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Random Roman Consuls Designatreport

  • [Year]: 68
    [Nominated consul(s)]: Servilius Vatia
    [Replacement consul(s)]: None
    [Reason for failure to take office]: Consul suffectus designate, elected after the death of Lucius Caecilius Metellus, but died before taking office
    (1st century BC)

  • [Year]: 65
    [Nominated consul(s)]: P. Cornelius Sulla,and P. Autronius Paetus
    [Replacement consul(s)]: L. Aurelius Cotta,and L. Manlius Torquatus
    [Reason for failure to take office]: Condemned for bribery before taking office
    (1st century BC)

  • [Year]: 215
    [Nominated consul(s)]: L. Postumius Albinus
    [Replacement consul(s)]: M. Claudius Marcellus
    [Reason for failure to take office]: Elected but died in Gallia Cisalpina prior to taking office
    (6th century to 2nd century BC)

  • [Year]: 99
    [Nominated consul(s)]: Gaius Memmius
    [Replacement consul(s)]: Aulus Postumius Albinus
    [Reason for failure to take office]: Elected consul designate in 100 BC, but was murdered on the day he was elected in a riot sparked by Gaius Servilius Glaucia and Lucius Appuleius Saturninus
    (1st century BC)

  • [Year]: 4
    [Nominated consul(s)]: L. Julius Caesar
    [Replacement consul(s)]: Sextus Aelius Catusor Gaius Sentius Saturninus
    [Reason for failure to take office]: Nominated consul designate in 2 BC for the year AD 4, but died 2 years before he was due to take office
    (1st century AD)

  • [Year]: 179
    [Nominated consul(s)]: Cn. Julius Verus II
    [Replacement consul(s)]:
    [Reason for failure to take office]:
    (2nd and 3rd centuries AD)

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About This Tool

The person in charge of arbitration in the ancient Roman city-states was called the consul. Originally referred to the ancient Roman period of the co-consul, the number of consul general for two or more, the need to coordinate with each other, ruling together. In ancient Rome, some of the Archons later became the head of state, taking over. In Roman times, a list of 30 Roman consuls was created, and details are kept in this random tool.

The details of the Roman consuls, including the exact time of their appointment, the names of the consuls, the candidates of the consuls and the reasons for their failure, are all stored in this generator. These rulers were either elected, directly appointed to the highest elected political office in the Roman Republic, or to senior positions in the Empire, but the fate of the subsequent developments was very different.

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