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Random Roman Canalsreport

  • [Planning date]: c. 54–68 AD
    [Connection]: Isthmus of Corinth (modern Corinth Canal)
    [Canal type]: Coast to coast
    [Comment]: To avoid long and dangerous circumnavigation of the Peloponnese peninsula; several abandoned building projects in antiquity aimed at replacing Diolkos trackway; serious work begun by Nero, but aborted after his death
    (Projected canals)

  • [Construction date]: 101 AD
    [Connection]: Danube bypass canal
    [Canal type]: Inland
    [Comment]: To safely negotiate the cataracts of the Iron Gate; once traceable on Serbian bank (Sip) on a length of 3,220 m

  • [Construction date]: 2nd–6th century AD
    [Connection]: Danube bypass canal
    [Canal type]: Inland
    [Comment]: According to Procopius for allowing the safe passage past the remains of Trajan's Bridge which obstructed river navigation; dug on Serbian side (Kladovo)

  • [Planning date]: 55 AD
    [Connection]: Saône–Moselle (modern Canal de l'Est)
    [Canal type]: Inland
    [Comment]: Another ambitious project: would have connected Mediterranean Sea with North Sea via Rhone, Saône, Moselle and Rhine; presupposes capacity to construct pound locks though, for which there is as yet no certain evidence; yet, plan finally dropped not due to technological reasons, but political intrigues
    (Projected canals)

  • [Construction date]: 2nd century BC
    [Connection]: Bologna, Piacenza and Cremona areas
    [Canal type]: Drainage
    [Comment]: Built by Marcus Aemilius Lepidus to drain lower Po area

  • [Construction date]: ?
    [Connection]: Narbonne–River Aude
    [Canal type]: Inland to coast
    [Comment]: Made Narbonne accessible from Mediterranean; 13 km long

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About This Tool

The Roman canal is one of the most famous waterways in the world. It has profound significance for Rome and even for the whole European countries. In daily life, the main functions of the canal are irrigation, drainage, land reclamation, flood control and navigation. The canal flows through many countries in Europe, including Greece, Gaul, Germania, Britain, Egypt and other countries. The random tool collates the names of 23 regions and countries along the route of the Roman Canal.

These countries often used canal locks to regulate the flow of water through the ancient Suez Canal. The Romans under Trajan also protected the entrance to the Red Sea through floodgates, and they extended the canal south to modern Cairo to improve its flow. With the generator, you can find the dates, connections, Canal type, and a brief description of each section.

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