name]: Lucius Scribonius Libo
    (List of Tribunes of the Plebs of the Roman Republic())

  • [Date (BC)]: 43
    [Name]: Tullus Hostilius
    (List of Tribunes of the Plebs of the Roman Republic())

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About This Tool

The Tribune system was one of the absolute characteristics of Rome. It first appeared around BC500 as the result of a fierce struggle between the Roman lower classes and the aristocracy, perhaps the people of the time did not understand the importance and significance of the system. Perhaps the aristocracy thought it was a concession to the plebs, who thought they had won the day. In fact, the institution of the tribune and the power and symbolic significance of the office of the tribune shaped the Roman culture and saved the Roman world many times.

The power of the Plebeian Tribune is undoubtedly its one-vote veto over any decree other than that issued by the dictator. The 545 civil protection officers generated by the random tool are free to use this power as long as the protection of the rights of the civilian population is invoked. In the past, their existence for the people to strive for very many rights and interests, to protect the people’s most basic rights and interests.

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